Installing a new toilet is a lot easier than you might think. In fact, many homeowners choose to get rid of their old toilet and replace it with a new one without the help of a handyman or plumber. If you decide to install a toilet as your own project, you will need to know the basics. This article will teach you how to get rid of an old toilet and replace it with a new one to give your bathroom a new feel.
Method 1 of 2: Getting Rid of the Old Toilet

Step 1. Measure the distance from the wall to the floor bolts before carrying out the lift
Standard toilets measure 12" (30.5 cm) from wall to floor bolt. If your toilet is 12", you can plan to buy any standard toilet and install it snugly in its original location without much trouble.

Step 2. Turn off the water at the source valve
This is done so that no new water flows into the toilet tank while you are trying to release it.

Step 3. Drain the toilet to empty the toilet tank and bowl

Step 4. Wear large rubber gloves to protect yourself from any harmful bacteria lodged in the toilet and its surroundings

Step 5. Get rid of residual water in the toilet bowl and toilet tank
You can use a small bowl first, then switch to a highly absorbent sponge. Discard excess water in a bucket and dispose of in a safe place.

Step 6. Remove the tank bolts that are securely attached to the toilet bowl

Step 7. Remove the water supply pipe

Step 8. With your feet and not your back, lift the tank from the toilet bowl
Place it in an easy place where unwanted bacteria will not spread.

Step 9. Remove the floor bolt cap and remove the nut with an adjustable wrench

Step 10. Remove the wax seal on the toilet bowl by rocking the bowl back and forth
No need to overdo it; just a little wobble can have big repercussions. Once the seal is removed, place the bowl away from the bathroom, preferably next to the toilet tank.

Step 11. Scrape any remaining wax around the hole in the pipe
You will be making a new seal, so as much as possible the old wax is gone for good sealing.

Step 12. Plug the hole in the pipe with an old cloth or other tool
This will prevent sewage steam from blowing into the bathroom before you install a new toilet.
Method 2 of 2: Installing a New Toilet

Step 1. Replace the old wheel rim around the pipe hole with a new one
Unscrew the old wheel rim bolt and place the new wheel rim over the hole. Then, push the bolt that rises through the rim of the wheel and into the floor.

Step 2. Place the new wax ring around the bottom of the toilet bowl, just around the drain hole
Wax rings usually look plain or have a funnel inside the rim.

Step 3. Make sure the wheel rims are firmly attached to the floor
If the wheel rim doesn't stick to the floor, you may need to remove the wax ring and try again. Tighten or replace wheel rim screws if necessary.

Step 4. Lift and place the toilet bowl over the anchor bolts protruding from the floor
This step is tricky and may take several tries.

Step 5. Once the anchor bolts are snugly placed in the floor bolt holes, shake the bowl from side to side to make a seal on the toilet drain hole
Shake the toilet from side to side as you would to remove the old toilet (see above).

Step 6. Insert the bolts through the tank and bottom of the toilet, then tighten them slightly by hand
Make sure that the bolts are not too tight or the tank will crack.

Step 7. Insert the sealing ring or spacer under the toilet to make it level

Step 8. Gently tighten the floor bolts with an adjustable wrench until firm
Tighten a little on one side, then switch to the other side. In other words, tighten them together as much as possible.
Over-tightening can cause cracks in the bowl. Get the right balance of toning

Step 9. Install the ornate valve over the floor bolts

Step 10. Carefully place the tank over the toilet bowl, ensuring that the tank bolts fit snugly in the bowl
Tighten the tank bolts by hand. Don't over-tighten.