Do you like women who are very beautiful, smart, talented, and look perfect like a goddess who came down from heaven? Even though it seems impossible to reach, there are actually a few things you can do to grab his attention and impress him, you know! Read this article for full tips.

Step 1. Be manly
Don't act like a jerk just to get his attention! Being rude and pretending to be someone else will only drive him away from you.
However, don't be afraid to tease him. After a few chats, he's more likely to feel comfortable hearing you crack light jokes (as long as it's a two-way street and he's okay with doing the same to you). Doing so shows that you have enough confidence to "bet" on his reaction. If he takes your joke seriously and feels offended afterward, just calmly apologize and emphasize that you're joking

Step 2. Understand your intentions
First, think about why you want to impress him. Is she the most popular girl in school? Or, do you feel comfortable when you are close to him?

Step 3. Stay close to him
Stay close to him and listen to the conversations he and his friends are having. After that, approach them and say, "Eh, I overheard that…" Remember, you have to be able to interrupt conversations naturally. If you're having a hard time doing that, chances are she's not the right girl for you.

Step 4. Have a good sense of humor
Generally, women who have an amazing physical appearance will not look for a partner with an equal physical appearance. Instead, men who are humorous will actually interest them more! Therefore, show that you are an optimistic and cheerful person.

Step 5. Remember, confidence is key
Have you ever seen someone walking with their head down and their feet dragging? Such people look gloomy, unhappy, and unattractive, don't they? If you want to attract a girl you can't reach, then show maximum confidence! Hold your head high, walk around proudly, show that you like yourself, and look him in the eye when the two of you are chatting. However, don't be arrogant, okay! If you're having trouble doing this, try imitating someone else's self-assured demeanor.

Step 6. Make him want you
For a few moments, don't let him be the first to end the conversation. Instead, make sure the chat is active and interesting in the shortest possible time, then end it immediately. Say that you have to end the conversation without explaining why. Then, say goodbye, and leave the conversation situation.

Step 7. Don't mention her physical appearance
In other words, dig deep into her personality and try to find other qualities that make her stand out more than other women. Remember, women who are used to receiving compliments about their appearance won't be easily impressed when they hear similar comments. Therefore, show that you are different from other men and focus on the beauty that radiates from within. If his physical appearance also looks amazing, at least keep that admiration in your mind.

Step 8. However, keep praising her other qualities
Did his speech in history class sound awesome? If so, say so sincerely. Emphasize various aspects that you enjoy in his speech, or state that you have read articles that are relevant to the topic of his speech.

Step 9. No need to hide your intentions
When you notice a romantic feeling or attraction you're having a hard time hiding, don't try to hide it! Instead, show your intentions clearly but not overly. For example, when you're with him and his friends, try to make fun of him by saying, "Hey, he has a big crush on me, you know," or "Why am I looking at you? Because you're the girl of my dreams, dong." (Say both sentences while knitting an eyebrow and smiling broadly). However, be careful in doing so. If he doesn't laugh or blush when he hears your seduction, it means that this tactic is not effective and can make you tired if continue. Always match your behavior with the reaction

Step 10. Take him on a trip with him
Try asking her out in a "friendly" context to see how much you have in common. If it turns out that your two personalities don't match, at least you should be grateful for not taking her out on a serious date.
However, make sure you only have a "friendly" date with him or her once or twice. If done too often, it is feared that you will be trapped in the friend zone that is difficult to turn into a romantic relationship
- Prioritize cleanliness. Remember, representing yourself well will definitely make you feel better.
- Get to know his friends. If his friends like you, he's more likely to be more open to spending time with you. However, don't approach them in a childish way, such as making jokes that are too harsh or potentially offensive. Instead, try hanging out with them in class and show them that you are a positive person!
Do not be tempted to start the relationship from the friendship line. Although some people have succeeded in turning friendships into romantic relationships, actually doing so is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Surely you don't want to be stuck in the “friend zone” forever, do you? Therefore, there is no need to rush in your steps, but still affirm your true intentions.
If he doesn't respond positively to your flirtation, there's nothing wrong with going down the friendship line first, especially if your ideal girl is a shy person. However, understand that the path is an extraordinary gamble. This means that you run the risk of having a hard time getting your relationship back on a romantic path once you've become good friends. If you feel that your approach is very direct and explicit, but he doesn't respond, it's likely that he isn't interested in you. If that's the case, try to forget about it
- Remember, cleanliness is a very important aspect. Therefore, make sure you shower every day and wear enough perfume. Be careful, wearing too much perfume can actually give him a headache and encourage him to avoid you.
- Don't idolize him. Doing so will only show how low your confidence is, as well as suggest that you are no better than him. Instead, compliment him at the right time, but don't do it too often.
- Be manly. In other words, never deceive the woman of your dreams just for personal gain.
- If he doesn't smile at all when he says things that offend you, STOP immediately. That means he doesn't want to be near you! So, what if he looks familiar with other men but always seems to want to "run away" from you? If that's the case, try keeping your distance for a while before trying to start a relationship again. During that time period, evaluate your shortcomings. If you want, you can try to get back into a relationship with him after a few weeks of being out of his life.
- If you feel confident, there's nothing wrong with trying to make seduction sentences that sound cliché and ridiculous. However, make sure he understands and laughs at your flirtations before changing topics, okay? Remember, a quality flirt has to sound silly (in a positive context, of course) and straightforward (for example, state clearly that you want to ask for his cell number). In addition, always follow the flirtation with a "normal" conversation so that you don't look weird or scary in his eyes.