5 Ways to Speed Up Time

5 Ways to Speed Up Time
5 Ways to Speed Up Time

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While time can't really be accelerated, you can speed up time using perception. Our brains perceive time differently in different situations. Often, the stimuli that change our perception are external stimuli such as from our environment, while the other causes are our own responses to the activities we perform and the way we process new information. When we are busy and have to immediately prepare for the next activity, it feels like time is running faster. But when we really pay attention to how we pass our time, such as on a long flight on an airplane or waiting for our turn at a doctor's office, it feels like time is running very slowly. There are several ways to make our perception tell us that time is running out, including changing the environment, relaxing ourselves, and keeping our minds busy.


Method 1 of 5: Changing the Environment

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Speed up Time Step 1

Step 1. Adjust the room temperature to be warmer

Your perception of time will change by changing your body temperature. An increase in body temperature will make time feel faster, while a decrease in body temperature will make time feel slower. Raise the room temperature so you feel warmer and time passes faster.,

Speed up Time Step 2
Speed up Time Step 2

Step 2. Make your room smell like baby powder

Certain scents can make you perceive time differently. The smell of baby powder will change your perception by making time seem to go by faster. The aroma of coffee usually makes time seem to run slower.

Sprinkle baby powder on your skin or on your shirt and take a deep breath

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Speed up Time Step 3

Step 3. Wrap up all the clocks in your home

Looking at the clock will only make you realize how slowly time is running. Wrap up all the clocks in your home so you can't keep checking the time.

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Speed up Time Step 4

Step 4. Disable sensory abilities

By disabling the abilities of some of a person's senses, for example by isolating themselves in a room by turning off lights and sounds, they can change the way they perceive time travel so that time seems to be running faster regardless of unpleasant conditions.

Some cities provide facilities in the form of isolation tanks and tanks to float. Search online for these facilities in your area

Method 2 of 5: Relaxing Body and Mind

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Speed up Time Step 5

Step 1. Sleep

Sleep is the best way to make time pass quickly. Lie on your bed while breathing deeply. Relax your body and mind by releasing tension in all the muscles in your body. Let your mind wander and you will soon fall asleep.

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Speed up Time Step 6

Step 2. Take a bath or shower

Fill the tub to soak with warm water and then enter the tub. Soaking in warm water can relax your body and mind, as well as keep you away from the clock. Spend some time cleaning your hair and body.

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Speed up Time Step 7

Step 3. Try hypnosis

Undergoing a hypnosis session will put you in a very calm relaxed state; This method can provide many health benefits. Hypnosis can also change your perception of time by making the time seem to pass faster., To hypnotize yourself:

  • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  • Relax your entire body by releasing tension from your muscles.
  • Visualize yourself walking down a tall ladder. Once you get to the bottom, start giving yourself a hint by saying the current sentence and in a positive tone. You can say, “I feel calm and relaxed,” or “I am healthy and energetic.”
  • Visualize yourself walking up the stairs. Once at the top, command yourself to get up.
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Speed up Time Step 8

Step 4. Take a depressant

Depressants, which can temporarily decrease mental function and physical abilities, can also speed up your perception of time. Alcohol and marijuana consumption can create the perception that time is running faster than it really is.

Make sure you are taking depressants legally. If you're a minor or live in an area where the use of certain depressants is prohibited, try other ways to speed things up

Method 3 of 5: Entertaining Yourself

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Speed up Time Step 9

Step 1. Listen to music

Upload new songs and listen to music. You can sit listening to music or play music in the background to accompany you with other tasks. New music is considered more enjoyable and makes time seem to go faster.

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Speed up Time Step 10

Step 2. Watch a TV show

Watching TV can make you stop thinking about time. Let yourself be carried away by the story on the TV show.

Indulging in watching an entire episode of a TV show is a great way to pass the time. You can watch episode by episode via Netflix or Hulu; if the show is good, you will be more immersed in the story you are watching and time will pass quickly

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Speed up Time Step 11

Step 3. Play the video game

Video games offer engaging narratives so you are drawn into their world. If you're playing a multiplayer game online, you'll be so busy interacting with other people that you'll be distracted from the clock.

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Speed up Time Step 12

Step 4. Read the book

Find an interesting story or reread your favorite old novel. Books that are less difficult to read will be more enjoyable, because if you have to flip through a lot of dictionaries to understand what the book is about, you may lose momentum to get carried away with the story.

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Speed up Time Step 13

Step 5. Watch a movie

Choose a movie that is fun or funny. A fast plot with good acting and an easy-to-follow story will make time seem to go by faster. For continuous movies, move on to the next movie to make time pass quickly.

Protracted drama will make time feel like it's being dragged on, especially if you really realize how slowly time passes

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Speed up Time Step 14

Step 6. Work on a big project

Busy yourself in a project with a variety of jobs. This method will keep you busy paying attention to various ways and instructions. You can choose a project such as painting with paint or assembling a shelf for your living room.

Method 4 of 5: Doing Mental Exercises

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Speed up Time Step 15

Step 1. Divide the time into shorter segments

If you have to fill in an hour, it feels like a long time. But if you divide this hour into shorter, say four segments of 15 minutes each, it won't be that long. Try dividing the hour into even smaller segments, such as 5 or 10 minutes each. Mentally cross out each passing segment.

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Speed up Time Step 16

Step 2. Mentally catalog all the items in your home

In your mind, remember all the supplies you have in the kitchen, or try to recall all the movies you have. Mentally assigning tasks to yourself will direct your mindset away from your concentration on time to concentration on something else.

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Speed up Time Step 17

Step 3. Mentally rearrange the furniture in your living room

In your mind, try arranging furniture, murals, and other decorations in the rooms of your house in a different way. Think of other ways to make your living room more attractive, for example by imagining paint the walls in a different color.

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Speed up Time Step 18

Step 4. Do the calculations mentally

Give yourself a math problem, such as counting how many days you have lived. Forcing your brain to focus on a difficult mental task will make you less aware of how fast time is passing.

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Speed up Time Step 19

Step 5. Mentally make a list

Use your mind to make a list of things, such as the names of the people you want to thank, the street names where you live, or the names of your friends when you graduated high school.

You can also make a mental to-do list by jotting down each task you need to complete

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Speed up Time Step 20

Step 6. Make vacation plans

Think of a place you want to visit and plan a trip. Think about how you'll get there, what you'd like to do while you're there, what souvenirs you'd like to buy, what food you'd like to eat, and who you'd like to go on vacation with.

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Speed up Time Step 21

Step 7. Imagine someone you like

Think about your partner, celebrity, or someone else you like and imagine you're with this person. Think about the conversations you'll have, what you'd like to talk about, where you'd go on a date, and what you'd like to do together.

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Speed up Time Step 22

Step 8. Imagine various scenarios for the people you are observing

Pay attention to the people around you and imagine their funny and exciting lives. Give each of them various jobs and secret identities. Also think about where they go after work or school, who their friends or family are, and what their hobbies are.

Method 5 of 5: Trying Other Ways

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Speed up Time Step 23

Step 1. Do an activity or routine that feels familiar to you

If you are busy doing an entirely new activity, you will engage in learning activities and form new memories. Doing something you're used to, like your routine of getting ready for work, will change your perception of time so that time seems to go by faster. This happens because your brain doesn't have to work as hard to process and remember new details. Instead, your brain ignores familiar details.

On the other hand, if you're doing something new like taking the bus to work, the opposite will happen, which makes time feel slower because you have to learn and process new information

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Speed up Time Step 24

Step 2. Stay away from things that scare you

Fear is an emotion that tends to stretch your perception of time. This is because your brain will try to pay attention to every detail in order to free you from the fear-inducing situation (similar to the attack-or-flight response.) By staying away from the scary thing, you can prevent the feeling that time is slowing down.

Scary movies have been shown to change one's perception of time so that it feels like it goes slower

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Speed up Time Step 25

Step 3. Increase your dopamine hormone levels

Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that causes feelings of happiness, motivation and pleasure. Low dopamine levels can be the cause of depression, discomfort, and an inability to focus. Low levels of dopamine also make time seem to slow down by blocking our internal clock. To speed up time, increase your dopamine levels by:

  • Eat foods that are high in tyrosine such as bananas, almonds, avocados, and pumpkin seeds.
  • Reduce sugar intake.
  • Reduce caffeine intake.
  • Take supplements that contain magnesium. Low levels of magnesium in the body will reduce dopamine levels.
