Winter is coming soon. With him, there are various odors that arise. However, you don't want your winter boots to smell bad too. The boots you wear in winter will be exposed to heat and body fluids, making them ideal habitats for odor-causing bacteria. If the old boots start to smell bad, you may need to buy a new one. However, if you still like the item, or you don't have enough money to buy a replacement because it's already spent on Christmas expenses, there are a number of ways to get rid of bad smells from boots once and for all.
Method 1 of 3: Removing Smell on Boots

Step 1. Scrub the boots with soapy water
Just like any other type of shoe, when the boots get dirty, you have to clean them. Fill a basin with water, then mix in a small amount of mild detergent. Take the tongue out of the boot, then rub it in the soapy water while making sure it's all cleaned and rinsed. Wipe the outside and inside of the boots with a clean rag. Allow the boots to dry completely or microorganisms will reappear due to the damp condition of the shoes.
- If your bot is used frequently, clean it every few weeks.
- Hang the boots or place them in a well-ventilated area to dry.

Step 2. Eliminate bad odors with baking soda
Sprinkle a little baking soda on the bottom of the shoe. Make sure the baking soda gets to the thumb and midsole area. Leave the bot overnight. The baking soda will absorb and neutralize the foot odor that has absorbed into the material in the shoe.
- Be sure to remove the baking soda from the shoe before putting it back on.
- Make a mixture of baking soda and cat litter that is formulated to absorb bad odors.

Step 3. Treat the shoes with a disinfectant spray
Purchase a small bottle of disinfectant spray (pharmaceutical products will work, or look for a special disinfectant for deodorizing shoes), or make your own disinfectant using rubbing alcohol, vinegar, and/or essential oils. Spray these materials thoroughly, on the inside and outside of the shoe. This method will not remove the pungent odor directly, but it can kill the bacteria causing the odor.
If you decide to use vinegar, it's a good idea to mix it with a spray of air freshener or a drop of essential oil to reduce the unpleasant smell of vinegar

Step 4. Use essential oils to remove any lingering odors
Even after you've removed the nuisance odor, there's usually a slight odor lingering in the shoe. Clean your shoes and use a disinfectant liquid consistently, and freshen the inside with essential oils. Essential oils are natural fragrances from plant extracts that can eliminate unpleasant odors. Just put a few drops of rosemary, peppermint, or tea tree oil into the boot at night, then store the boot in a dry place and let the oil work itself.
Because it has a pleasant aroma and contains microbial substances in it, essential oils are usually used as an alternative to deodorants, hand soaps, or even perfumes
Method 2 of 3: Prevent Foot Odor from Spreading to Boots

Step 1. Keep your feet clean
The best way to fight foot odor is to keep them clean. Make sure you shower regularly, and take special care of the tops of your feet, toes, and soles. Most people don't clean their feet well and don't realize that dust, oil, and clogged pores can trigger embarrassing foot odor.
Clean your entire body, including your feet, once a day, or after every strenuous activity

Step 2. Use antibacterial soap
Sweat, heat, and the dark conditions of shoes are major factors for bacterial growth, so they are ideal breeding grounds for odor-causing bacteria. Choose a strong antibacterial soap to get rid of the bacteria on your feet. If your feet sweat easily or have a bad smell, it's a good idea to wash them with antibacterial soap several times a day outside of bath time.
Antibacterial soap is available in liquid form which does more than bar soap and can be used easily in the shower

Step 3. Treat excess body fluids with baby powder
One of the main causes of bad smell from shoes is sweaty feet. You can reduce the amount of sweat absorbed by the fabric in your shoes by coating the tongue with baby powder or talcum powder before putting on your socks. Sprinkle baby powder onto the soles of your feet and between your toes. Gently massage so that the powder adheres to the skin. The talcum powder will absorb and remove dryness thus preventing unpleasant odors. The difference will disappear over time and not clump on your feet.
Use baby powder or talcum powder to keep your feet dry whenever you want to use the boots for a long time

Step 4. Trim your toenails
Sometimes, just taking a shower isn't enough to get rid of foot odor. Make sure your toenails are trimmed and clean under the nails and the surface. While doing this, watch for signs of fungal infection, such as dark patches on the skin or fading of the color of your fingernails. Keeping your toenails clean makes it hard for bacteria to hide.
- Toenails should be trimmed flat and kept short. Try to trim your toenails once a week so they don't grow too long.
- Athlete's foot disease and other fungal infections are very difficult to get rid of. Unlike bacteria in general that grow on the surface of the skin, fungal attacks can not be washed away.
Method 3 of 3: Keeping Boots Clean and Fresh

Step 1. Change your socks regularly
There's no point in keeping your shoes clean if you're wearing dirty socks that don't get changed. Change your socks after wearing them for a long time, or if they get wet with sweat. The sock's breathable and breathable material keeps sweat and bacteria from moving onto the boots.
- Medical experts recommend that you change your socks at least once a day.
- Buy some high-quality socks specifically for bots. These socks are designed to stay comfortable even though they are thick. So, this product is more difficult to penetrate sweat and will not easily get wet like socks in general.

Step 2. Wear a deodorizing shoe tongue
There are many shoe companies that offer special shoe tongues made from materials such as activated charcoal which are known to be effective against bad odors. Replace the default shoe tongue with this product to eliminate odors. For boots that are old or difficult to clean, these special shoe tongues are probably the easiest way to get rid of bad odors.
Anti-odor tongues are usually priced at IDR 200,000. They are a little more expensive, but useful in the long run

Step 3. Dry your boots before and after use
Rain, snow and ice will keep your shoes wet all winter. When you're done putting on the boots, take them off and place them in a ventilated room to dry them. Placing the boots up high and close to a window will allow them to dry quickly, as long as it's not too humid. You can also place the boot with the tongue out near a heater or fire. The longer the bot is left in damp conditions and not dried, the easier it becomes for the object to become a breeding ground for bacteria.
- Change your shoes and don't wear the same boots every day so that the shoes that have been worn can dry before wearing them again.
- If you're in a hurry or have no other choice, use a hairdryer on a low heat setting to dry your shoes faster. This method should not be done too often because exposure to hot air over time can damage the material.

Step 4. Place a sheet dryer inside each shoe
A simple solution to fighting odors in clean, rarely worn shoes is to put dryer sheets in them before bed. Dryer sheets are useful for absorbing unpleasant odors from fabrics and replacing them with more pleasant fragrances. This is probably the easiest method to keep your shoes smelling fresh.
Use a sheet dryer as a precaution, but remember that this method will not be effective when shoes need to be thoroughly cleaned with a disinfectant
- Room deodorizers that kill bacteria directly can be an effective substitute for disinfectant sprays.
- If you have a stinky foot odor that won't go away even after washing and changing your socks frequently, the problem may be a bacterial infection. Call your doctor and ask about the appropriate treatment method if you suspect this is the cause of smelly feet.
- Make an odor-absorbing bag by filling a thin sock with ingredients like baking soda, charcoal, cat litter, and fresh tea leaves. Place these materials under the shoes overnight or when not in use.
- Avoid using fragrances or cleansers made from harsh chemicals for the skin. Air freshener, for example, should not be sprayed directly onto any part of the body.
- Test the aforementioned products and methods first to make sure you don't have an allergic reaction.