Mono, technically mononucleosis, is caused by either the Epstein-Barr virus or the cytomegalovirus-both are strains of the herpes virus. The disease is spread through direct contact with the saliva of an infected person, so it is often referred to as "kissing disease." Symptoms begin about four weeks after contact and include sore throat, severe fatigue and high fever, as well as aches and headaches. These symptoms usually last for two to six weeks. There is no cure or easy treatment for mono. This virus will usually heal by itself. The following are some of the best ways to deal with mono.
Method 1 of 3: Diagnosing Mono
Step 1. Recognize the symptoms of mono
Mono is not always easy to diagnose at home. It is best to look for the following symptoms, especially if they do not go away after a week or two.
Severe fatigue. You may feel very sleepy or just lethargic and can't muster your cool. You may feel tired after doing very light activities. It can also present as general discomfort or weakness.
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Sore throat, especially one that doesn't go away after taking antibiotics.
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Swelling of the lymph nodes, tonsils, liver or spleen.
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Headaches and body aches.
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Sometimes a skin rash.
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Step 2. Don't confuse mono with strep throat caused by the Streptococcus bacteria
Because they both cause strep throat, it is easy at first to equate mono with a streptococcal infection. But unlike Streptococcus bacterial infections, mono is caused by a virus that cannot be cured with antibiotics. Talk to your doctor if your sore throat doesn't get better after taking antibiotics.

Step 3. See your doctor
If you suspect that you have mono, or you don't know if you have mono but your symptoms persist for more than a few weeks despite resting, you should see your doctor. Your doctor will likely diagnose you based on your symptoms and palpating your lymph nodes, but they can also do blood tests to determine this for sure.
- The mono antibody test checks for the presence of Epstein-Barr virus antibodies in your blood. You'll get the results within a day, but this test may not detect mono in the first week you experience symptoms. However, there is another version of the antibody test that can be used to detect mono in the first week, but it takes longer to get the results.
- Tests for an elevated white blood cell count are also sometimes used to check for mono, but cannot confirm that the infection is truly mononucleosis.
Method 2 of 3: Overcoming Mono at Home

Step 1. Get plenty of rest
Sleep and relax as much as you can. Bed rest is the mainstay of treatment for mono, and since you will feel exhausted, rest will come naturally to you. Rest is very important especially in the first two weeks.
Due to the fatigue it causes, mono sufferers must rest at home and not go to school or other activities. This doesn't mean you can't meet other people every once in a while. Spending time with friends and family can be a great way to keep your spirits up during this stressful time - just don't let yourself burn out and go back to rest once your friends and family return home. Avoid physical contact with them, especially those involving saliva

Step 2. Drink plenty of fluids
Water and fruit juices are best - try to drink at least a few liters of fluids a day. This liquid will help reduce fever, reduce sore throat and keep dehydration at bay.

Step 3. Take over-the-counter pain relievers to reduce sore throat and sore throat
If you can, take the medicine with food. Paracetamol (such as Tylenol) or Ibuprofen (such as Advil and Motrin IB) can be used.
Taking aspirin with a fever can put children and teens at risk for Reyes syndrome, which almost never occurs in adults

Step 4. Relieve your sore throat by gargling with salt water
Mix 1/2 teaspoon of table salt with 200 ml of warm water. You can gargle with this salt water several times a day.

Step 5. Avoid excessive activity
During mono, your spleen may swell, and strenuous activity, especially heavy lifting, can put you at risk of rupturing your spleen. A ruptured spleen can be very dangerous, so go to the hospital immediately if you have mono and experience sharp, sudden pain in the left side of the upper abdomen.

Step 6. Try not to spread this virus to others
Since the symptoms of mono infection don't appear until after a few weeks in the body, you may have infected several people, but try not to infect your friends and family with the disease. Do not share food, drink, cutlery or cosmetics with anyone. Try not to cough or sneeze in front of other people. Don't kiss anyone and avoid sexual contact.
Method 3 of 3: Other Medical Treatment
Step 1. Antibiotics cannot treat mono
Antibiotics help your body to deal with bacterial infections, but mon is caused by a virus. This disease is also rarely treated with anti-viral drugs.
Step 2. Seek treatment for secondary infection
Your body will become weaker and more susceptible to bacterial infections. Mono is often accompanied by a streptococcal infection or infection of the sinuses or tonsils. Be aware of these infections, and see your doctor for antibiotics if you suspect that you have a secondary infection.
Step 3. Ask your doctor to prescribe corticosteroids if your pain is very severe
This medicine can relieve some symptoms such as swelling of your throat and tonsils. But this drug cannot treat the viral infection itself.
Step 4. Perform emergency surgery if your spleen ruptures
If you experience sudden sharp pain in the left side of the upper abdomen, especially during physical activity, then you should go to the hospital immediately.
- Reduce your chances of suffering from mono by washing your hands frequently and not sharing drinks, food and cosmetics with others.
- Although some people say that mono can only be experienced once. You can have mono over and over again, from the EBV virus, CMV or both at the same time.
- If the doctor asks for an antibody test to diagnose the disease, the patient will still need to do the same treatment: wait for the disease to heal, take pain medication to relieve fever and aches, and rest in bed.
- Mononucleosis is a disease that is more common in people younger than 40 years. When mono occurs in adults, the symptoms that appear are usually only fever which takes longer to heal than normal. Doctors may also mistake it for other diseases or conditions that are more common in adults, such as liver or gallbladder problems, or even hepatitis.
- Do not kiss or share food or drink with anyone while you are recovering from mononucleosis. Similarly, if you are caring for someone who has mono, do not engage in activities that involve the exchange of saliva.
- Seek immediate treatment if you experience severe abdominal pain. Mono can cause an enlarged spleen, and if it ruptures you may need surgery.
- If you still have medication left over from another viral infection, don't try to use it to treat mono. Antiviral drugs cause reactions in 90 percent of patients with mononucleosis by causing a rash that can be considered an allergic reaction by doctors.