Kittens naturally defecate in the sand or soil. If you introduce a litter box to him, he'll be more than happy to pee there instead of on the carpet. If you start introducing him right away when you bring him home for the first time, he'll get used to the box in no time. It's a good idea to find the right box for your kitten and encourage him to use it, but you don't have to teach a cat to poop in the same way you teach a dog. You don't need to teach your cat how to use the litter box, as her instincts will automatically guide her. All you need is a nice, accessible litter box for him.
Method 1 of 3: Purchasing Supplies

Step 1. Select a large litter box
There are small boxes for kittens, but kittens grow so fast that as soon as you introduce them to the box, you'll have to replace them again. If you change the litter box, you'll have to teach the cat again, so it's a good idea to start with a box you'll be using for a long time.
Cats have no trouble getting into a large litter box as long as one side is low enough for them to step inside. If you find a nice box but aren't sure if the kitten can climb into it or not, use wood or another material with a smooth surface as a ramp. Tape it to the sides of the litter box, and remove it when your kitten is old enough to fit in without the help of the footrest

Step 2. Select the closed litter box
Some litter boxes have lids around them. A litter box like this one is perfect for holding back sand and cat litter that likes to dig/push while blocking odors from escaping if you live in a small space. Some cats also feel protected by such a closed box.
- Make sure the covered litter box is large, as cats need ample space to comfortably rotate in them. Most cats have a habit of sniffing feces before burying it. Therefore, the litter box must be large enough for him to do so.
- Some cats don't like boxes that are closed the first time they are introduced to them. You can ease this transition by removing the door until your cat gets used to the box.

Step 3. Buy litter for the kitten
There are many types of litter to choose from and any litter will work for most juvenile or adult cats (8 months and up). Choose sand that is as dust-free as possible, as dust can irritate your cat's lungs. Some of these factors can be considered when choosing cat litter:
- Use unscented sand whenever possible. It's possible that kittens and cats don't like scented litter. If the smell is too strong, he might even pee somewhere else. Additionally, some scents can irritate a cat's nose and eyes or cause problems for cats who are prone to breathing problems.
- Try using sand that can be scooped or scoopable litter. Disposable litter is a popular choice because cat litter is removed easily. There is concern that cats can get sick from eating slurry sand, but there is little or no evidence to confirm this.
- Choose cat litter that is widely available. Some cats are used to certain litters and may not recognize their litter box if it doesn't contain the same litter.

Step 4. Purchase a shoveling tool and cloth
The last thing you should prepare to train your cat to poop is a scoop to remove the litter from the litter box and a cloth under the box to prevent cat litter from splattering on your floor.
Method 2 of 3: Introducing Kittens' Litter Boxes

Step 1. Put the box in a quiet place
Do not put it in an area that is often passed such as the kitchen or the front of the house. The ideal place to put a litter box is one that is easily accessible, not too crowded, and free from noise that could suddenly appear and frighten your kitten.
- While the laundry room is a popular choice for placing a litter box because it is less frequented than other areas in most homes, the sudden sound of a washing machine or dryer can startle your kitten and discourage him from using the litter box.
- It's a good idea to have the litter box in an area where your kitten spends a lot of time. The kitten should be able to see the box at any time so that he can immediately use it whenever he needs it.
- Kittens and adult cats like a little privacy. If they don't have privacy, they might pee behind the sofa or in some other hidden corner.
- If you're just starting to train your kitten but have to move the litter box, do it slowly, a few feet each day. Moving the box to a different room the next day can confuse your kitten and lead him to urinate elsewhere. You can put the food bowl where it used to be, as most cats object to defecating where they eat.

Step 2. Put the kitten in a litter box filled with sand
When you take your cat home, put him in a box so he can get used to the smells and sensations. Let him spend a few minutes there, even if he doesn't feel the need to pee. Continue to put your cat in the litter box after she eats, wakes up, or at any other time when you feel she needs to go to the bathroom. Also, if he squats somewhere other than the litter box, move him into the litter box immediately.
- Some kittens will immediately understand the function of the litter box and need no further instruction. Some other cats have to be put in the litter box as often as ten times a day before they know it.
- It's best not to try to "show" your kitten how to dig like cats do to bury their litter, as this can frighten them. So it's best to avoid the urge to grab his hand and help him bury the dirt.

Step 3. Use praise, not punishment
When your kitten gets used to using the litter box, compliment her every time she does so by petting her and making soothing sounds. Don't punish him while he's in the box because he might feel that he's in the box because he's being punished.
- Kittens don't like having their noses rubbed at the mess they make outside the litter box. If he's pooping outside the box, make him sniff out his poop, then gently pick him up and place him in the litter box so he knows where to go if he needs to pee again.
- Never hit or yell at a cat to punish it. He might even be afraid of you.

Step 4. Provide enough litter boxes
If possible, it's a good idea to provide one litter box for each cat in the house, plus one extra litter box.
For example, it's best if one kitten has 2 litter boxes. If you have three cats, we recommend that you provide four litter boxes

Step 5. Try to lock it for a certain period
When you bring your kitten home, it's a good idea to keep it in a small area for the first few weeks. This can help him get used to slowly to his new environment and provide easy access to his litter box as well as help minimize or limit the areas where he can open defecation.
- It's a good idea to keep your kitten in an area without a carpet so you can easily clean it up when it's littering.
- Place litter boxes, cat food, and bedding at different ends of this confinement area.
Method 3 of 3: Keeping the Kitten Comfort

Step 1. Clean the litter box every day
Kittens don't like to pee in dirty areas. If you don't change the litter in the litter box, your kitten will look for a cleaner place like the carpet and throw water there.
- Scoop up the dirt and remove it from the box to clean the litter box. Put the dirt in a small bag, tie the bag and throw it away.
- You can leave a small piece of dirt in the litter box (by changing it regularly) for the first few weeks. This helps the kitten to recognize the function of the box.

Step 2. Clean the entire litter box regularly
You should clean the litter box thoroughly about once a week. Remove the contents of the litter box and clean. When the box is empty, wash it with a harmless cleaning fluid (or warm soapy water), then rinse the box, dry it, and fill it again with clean sand.
It can be tempting to leave the sifted litter out for longer than a week because using it makes it easier to get rid of cat litter. However, this kind of sand must also be removed completely and replaced regularly

Step 3. Thoroughly clean the area where your cat litters
If your kitten or cat is pooping outside the litter box, make sure you clean the area thoroughly and remove all traces of urine or feces. This reduces the chances of your cat going back to the same spot again.

Step 4. Try removing large potted plants from inside the house
If you find your kitten using the soil in the pot to defecate, it's a good idea to remove the pot or cover the soil with foil while she's still learning to pee in its place. Kittens bury their droppings instinctively, so they may be attracted to soil or sandy areas. Make sure the litter box you provide is the only place in the house where they want to defecate.

Step 5. Feed your kitten at a scheduled time
This can help you predict when he needs to use the litter box. Kittens usually feel the urge to urinate 20 minutes after eating. When you feel the urge to pee, bring him closer to the litter box and let him climb over it.
- As your kitten grows, you'll need to put in more litter. When your kitten is six months old, you should start placing 5 to 7.5 cm of sand in the box.
- It would be better if your house has tile or wood floors because it is easier to mop up urine.
- If you have a house or apartment that is large enough, you may be able to stock up on a few litter boxes. This way, if your kitten has the urge to go to the bathroom, he or she will use the litter box instead of other areas of your home. Once your kitten has gotten used to the litter box, you can start reducing the number of litter boxes provided.
- If your kitten seems to mind using the litter box, make sure it has easy access to the litter box or try changing it to a different litter, especially if the litter you used previously smelled good.
- Change the sand slowly. If you feel the need to change the type of sand you use, try changing it slowly from sand to sand by mixing the new sand with the old and slowly increasing the amount of "new" sand over a period of about two weeks.
- Make sure your kitten has been examined by a veterinarian to ensure its health. Several diseases cause kittens and adult cats to behave differently when it comes to bowel movements.
- Provide dry or slightly wet food specifically for kittens.
- A common reason why kittens poop outside the litter box is because their owners are punishing them for littering. The kitten also felt uncomfortable to defecate (especially in the open) for fear of being punished and looking for a hidden place. Therefore, never punish your kitten for littering as this can exacerbate the problem.