How to Recognize a Swimmer's Ear Infection: 14 Steps

How to Recognize a Swimmer's Ear Infection: 14 Steps
How to Recognize a Swimmer's Ear Infection: 14 Steps

Table of contents:


Swimmer's ear, also known as acute otitis externa, is a painful infection of the canal between the outer ear and the eardrum. This condition is known as swimmer's ear because it generally occurs when dirty water gets into the ear canal when people swim or bathe. Swimmer's ear can also be caused by damage to the thin layer of skin that protects the ear from improper cleaning. Moist conditions in the ear canal also contribute to the development of infection. Learn how to recognize swimmer's ear and get treatment before the infection spreads and becomes very painful.


Part 1 of 3: Recognizing the Early Stages of Infection

Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 1
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 1

Step 1. Feel the itching sensation inside the ear

Itching of the outer ear and ear canal is the first sign of a swimmer's ear infection.

  • Pay attention to itching that occurs especially immediately after swimming, because water exposure to the ear is one of the main causes of infection.
  • Infections caused by fungi cause more intense itching than infections caused by bacteria.
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 2
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 2

Step 2. Look for a reddish hue inside the ear

If you notice a new, slightly reddish hue in your ear, you may have an ear infection.

In most cases, the infection will only occur in one ear

Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 3
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 3

Step 3. Watch for ear discomfort

You may not feel any pain but some discomfort may indicate an ear infection.

This uncomfortable sensation is more likely to indicate an ear infection if it gets worse when the outer part of the ear (called the auricle) is pulled or by pressing a small lump on the outside of the ear (called the tragus). Irritation felt to the auricle and tragus is considered the best way to identify swimmer's ear

Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 4
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 4

Step 4. Observe the fluid coming out of the ear

In the early stages of infection, the fluid that comes out of the ear is clear and odorless.

The discharge quickly turns yellow and has a foul odor as the infection progresses

Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 5
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 5

Step 5. Visit a doctor

See a doctor the first time you experience symptoms of an ear infection. While this is not an urgent medical problem, the infection can progress to the point where the ear is painful, chronic ear infection breaks down, and the infection spreads widely.

  • There is a difference between swimmer's ear, an infection of the ear canal usually caused by exposure to water, and a middle ear infection (otitis media). Otitis media usually occurs when or after the patient has an upper respiratory infection or allergy. Your doctor can help determine which type of infection you have and the appropriate treatment.
  • Don't rely on over-the-counter drops. These drops are usually not effective at eliminating infection and you will need a doctor's prescription for antibiotic or antifungal ear drops.
  • The doctor will examine your ear using an otoscope, which will be slowly inserted into the front end of the ear canal. An otoscope can help your doctor see the state of the ear canal as well as the eardrum (tympanic membrane) that is not visible to you.
  • In addition, the doctor will wipe the ear using a kind of cotton bud to determine the characteristics of the fluid in it. Your doctor can determine whether you need antibiotics and antifungals through this method. Ear fluid samples obtained will be sent to a laboratory, but the doctor will still prescribe drops for a while.
  • Doctors will usually prescribe antibiotic ear drops to treat swimmer's ear infections. In addition, these drops may contain steroids to relieve pain and inflammation that occurs. The doctor will also give advice to help relieve pain until the infection is completely gone.

Part 2 of 3: Detecting a Developing Infection

Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 6
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 6

Step 1. Notice the change in sensation

The itching will become more intense and the discomfort in the ear turns into pain. The increase in pain is caused by the development of fluid and inflammation in the ear due to the infection at this intermediate stage.

  • The inside of the infected ear will feel tight and clogged due to fluid buildup.
  • The pain and tightness will last for a few days before developing and will get worse with yawning and swallowing.
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 7
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 7

Step 2. Check for redness of the ear

As the infection progresses, the redness in the ear will widen.

Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 8
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 8

Step 3. Observe the change in fluid coming out of the ear

Fluid that comes out of the ear will increase and can turn into pus.

Pus is a thick yellow fluid that oozes from the infected body part and usually has a bad smell. Use a clean tissue to wipe the pus from the outside of the ear

Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 9
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 9

Step 4. Check if you can hear well

Your hearing will feel slightly diminished or muffled.

  • Changes in the ability to hear related to blockage of the ear canal.
  • Cover the uninfected ear and see how well you can hear with the infected ear.

Part 3 of 3: Assessing Final Progress

Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 10
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 10

Step 1. Anticipate an increase in pain

At this time you will feel severe pain that radiates to the face, neck, jaw, or side of the head from the ear that is affected by an advanced infection.

See a doctor immediately or go to the ER if you experience serious symptoms

Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 11
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 11

Step 2. Anticipate muffled hearing

Now your ear canal is completely blocked and the affected ear is hearing loss.

Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 12
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 12

Step 3. Observe physical changes

The redness of the ear will increase and the outside of the ear will appear swollen and red.

Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 13
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 13

Step 4. Feel the swelling in the ear

As the infection continues to develop, the lymphatic system in the body is activated to fight it. Therefore, swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck may indicate an increasing development of infection.

Use the three middle fingers to examine your lymph nodes. Gently press the sides of the neck and lower jawline to check for swelling

Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 14
Identify Swimmer's Ear Step 14

Step 5. Check for fever

The body will work harder and harder to fight off the infection that is starting to affect it at a more advanced level. One way the body does this is by increasing the temperature to create an uncomfortable environment for infection to develop.

  • Fever is generally above 37.3˚C.
  • There are several different ways to observe a fever, including using an ear or tympanic thermometer. If you have an ear infection, be sure to take your temperature in the unaffected ear. The infection will naturally increase the temperature of the affected ear and it is best to be sure to get an accurate body temperature measurement.


  • To reduce the risk of swimmer's ear infection, avoid swimming in fresh water surfaces (ex. swimming pools, for example), especially when high bacterial counts have been reported; wear earplugs when swimming; plug a cotton ball in your ear when applying hair spray or hair dye; Dry the ear thoroughly with a towel if it comes into contact with water, and avoid inserting anything into the ear, including cotton buds and your fingers.
  • There are several over-the-counter drops to help dry your ears after swimming. These drops are very useful if you swim a lot.
  • Water is more easily trapped in the narrow ear canal in children.
  • Ear cleaning using a cotton tip is the most common trigger of infection in children.
  • Bacteria are the most common cause of ear infections. Swimmer's ear infection is usually caused by one of two bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is more common in ear infections than Staphylococcus aureus. The incidence of swimmer's ear caused by fungi is less than 10% of the total number of cases.
