If you've been looking for information about the ability to empathize a lot, so you came across this article that describes exactly what you are capable of, you might be able to empathize. People who are able to empathize can understand other people's feelings, health conditions, and problems. In addition, they also have several other psychic abilities, for example: telepathy. If half of the following information matches your experience, you are more likely to be able to empathize. You can be sure of the answer if most of this article is about you.
Method 1 of 3: Ensuring Empathy Through Some Things

Step 1. The ability to read other people's feelings by accident
Being able to empathize, you know how the other person is feeling regardless of their appearance.
Even if he's smiling, you can tell if he's anxious or depressed

Step 2. Meet people who need help often
People who are able to empathize are usually very happy or feel called to help others.
Someone wants to tell you their secret, even if it's the first time they've met, for example, while shopping at the supermarket

Step 3. Likes to be alone
The ability to empathize makes you want to be alone and free from distractions.
Instead of simply fulfilling a wish, you are isolated because of the need to avoid feeling pressured by the emotional influence of others

Step 4. Be able to answer questions
Empathy helps you answer questions. This is one sign that someone is able to empathize, including with children.
Young children who often answer questions correctly tend to be considered adults too soon. While following the lesson, you can answer questions without studying

Step 5. Be able to feel intense emotional influences
When you run into someone you don't know, you can feel their emotions.
- You know exactly whether someone is experiencing physical or emotional health problems.
- You can also find the cause.

Step 6. Be affected by animal feelings
Other people and animals that transfer energy have the same effect on you.
- When you're around a dog or cat, you know the animal is feeling stressed, excited, or nervous.
- You can calm someone down or help a depressed animal.

Step 7. Suddenly wake up from sleep feeling erratic and you know that the trigger is not from yourself

Step 8. Be able to feel the emotional vibrations around you
If there is a riot that provokes the crowd to show a strong emotional reaction, you experience the incident and feel the same emotion

Step 9. Know who's calling, even if you're far from the phone or cell phone
You also already know who wants to call.
You can tell someone who's going to call and take this for granted
Method 2 of 3: Accepting Reality and Developing Yourself

Step 1. Spend time doing outdoor activities, for example:
tending plants, playing at the beach, or camping.
These activities make you more excited and feel calm

Step 2. Don't be in a crowd of people
The ability to empathize makes you always catch the radiance of emotions from all directions so that you feel depressed.

Step 3. Don't watch TV, especially negative and useless news
You will send negative energy back to the person who spreads it when he seems to have no emotional attachment to the things that happen in everyday life

Step 4. Be aware of the tendency to become addicted
The ability to empathize can lead to drug addiction and form negative behavior.
- Although addiction can be prevented with compulsive behavior therapy, people who are able to empathize often use illegal drugs to distract themselves.
- This will reduce the ability to empathize.
- There are people who are unable to accept themselves and reject the ability to empathize, but they will be fine. Consumption of drugs or alcohol only diverts the burden of thoughts and feelings because they are influenced by other people for a while.

Step 5. Accept that you are different
The fact that you are different from other people is not always pleasant. Often times, the ability to empathize makes you feel like you're being punished or cursed, when in fact you've been given a special ability.
Method 3 of 3: Using Empathy for Good

Step 1. If you feel an atmosphere of hostility, stay out of danger or warn others
People who are able to empathize usually immediately feel when there is hostility and will experience a heavy emotional burden.
- The ability to detect certain vibrations and sense hostility or danger makes it easier for you to prevent or avoid these situations.
- Even if no one knows what you're capable of, give suggestions that people choose the right way of interacting so that they don't become a threat to the group.

Step 2. To save time and energy, determine if someone is being sincere with you
This knowledge frees you from the confusion and frustration of everyday life.

Step 3. People who are able to empathize generally feel called to preserve nature
They have a strong connection with the earth and living things.

Step 4. They also try to apply the ability to empathize when using professional skills
This ability fosters mutual trust, a sense of security, and being cared for. Plus, you'll feel valued and accepted for who you are.
- Getting angry with someone who is able to empathize is a big mistake and makes him feel humiliated. If he is inexperienced, he will feel confused and very disappointed, while others may respond impulsively. Whatever the reaction, anger always makes them feel attacked.
Even if you always want to help others and protect nature, remember that you need to involve other people in making decisions. Don't sacrifice yourself or feel emotionally held hostage.
- Don't deny yourself and your abilities as this will get in the way because you are always feeling different, anxious, and depressed.
- Avoid psychic vampires, which are people who always need emotional support, even when they are in good shape. They are always looking for you to drain their energy. Don't interact with them.
- The ability to empathize tends to be overwhelming, especially if you don't know why you're different from other people. However, this ability is good because you can help many people and restore their lives.
- Recover by meditating, doing outdoor activities, swimming, caring for animals, etc.
- If possible, find a friend who can provide feedback or counseling on spiritual or empathetic issues. Someone who accepts you as you are is a source of strength so that you are able to accept the consequences of being able to empathize.
- People who are able to empathize will usually meet each other in certain environments, for example: in a coffee shop, in a spiritual bookstore, in an exclusive place, or in a “12 Step Program” community.
- Seek as much information as possible. Learning from people who are able to empathize will be very beneficial, for example by reading their writings, sharing experiences, etc. Join their community so you can interact with each other.
- If you accidentally say something that's hard to explain, don't feel guilty or ashamed. Say that you can understand things about other people and then ignore them.
Value your privileges, but use these abilities in useful ways. You will find out intuitively.
- The help you provide through the ability to empathize will be better if you are able to accept yourself and your strengths.
- Don't shut yourself off because of this ability. Find friends who will understand and accept you for who you are. Separation makes you powerless. In addition, you have support if someone "attacked" you for needing psychic powers. You should also protect yourself by taking care of your emotional health.
- If you need to calm your mind, be alone, or enjoy nature, follow your heart. This method is very useful because it makes you more able to help yourself and others.
- You may become addicted if you feel the urge to take drugs or alcohol. Seek help as soon as possible and learn how to live life as an empathetic person.