3 Ways to Get Rid of Bruises

3 Ways to Get Rid of Bruises
3 Ways to Get Rid of Bruises

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Bruises, also known as contusions, are caused by the rupture of blood vessels under the skin's surface. Usually, bruising is caused by falling, nodding or hitting something like a ball. Although it will fade over time, there are things you can do to speed up the healing process of your bruise.


Method 1 of 3: Healing Bruises

Get Rid of Bruises Step 1
Get Rid of Bruises Step 1

Step 1. Compress with ice

Applying an ice pack to the bruise will reduce swelling and help speed recovery. Wrap an ice pack, plastic bag filled with crushed ice, or a bag of frozen vegetables in a towel and apply it to the bruised surface for 10-20 minutes at a time. Repeat this treatment several times a day for the first 2 days.

Flexible ice packs specifically designed for injury can be found at sports supply stores. Athletes usually prepare this tool to treat bruises

Get Rid of Bruises Step 2
Get Rid of Bruises Step 2

Step 2. Elevate the bruised body part

Reducing blood flow to the bruised area by utilizing the force of gravity can prevent blood from accumulating and fade the bruise's color. For that, try to elevate the bruised body part a few cm above the position of the heart.

  • For example, if the bruised part of your body is your leg, lie down on the couch and place some pillows to support your leg.
  • If your arm is bruised, try placing it on the armrest of a chair or on a pile of pillows so that it is at heart level or higher.
  • If the torso is bruised, you may be out of luck. Try compressing just ice to this section.

Step 3. Apply a compression bandage to the bruised area

Compression bandages can reduce blood flow to the bandaged area. This will prevent blood from accumulating in the bruised area. In addition, compression bandages can also help reduce pain and swelling. Just don't wrap the compression bandage too tightly. Just wrap an elastic bandage around the bruised area.

Apply a bandage to the bruised area for the first 1-2 days only

Get Rid of Bruises Step 4
Get Rid of Bruises Step 4

Step 4. Rest if possible

Moving the muscle will increase blood flow to the area and will not help the bruise heal. So try to end your activity and rest to prevent the injury from getting worse, and also to give the bruise time to heal.

  • Relax on the couch. Try watching a movie, playing a game, reading a book, or doing something that doesn't take you much physical activity.
  • Go to bed early. Your body needs sleep to repair itself. So, go to bed immediately when you start to feel tired.
Get Rid of Bruises Step 3
Get Rid of Bruises Step 3

Step 5. Take paracetamol or ibuprofen if necessary

If the bruise is very painful, take an over-the-counter pain reliever to relieve it. Follow the dosage instructions for use, and never use more than recommended.

Avoid taking aspirin, which is a blood thinner, because it can make bruising worse

Get Rid of Bruises Step 13
Get Rid of Bruises Step 13

Step 6. Apply a hot, moist compress after 24 hours

After about 24 hours, applying a hot, moist compress can help relieve the bruise. Using a heating bag or warm washcloth is preferable to an electric blanket because moist heat is better for treating injuries than dry heat.

Apply the heating bag for a few minutes at a time, several times for 1-2 days

Method 2 of 3: Trying Home Treatments

Get Rid of Bruises Step 6
Get Rid of Bruises Step 6

Step 1. Massage the area around the bruise

Do not massage the bruised area directly. However, massage an area of 1-2 cm around the bruise that appears because it is usually larger in size. Massaging the bruised area directly can cause irritation and make the condition worse.

  • Do this treatment several times a day starting one day after the bruise appears. Massage will help the normal functioning of the spleen to remove bruising.
  • Remember, don't press the area around the bruise until it hurts. If you find it too painful to touch the bruise, don't massage it.
Get Rid of Bruises Step 7
Get Rid of Bruises Step 7

Step 2. Take 5-10 minutes to bask in the sun every day

Ultraviolet light can destroy bilirubin, which is the breakdown product of hemoglobin, which causes the yellowish color of bruises. If possible, expose the bruise to sunlight to speed up the isomerization of the remaining bilirubin.

10-15 minutes of daily sun exposure should be enough to get rid of the bruise without causing a sunburn. Apply sunscreen to all exposed skin surfaces when spending time outdoors

Step 3. Increase your vitamin C intake

Vitamin C can increase the amount of collagen in the blood vessels, thereby helping to get rid of bruising. Eat foods such as oranges and dark green leafy vegetables to get your vitamin C intake from food.

Get Rid of Bruises Step 11
Get Rid of Bruises Step 11

Step 4. Use arnica ointment or gel daily

Arnica is an herb that has long been recommended for getting rid of bruises. This plant contains compounds that can reduce inflammation and swelling. Choose an ointment containing arnica from the pharmacy and apply it to the bruised surface once or twice a day.

Do not apply arnica to cuts or open wounds

Get Rid of Bruises Step 9
Get Rid of Bruises Step 9

Step 5. Eat pineapple or papaya

The digestive enzyme bromelain, which is found in pineapples and papayas, can break down proteins that hold fluid in tissues after an injury. Therefore, consuming pineapple or papaya once a day can help speed up the healing process of bruises.

Step 6. Apply vitamin K cream on the bruised area

Vitamin K can stop bleeding because it will clot the blood. Go to the pharmacy for a vitamin K cream. Use this cream according to the directions on the package to help get rid of bruising.

Method 3 of 3: Seeking Medical Help

Step 1. Call emergency services if you feel extreme pressure around the bruise

If you feel pressure, severe pain, muscle tension, tingling, burning, weakness, or numbness in the area of the bruise, you may have compartment syndrome. Call emergency services so you can get help at the hospital immediately.

Compartment syndrome occurs when swelling and/or bleeding occurs within the muscle compartment. The pressure in the muscle compartment reduces blood flow to the area, causing nerve and muscle damage

Get Rid of Bruises Step 5
Get Rid of Bruises Step 5

Step 2. Seek medical attention if there is a lump on the bruise

A lump on the surface of a bruise may be a hematoma. See a doctor as soon as possible as the blood in the bruised area may need to be drained immediately.

Hematomas form when blood accumulates under the surface of the skin and causes swelling

Step 3. See a doctor if you have a fever or infection

If your skin is torn and the area around the bruise is red, hot, or oozing pus, this may indicate an infection. Similarly, if you have a fever, it may also be caused by an infection. If these symptoms appear, make an appointment with your doctor.


  • Consult with your doctor first before starting or stopping the use of any medication.
  • Make sure you are not allergic to any product before trying any of the methods above.
  • If bruising appears suddenly for no apparent reason, you should consult a medical professional.
  • Home remedies for bruising have not been tested medically, and, like other home remedies, may have unknown risks.
