You may feel overwhelmed when you remember having to tidy up your bedroom, but this task can be quicker and easier to complete than you think! To stay motivated, organize your room as if you were playing a game while listening to music, prepare a to-do list, and reward yourself when you've completed the task. Complete the priority tasks first. After that, tidy up the room by tidying things up, vacuuming the table and carpet (if any) or sweeping and mopping the floor. In the blink of an eye, your room is back to being neat and clean.
Method 1 of 4: Motivate Yourself

Step 1. Play some fast-paced music to keep you energized
Before you clean up, prepare an album or playlist with a few songs that will make you more energetic. Fast rhythmic songs make you more motivated to clean your room. Don't play slow, sad music because you'll be sleepy and lethargic.
If you are confused about choosing a song, use the internet to find songs that spark your enthusiasm. Spotify, Apple Music, and Pandora provide a collection of songs that will keep you motivated

Step 2. Prepare a reward for yourself when the task is done
Rewards serve as a boost to your motivation to work faster. Set a reward to reward yourself as you finish cleaning, such as having fun with friends, watching a movie with the family, enjoying a big bowl of ice cream, or reading a favorite book.
Don't be in a hurry when you clean up because you want to enjoy the prizes

Step 3. Complete housekeeping tasks like playing a game to keep yourself motivated
If you're not in the mood, use this task as a game to make it even more fun. Determine a task that can be completed in 10 minutes and then try to achieve the highest score. In addition, pretend to be a robot that is cleaning up by making movements and making sounds like a robot. Alternatively, set a timer to find out how long it takes to clean the room.
Use creativity to create your own game

Step 4. Write down all the tasks that need to be done so that you can focus on work
A to-do list helps you keep track of your work progress and feel successful when you're done tidying up a very messy room. Write down all the things you want to clean and tidy up and sort them from first priority to last. Make an effort to record all tasks in detail so that nothing is missed.
Check completed tasks so that you know which tasks have not been completed

Step 5. Set up a weekly schedule to make tasks easier to complete
This method is very helpful if there are many things to do when cleaning the room. Include a deadline for completing each task so you can work on schedule. Make sure you stay disciplined and stick to a consistent schedule.
For example, schedule to tidy up every Monday, take out the trash and dust every Tuesday, sweep and mop the floor every Wednesday
Method 2 of 4: Completing the Main Task

Step 1. Remove things from the bed and put on clean sheets
A neat and clean bed makes the room look much cleaner and makes you excited to clean up. Empty the bed by placing things in certain places in the room. Pull the edge of the sheet and tuck it under the mattress, fold the blanket neatly, place the pillow at the head of the bed.
If the sheets need to be changed, put the dirty sheets in the laundry basket and then put on new sheets to make the bed feel comfortable and smell good

Step 2. Tidy up the clothes that are scattered on the floor
Take the scattered clothes and separate between dirty and clean clothes. If you don't know, assume the shirt needs to be washed! Fold clean clothes and put them in the wardrobe or hang them on hangers. Put the dirty clothes in the laundry basket.
Don't run the washing machine until you've finished cleaning because there may still be dirty socks that need to be washed

Step 3. Transfer the dirty dishes to the kitchen
This will prevent unpleasant odors in the room and protect the room from ants or other animals. Bring cups, plates, cutlery, and glasses into the kitchen. Remove any food packaging that is still in the room.
Check under the bed, dresser, and writing table, open the nightstand drawer to make sure there are no dirty dishes and food packaging left behind

Step 4. Put the trash in the trash can
This step makes the room feel spacious and uncluttered. Sort the items on the table, on the floor, and in the cupboard and decide what you want to throw away, such as food packaging, fruit peels, scraps of paper, and damaged items.
- Donate good quality items that are no longer used to thrift stores for charity.
- Collect unneeded paper and cardboard in separate containers for recycling.
Method 3 of 4: Tidying Up Things in the Room

Step 1. Put things in a certain place
The first step, remove all the items that are still on the floor so you can walk without stumbling. Start moving large objects, such as books and pillows, then move small objects, such as combs, pencils and other writing implements. Place these items neatly on the dressing table, desk, and nightstand.
Don't be distracted by the things that are being arranged to get the job done faster

Step 2. Store similar items in boxes
This will make it easier for you to tidy up your room and find what you need. Put stationery in one box, photo collection in another box, as well as cosmetics, craft tools, and others. Don't forget to label each box and place it in an easy-to-reach place.
Place the box on top of the cupboard, under the bed, in the wardrobe, or on the desk

Step 3. Display some things that are special to you so that the bedroom becomes a personal area
If you find a beautiful souvenir or a unique toy while cleaning, place it on your desk, dresser, or nightstand as decoration. Choose 1-2 objects to keep the room tidy.
- For example, put the futsal trophy on top of the wardrobe and your favorite photo on the dresser.
- Your room stays tidy if you display some things in certain places because things that are not used stay tidy and you prefer to keep them. In addition, tidy areas are easier to clean.

Step 4. Donate unneeded books, clothes or toys
This step helps you reduce the pile of things in the room so that there is a place to store things you still need. Observe the items in the room and then separate the ones that have not been used for a long time. If the item is no longer needed or does not need to be stored, take it to a thrift store for charity.
If you live with your parents, discuss this plan with them first
Method 4 of 4: Dust Cleaning

Step 1. Clean the dust in the room
Use a duster to clean desks, dressers, bookshelves, curtain slats, fans, lampshades, table lamps, and other items in the room. Start with the object at the top and then work your way down gradually so that dust from above doesn't fall onto the area or object that has been cleaned. Clean the dust before you vacuum the carpet or sweep the floor because it is easy for dust to fly off and re-contaminate the carpet or floor.
- If you don't have a feather duster, use a soft lint-free cloth to remove dust.
- Clean all the things on the desk, dresser, etc. because photo frames, souvenirs from tourist attractions, and trophies that are not dusty will look more attractive.
- Turn off fans and lights before cleaning.

Step 2. Wipe the table or other items in the room with a rag to remove dust, stains, and sticky liquid
Spray a small amount of cleaning solution on a rag and then use it to clean sticky liquid from table surfaces or other objects at least once a week so as not to invite ants so that furniture is damaged quickly. Use a soft fibrous cloth because it is more effective in removing stains on writing desks, dressing tables, nightstands, window frames, cabinets, frames, and other objects in the room.
In addition, clean the room using a disinfectant because it is useful for killing bacteria in the room

Step 3. Clean the dust on the floor, especially under the bed and writing desk
This area is often neglected when cleaning. Make sure you clean the room thoroughly. If necessary, move the furniture to make the floor easier to clean. Move the vacuum cleaner back and forth across the floor or carpet until it looks clean again.
- If the carpet smells unpleasant, spray a carpet cleaner or sprinkle some baking soda on the carpet and then clean it with a vacuum cleaner to remove the unpleasant odor.
- If the vacuum cleaner is not working properly, it is possible that the dust bag or dirt collector is full or needs to be replaced.
- Clean the floor or carpet at least once a week, even more often if you wear footwear in the room.

Step 4. Get in the habit of sweeping and mopping the floor if it's not carpeted
Use a broom to collect dust and debris and then put it in the dustpan. Then, dip the mop in a bucket of soapy water and use it to clean the floor from stains and dust. Rinse the mop after a few minutes of use to avoid spreading the dirt on the floor.
- This step makes the floor look clean and the room feels comfortable.
- Clean the bedroom floor with a broom and mop at least once a week.

Step 5. Use glass cleaner to clean mirrors and window panes
Spray the glass cleaner evenly on the mirror and window glass and then rub the glass with a cloth until clean. This method makes the windows and mirrors sparkle again.
- Immediately clean the windows and mirrors as soon as they look dirty so that the task of cleaning the room is completed faster and feels lighter.
- A soft lint-free cloth is perfect for cleaning glass.
- Don't forget to clean the corner of the window. Clean the dust in the corners of the window using a brush or handheld vacuum cleaner. In addition, use an unused toothbrush and cleaning fluid to scrape off crusted dirt and dust.

Step 6. Clean the light switch and doorknob by spraying disinfectant
These objects are touched very often so a lot of bacteria if rarely cleaned. After spraying disinfectant for furniture, clean light switches and doorknobs with a rag or hand-drying tissue.
- Use disinfectant when cleaning doorknobs and light switches to keep them germ-free.
- Also clean the light switch cover. Because it is rarely touched, the light switch cover does not get dirty as quickly as the light switch. However, the room looks tidier if the lampshades are kept clean and shiny.