Shuffle a pack of cards is usually the first step when playing cards. There are several ways to shuffle the cards, from simple overhand shuffles to more difficult Hindu or riffle shuffles. If you want to know how to shuffle a pack of cards like a pro, just follow these easy steps.
Method 1 of 3: Overhand Whisk

Step 1. Hold a pack of cards horizontally in your right hand (left hand if you are left-handed)
Place your little, ring, and middle fingers on the side of the card facing away from you, then place your thumb on the edge of the card closest to you. Use the index finger as a support on the top side.

Step 2. Place the lower end of the card pack in the palm of the other hand
Make sure the cards are neat and aligned.

Step 3. Lift about half of the card pack from the back while you place your free thumb on the top front of the card pack
Your thumb should be pressing down on the pack a little while preparing to release it.

Step 4. Remove the stack of cards you lifted to the front of the card pack
Your thumb should move when you place the deck of cards you lift, then push the pile of cards so that it is level with the rest of the card pack. Lift the rest of the card pack apart from the one you picked up earlier and place it on the front of the card pack again while you raise your thumb again. Push back the newly removed pile of cards with your thumb so that the cards are level. Repeat this process until you have shuffled all the decks you have raised.
Remember, shuffle the cards gently. If you hold the card too tightly with the shuffling hand, it will be difficult to pass the card to the other hand

Step 5. Repeat this process several times
Continue overhand shuffling until you have reshuffled the pack at least five or six times. As you become more comfortable using this method, you will be able to shuffle the cards much faster.
Method 2 of 3: Hindu Whisk

Step 1. Grasp the edge of the card with your thumb and middle finger
Place your thumb and middle finger on each side of the card that is in a vertical position. You can gently place your index finger on the pack of cards for help.

Step 2. Place the card pack on the palm of your other hand
Use your free hand to gently grip the card pack by placing your thumb on one side and your middle and ring fingers on the other. Your index finger should stay in front.

Step 3. Gently pull the deck of cards from the top of the card pack with your down hand
Use the hand on the bottom to take a deck of cards (about ten cards) and place it in the palm of your hand.

Step 4. Remove the card pack from the hand on the bottom
Move the card pack about a pack away from the card pile in the palm of your other hand.

Step 5. Repeat this shuffle until all the cards are in the palm of your hand
Move the card pack back to the palm on the bottom, take a deck of cards from the card pack, move it, then put it back. Continue this process until all the cards end up in the palm of the hand on the bottom. You can pick up a pack and repeat the shuffle a few times to get your card shuffled as well as possible.
Method 3 of 3: Riffle Whisk

Step 1. Divide the two packs of cards
Hold half the deck of cards horizontally in your right hand and hold the other half in your left hand.

Step 2. Grasp both decks of cards
Each hand must do the same movement. To grip each deck, place your thumb on the top end of the pile and use your middle and ring fingers to support the bottom edge. Place your little finger on the back end of the deck of cards. Your index finger can be at the end of the front or at the top of the stack to provide assistance.

Step 3. Gently fold each deck of cards
Use your thumb, forefinger, and both hands to bend each deck of cards until they are curved with the center of each pile bent inward.

Step 4. Do the riffle whisk with the help of the thumb
Bend the deck of cards further back and use your thumb to gently move the edge of the card upwards. The cards in both piles should be mixed so that your deck is now united.

Step 5. Finish by dropping the card
Bend the card toward you, in the opposite direction to the original bend. Keep your thumbs on the cards to keep them neat. Then let go of your thumb and fall.

Step 6. Repeat the riffle beat (optional)
If you want to shuffle the pack better, just repeat the whole process.