4 Ways to Make Writings That Impress Longer

4 Ways to Make Writings That Impress Longer
4 Ways to Make Writings That Impress Longer

Table of contents:


You've got an assignment to write a paper and the deadline is approaching, but your writing isn't even close to the page limit. Situations like this are experienced by many students and students. Fortunately, you can extend your paper with a few tricks. Among some of the strategies you can use to make your essay seem longer are increasing the font size, creating a longer header, and manipulating the spacing between lines. However, be careful because violating the teacher's or lecturer's instructions can get you a low score.


Method 1 of 4: Playing Fonts

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 1
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 1

Step 1. Choose a slightly larger font

If the instructions don't say what font to use, choose a larger font like Arial, Courier New, Bangla Sangam MN, or Cambria. If there are instructions for using the Times New Roman font, try choosing a similar, but larger font, such as Bookman Old Style.

Don't choose a very large font like Arial Black or Lucida Handwriting. The teacher or professor will notice that you are trying to lengthen the essay in a larger font

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 2
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 2

Step 2. Change the font size

Usually, the teacher asks you to use the font 12. To make your essay appear longer, try resizing it to 12, 3 or 12, 5. See which size seems to make the biggest change, but isn't as noticeable.

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 3
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 3

Step 3. Increase the dot and comma size

Press Ctrl+F on the keyboard. Both buttons enable the find/replace function. Select all periods and commas of size 12. Replace with 14.

Method 2 of 4: Manipulating Spacing and Margin

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 4
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 4

Step 1. Increase the space between the lines

If the teacher asks for single or double spaces, try increasing them by 0, 1. Click Format, then Paragraph. Under Line Spacing, select Multiple. Enter the number 2, 1 or 1, 1 in the box below At.

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 5
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 5

Step 2. Subtract the right margin by a quarter

If the teacher asks for a margin of 2.5 cm, try reducing it to 1.9 cm. Click Format, then Document. In the box next to Right, enter the numbers 1, 9. Changing the right margin by a quarter (or less) usually has no visible effect.

  • If the change is too noticeable, try 2.1 cm or 2.2 cm.
  • Since all documents are left aligned, don't reduce the left margin. Changing the left margin will make a noticeable change that the teacher will notice.
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 6
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 6

Step 3. Add a quarter bottom margin

Click Format, then Document. In the box next to Bottom, enter the number 3. If the addition is too noticeable, try 2, 8 or 2, 9. Manipulating the bottom margin is a strategy that can make an essay appear longer without any obvious changes.

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 7
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 7

Step 4. Add space between characters

Increasing the spacing between letters is another way to lengthen the paper. Select the text to which you want to add spaces. Click Fonts, then Advanced. Next to Spacing, select Expanded. Then enter the numbers 1, 5 in the box next to By.

Method 3 of 4: Changing the Head and Foot of the Page

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 8
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 8

Step 1. Extend the page header

Make the page header longer by entering your name, date, subject or course, teacher or lecturer name, and email address or student number. Entering more information than that would be too long. Also, choose double spacing for the page header.

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 9
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 9

Step 2. Place the paper title on a separate line below the page header

Center the title in bold. Also, increase the title font size to 14. Make sure the distance between the title and the head of the page and the title and first paragraph is double-spaced.

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 10
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 10

Step 3. Add page numbers at the foot

Click Insert, then Page Numbers. Under Position, select Bottom of Page. This will add a number at the bottom of each page so the essay gets longer.

Method 4 of 4: Developing Content

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 11
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 11

Step 1. Write down the numbers less than ten with letters

For example, write “one” and “two” instead of their numeric forms. Essays are not only longer, but also seem more professional because they follow formal writing rules.

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 12
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 12

Step 2. Avoid short words

Write the short form of all the words in their long form. For example, instead of using “no”, use “no” or use “over time” instead of “over time”. It will also make the essay appear more formal.

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 13
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 13

Step 3. Minimize personal pronouns

Whenever possible, use specific names, not pronouns. For example, instead of writing “they”, write “Hanafi, Rapiah, and Corrie.” However, use pronouns if the use of names becomes too much. Excessive and repetitive words will reduce the quality of the paper because it is tiring to read.

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 14
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 14

Step 4. Include supporting material

Adding quotes and anecdotes from personal experiences, as well as rearranging research findings in your own words, are strategies for extending essays. However, make sure the supporting material used is relevant and reinforces your point.

Also, if you are citing or including research or literature, make sure the citation is correct. Citation can increase the length of the paper

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 15
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 15

Step 5. Make sure each paragraph contains a topic and a concluding sentence

Begin the paragraph with the topic sentence. This sentence must state the argument. Provide supporting evidence. Then, conclude the paragraph by summarizing the point you just made, or restating your opinion.

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 16
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 16

Step 6. Enter as complete a description as possible

Instead of simply saying “The painting is predominantly red,” write “Amazing artwork full of warm, vibrant colors like reds, browns, and oranges.” In addition to extending the essay, you also seem very interested in the topic.

However, avoid lengthy descriptions if they are not needed as they can make your paper seem long-winded or flowery

Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 17
Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is Step 17

Step 7. Extend the conclusion

Conclusions don't have to be limited to just one paragraph. Begin the conclusion with a paragraph summarizing the paper. Add a second paragraph that contains the final point of the thesis and its application in context outside the paper.


  • Copy and paste the paper into a new document. Make changes to the new document. Then, compare the changes. Remove changes that are too obvious.
  • Use longer synonyms.
  • Don't use abbreviations. For example, write “Republic of Indonesia” instead of just “RI”.


  • Be aware that violating the teacher's instructions may be considered cheating and you run the risk of getting low or even zero marks.
  • Don't use too many words.
