Zumba is a type of dance practice with international appeal. Zumba is gaining popularity all over the world and is starting to become a lifestyle. Would you like to join the Zumba movement? Want to start wiggling your butt to burn calories? This article is the perfect companion to start your Zumba!
Part 1 of 3: Determining the Right Type of Zumba for You

Step 1. Find and join a Zumba class
Because Zumba is so incredibly popular these days, you only need a few clicks to find classes held near you. The creators of Zumba proudly say that it is easier to find a place where Zumba is not taught than a place where Zumba is taught. So no more excuses! Check the schedule for your local gym, the Y, or the nearest yoga/dance studio. Zumba.com can also be used to search for classes!
Find a certified Zumba instructor. Only certified instructors can teach Zumba, and all of these instructors are listed at https://www.zumba.com. Certified instructors affiliated with ZIN (Zumba® Instructor Network) have access to the latest parts of Zumba -- updated workout routines, greater song selection, more variety in styles and special moves like Zumba Toning, Aqua, Step, Sentao, etc. Ask

Step 2. Or do it on your own time
Since Zumba is such a big thing, it can easily be found on YouTube or even Xbox and wii. If you don't like the class atmosphere, don't join a game, or just like staying at home, Zumbalah is for you. There are dozens of titles for you to choose from on the two consoles we mentioned. And yes, you will sweat!
YouTube is also a great resource. Even if you're taking a Zumba class, by watching a few videos, you can prepare your mind for what's coming your way and make the learning process easier. But remember, every class and instructor is different, although the Zumba mentality and lifestyle remains the same

Step 3. Learn the different types of Zumba
Zumba is said to be the plague of health dancing for the following reason: everyone can do it. And with different types of Zumba, this is undeniable. Here are some of the available types:
- Zumba Fitness: This is a standard class. This class has energetic Latin rhythms and beats to make sure you're going to sweat and have fun.
- Zumba Toning: In a class like this, you will use a toning stick. Think of this stick as a health maracas for your tummy, thighs, arms and thighs.
- Zumba Gold: This class is for the elderly (the generation of baby boomers born in the years after World War II) and older people. This class is quieter than the standard class, although the basic principles remain the same.
- Zumba Gold Toning: Not unlike the regular toning class, the Zumba Toning class is also available to the para-senior-sage population. For the record, there are a lot of people in this age group!
- Aqua Zumba: Effectively marketed as a Zumba pool party. You'll be doing the same Zumba moves (and more), only you're doing it by submerging yourself in the water. Imagine how difficult it is!
- Zumba Sentao: Classes like this focus on using a bench. Sentao helps strengthen your core muscles, work on balance, and do cardio in a dynamic new way.
- "Zumba Step": A toning and strengthening workout that involves all the zumba steps for the legs and buttocks, plus the fun of Zumba® as a health feast.
- Zumba in the Circuit: This workout combines Zumba with circuit training. In between dancing, you will do strength training to get a thorough session.
- Zumba Kids: For your kids!

Step 4. Experiment with different instructors or classes
Just like anything else, every class or instructor will be different. Some classes will be very full, some classes will be shorter or longer than others, and each instructor has his or her own unique style. So if you start taking a class and aren't interested in it, try another class before you decide to quit. You will be surprised at how much difference there is!
And because there are so many different types of Zumba classes, try them all! If you like Zumba Fitness, mix some with Zumba Toning or Aqua Zumba. Giving variety and surprising your body is just as important as surprising your mind
Part 2 of 3: Getting Started with Zumba

Step 1. Familiarize yourself with Latin dances
You don't have to be a dancer to be great and enjoy Zumba, but know what you're going to do. There's elements of cha cha, salsa, and merengue to zumba -- as well as a bit of hip hop and modern music (and core strength training, of course!) Luckily, wikiHow can help you! Check out our topics below:
How to Dance Salsa

Step 2. Wear proper clothing and footwear
Any class will be difficult to take if you are not well prepared. To fix this, wear the right clothes! You'll soon be heating up, so wear light clothing, or layers of clothing that you can take off immediately. Know that Zumba is very stylish -- some of the students in your class may be wearing loose-fitting spandex pants. There is no right or wrong in this!
Regarding shoes, use worn training shoes. If the shoe still has the sole intact, you won't be able to jump and spin the way you want. You can also buy dancing shoes if you decide you're going to continue practicing Zumba. These shoes can be found for around Rp. 350,000 from dance supply stores that are holding discounts or online

Step 3. Bring a towel and a water bottle
Even though you'll spend an hour dancing and not feel like you're doing physical exercise, you are actually doing it. You'll be sweating, so get a towel and some water ready! Most instructors will give you a short break between each song, so you'll be relieved that you've got towels and water ready.
Some people think that you can burn about 600 calories in an hour class. Amazing! You can avoid an hour of exercise on a treadmill! Of course this depends on the energy you expend while dancing Zumba. However, Zumba does have a good potential to burn calories

Step 4. Don't expect you to find a standard fitness class
Most fitness classes like this have a serious atmosphere. The instructor will stand at the front and talk to you throughout the entire class. In Zumba, the sessions are not like this. There's a reason why instructors ask if you'd like to "join the party" when you start. Zumba is the only exercise that makes time seem to pass quickly and you'll forget you're at the gym (or at home in your underwear).
Many people think that Zumba is a way of life. Some people even argue that Zumba players are better friends. In the classroom, you will be friends who go, party, and dance together. There is a certain atmosphere that you will not find anywhere else. This atmosphere will attract you

Step 5. Dance
OK, so after all this talk, what exactly is Zumba? Zumba is a collection of so many things. Some Zumba styles, such as salsa, are combined with hip hop. Add a few steps of merengue and cha-cha, and you can imagine. Don't forget the aerobic aspect too! You'll lose a few pounds, dance mambo, and dance as well as you can.
- No, this doesn't mean you have to be a dancer. Remember that Zumba was created for everyone? If you are taking a class, tell the instructor that you are a beginner, and they can explain what you need to know. Make sure you can see the instructor's entire body -- don't hide in the back row!
- There is no pressure to force you to be very healthy. Do what you can when you can. All moves are designed to involve the hardest effort you can give. If your fitness level is not good, then do it gradually!

Step 6. Try it a few times
The first class you take may be difficult. You may feel overwhelmed and unable to follow his movements, and confused about what is going on. But in the second grade, you will start to remember some things. You will immediately determine your favorite move. And, by the third grade, you'll start wanting more moves. So try a few times. All things take time to learn and master. The more you do it, the more you'll enjoy it!
Part 3 of 3: Burn More Calories

Step 1. Dance freely
To get the most out of Zumba, you have to dance freely. Unleash your childish side and dance like no one is watching. This is not just an expression, but do it seriously and dance as if no one else is around you. Who cares if you sway to the left when everyone else sways to the right? There is not any. If you're dancing loosely and enjoying it, you've got it right.
If you have doubts about your moves, the potential of your training session will not be fulfilled to its full potential. If you don't keep moving your toes and arms on either side of your body, you won't enjoy, sweat, and come back for the next Zumba session. So dance freely

Step 2. Use both your arms
This is the easiest way to get more out of a Zumba workout. It's tempting to let your legs do the work, but move your arms too! Latina dancers can look really good because they move not only their legs, but their entire bodies -- and their arms. You want to look like them, right?!
When in doubt, tighten your arms. Don't swing like a madman or a six-year-old, but swing with power. Half the fun of Zumba lies in how you do and react to it

Step 3. Move more, up and down
There are several exercise movements such as squats, lunges, and body straightening movements. Then there are the stages of natural dance, when your instructor leads the dance in a position close to the floor, to slowly raise your body. When this part is in the choreography, do it with all your heart. The more up and down movements, the more effective your training session will be. And you will also feel the sensation in the morning! Well, that excited feeling "and" achievement.

Step 4. Shake the buttocks
If you have a butt, flaunt it. So, shake it. The whole room is pretending that they have hot butts, so join them! The only wrong way to do this is to "not" do it. The more you wiggle, the better you'll look, have more fun, and move as you should. So rock!
If you think you're doing a move that can't be combined with a hip swing or butt swing, think again. One of the core of the Zumba movement is about sexiness, so show your sexiness

Step 5. Add your own moves
You can do it calmly, or do the moves the instructor shows you, or you can do it your own way -- in a way that you're good at, in a way that gives you more satisfaction, in a way you "enjoy." If you do this, you will burn more calories. Do you dance Zumba to get fit or to have fun? Who knows!
And once you've mastered the moves and added your own variations, your energy will send a dynamic atmosphere throughout the class. The more people who are serious about dancing freely, the more fun your class will be. You will be able to support each other's moves! "This" is called quality practice
- Buy dancing shoes after you've been on Zumba for a while. This is because ordinary shoes have a sole that is too textured and makes it difficult to move your foot when you dance.
- There's going to be a lot of butt wiggling, so be careful, and wear a good bra if you're dancing -- try two if you're lucky! A pair of leggings, a yoga dance top, a few pairs of sheer socks and dance shoes to top it off.