Break the mirror? Walk under the stairs or is there a black cat passing by? Do not worry! If you're a superstitious person or you just don't want to take risks, this article is for you. Here are some ways to get rid of bad luck, as well as some tips to prevent it.
Part 1 of 3: Throw Damn

Step 1. Use salt
Salt is considered good luck in many cultures around the world. Take a pinch of salt and spread it on your LEFT shoulder (right shoulder will bring more bad luck).
- Alternatively, you can rid your body of bad luck by soaking in salt water. Just add two teaspoons of salt to a bath of hot water.
- Another method is to sprinkle sea salt in the corners of each room and under windows. This will protect your home from bad luck.

Step 2. Do not throw away the broken mirror fragments
If you break a mirror, never throw away the shards. This will lock your fate and give you 7 years of bad luck.
- You can also grind all the mirror shards to a fine powder and blow them away with the wind or take a single shard (large enough to reflect an image but not large or sharp enough to harm you) and wait until the next full moon.
- Depending on how close you are to the full moon, you'll still have some bad luck for a while, but use a mirror to reflect on the full moon and stare at it, it can erase bad luck. Then you can bury the broken mirror or keep it.

Step 3. Burn the incense
Burning incense is an effective way to get rid of bad luck and negative energy.
- Choose a pungent smell like sandalwood or jasmine, and if you burn more than one stick, make sure the number is odd and not even.
- If you have bad luck in your personal life, burn the incense at home. Carry the incense from room to room, letting the scented smoke fill all four corners of your home.
- If bad luck befalls you at work, burn some incense in your office.

Step 4. Bring a protective amulet
Small size protective amulet, great way to protect you from bad luck while going about your daily life. The amulet can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or in a pocket and always carried. Some of the most common forms of amulets:
- Key: Key talismans have been used to bring good luck since ancient times. Wearing three keys at once is said to open the three doors of wealth, health and romance.
- clover plant: Wearing a clover, or wearing a talisman in the form of a rare four-leaf clover is a well-known method of bringing good luck according to Celtic mythology. Each of the four leaves represents a lucky character: wealth, fame, romance, and health.
- Horseshoe: Horseshoes are said to be good luck, as they ward off the "evil eye". Hang one in your home for protection or attach a horseshoe symbol to a necklace – just make sure the tip is pointing upwards, otherwise luck may “run away”.
- Rabbit's feet: Rabbit's feet are believed to bring good luck and protection according to many cultures. However, not just any leg works - Must be the left back foot. In addition, the feet must be rubbed in order for the luck to be active.

Step 5. Burn the sage
For years, the sage plant has been burned by people of various cultures as a way of clearing negative energy. The practice of burning sage is known as smudging.
- Buy a sprig of dried sage or sage and burn it. Should be smoky but don't burn out. Carry the sage around your house, waving the smoke into every corner of your house.
- Open doors and windows to let negative energy out. If you like, you can burn sweetgrass afterward to invite positive energy into your home.

Step 6. Use crystals and stones
Various crystals and stones are believed to have mystical properties, ranging from protecting to warding off negative energies. Keep Crystals or stones at home, work, or take them with you.
- Black tourmaline will protect you from negative energies, such as curses and ills from other people. Rose quartz will encourage positive energy to replace negative energy.
- Labradorite will protect you from vampires or physical leeches, which means people who try to suck energy and positive emotions out of you.
- Amethyst will protect you from crime/accidents while traveling, and protect soldiers from harm.
- Other stones that can be used as protection against negative energies or evil spirits include: ruby, quartz, peridot, obsidian, jasper, moonstone, black onyx, emerald, turquoise, blue topaz, sugilite, citrine, carnelian and bloodstone.

Step 7. Do good deeds
One good way to change your destiny is to earn positive karma through good deeds. This is the way to pay off any bad deeds you have done in this life or in previous lives.
- Increase your good karma by donating to charity, or helping people in need, such as the homeless, the elderly, or orphans.
- It is important that you do those good deeds with a sincere intention to help others. If you only do good to earn karma and make your life easier, then your deeds are useless.
- Getting involved in charity work will also give you a new perspective: You may think you've had bad luck, but once you see others suffering more than you, you'll realize that your situation isn't that bad.

Step 8. Cleanse your chakras with fresh flowers
Fresh flowers can be used to cleanse your seven chakras – getting rid of negative energy and inviting good luck.
- You need at least seven different types of flowers, in as many colors as possible (all colors except white). Remove all the leaves and branches, you only need the flowers.
- Place the flowers in a basin of water and place them outside in the sun for an hour. This allows the water to absorb the positive energy of the flower.
- Take the basin to the bathroom and use a washcloth to bathe in the flower-soaked water. As you shower, concentrate on the tiny light emanating from the center of your forehead. Allow this light to spread throughout your body.
- When you're done showering, collect the flowers carefully, put them in a paper plastic bag and throw them away. Imagine your bad luck has been thrown away with those flowers.

Step 9. Pray
Praying to God, or whatever you believe in can help you have good fortune. Remember to pray regularly, and ask forgiveness for your mistakes and negative thoughts.
- Take some time in your prayer sessions to reflect on who you are as a person and where you can take steps to become better.
- Thank God for all the good in your life – this simple act can change your view of what you think is “bad luck” and make you realize that you are, in fact, blessed.

Step 10. Tidy up your home
Living in a messy house can keep positive energy from entering your home and create negative feelings and bad luck. This simple act of tidying up your home can give you renewable energy and give you the power to change your destiny for the better.
- Start by tidying up your home – get rid of all the unwanted stuff and throw it away. Then clean the house thoroughly – removing cobwebs and dust.
- Try rearranging your furniture to increase the flow of energy and repainting your walls to bring new life to your space.
- Try listening to music and burning incense while you work and leaving the doors and windows open to let the sun in – this will encourage positive energy into your new home.

Step 11. Use the power of light
Installing bright lighting in your home is an effective way to get rid of bad luck and diffuse negative energy.
- Try turning on all the lights in your home and lighting candles, so that there isn't a single dark spot for negative energy to hide in.
- A way that harnesses the power of light to protect you from bad luck and immediately attract good luck is to light three candles – two must be white, one for protection and one for cleansing, the other must be orange, to change fate.

Step 12. Travel to another country
Traveling to another country is said to be a waste of bad luck, because the misfortune is left behind in the country of origin and will disappear when you are not there. The further away from your home country, the better.
- Crossing the ocean or flying somewhere in a different time zone is the best way.
- Traveling also helps you realize that bad luck is not with you, but in your home, work, or circumstances.
- Taking some time away might help you understand what changes you will need to make on your return, to get rid of the bad luck.
Part 2 of 3: Preventing Bad Luck

Step 1. Avoid actions or circumstances that bring bad luck
Many superstitions about what causes bad luck are well known, but it is good to summarize the main ones. In this way, you can devise strategies to change your behavior to prevent bad luck. Even if bad luck is unavoidable, you will be able to recognize the signs and take quick steps to reverse it. Some common signs of bad luck are:
- Breaking a mirror – this is said to bring seven years of bad luck.
- Encountering a crow – if a crow crosses your path, it is said to be unlucky. However, if two crows cross your path, the misfortune is returned.
- Walking under stairs – this is believed to be unlucky because the stairs lean against the wall in a triangle – a symbol of the Holy Trinity. By walking under that triangle you disturb the holy place.
- Putting shoes on any table – in England, putting shoes on a table is said to be a sign of respect for dead miners. Therefore, by putting shoes on the table you are endangering yourself.
- "Curse" yourself - this means that you say out loud the bad thing that you think will happen to you. This is also a form of inviting danger.
- Wearing a cat's eye stone is believed to be bad luck – unless you were born in October.
- Stepping over the cracks in the ground. As the old saying goes: "Tread the crack and fate will break your mother's back!"
- A black cat passing in front of you is said to be unlucky. This superstition comes from the notion that black cats are closely related to the wizarding world.
- Opening an umbrella indoors is considered unlucky – this superstition originated in ancient Egyptian culture. In those days, opening an indoor umbrella was believed to be an insult to the sun god.

Step 2. Familiarize yourself with some less obvious superstitions
Some superstitions are lesser known. It's a good idea to read up on these superstitions and be aware of the risks of certain actions, otherwise you could rashly bring yourself bad luck. Some examples of lesser-known superstitions are:
- Picked up a coin whose face touched the ground.
- When wearing clothes, put your left hand or left foot first.
- Seeing owls during the day.
- Knit a pair of socks for a boyfriend – he will leave you.
- Kill ladybugs or spiders.
- It is bad luck to close the penknife unless you open it.
- "Sleep with your feet facing the door, you will lose your soul forever."
- There is an owl chirping three times in your yard.
- Sleep on or under the dining table.
- Kill the bees in your house.
- Turning a loaf of bread when it has been cut will bring you very bad luck.
- Saying the word "Pig" in the sea.
- If you drop a knife, picking it up yourself will bring you financial and romantic misfortune. You have to ask someone else to pick it up.
- To start a new business, meet new people, or start a relationship on Friday the 13th.
- Sticking a needle into your ball of yarn brings bad luck to anyone who uses the knitted yarn.

Step 3. Watch out for superstitions that predict death and illness
Most superstitions only predict bad luck, but there are some that foretell death and illness. You should definitely familiarize yourself with this:
- If a magpie flew into the room through the window, death would soon follow.
- You must hold your breath as you walk across the cemetery or you will breathe in the soul of someone who just died.
- If you open the front door and find a magpie staring at you, this is definitely a sign of death.
- If you dream of death it is a sign of birth, if you dream of birth it is a sign of death.
- If the left eye twitches, it is imminent death in the family.
- A white moth in the house or trying to get into the house means death.
- Dreaming about white is believed to signify death.
Part 3 of 3: Recognizing Lucky Omens

Step 1. Realize when your destiny begins to change
Once you have done a positive deed to get rid of bad luck, it is important that you are alert for signs of changes in your destiny. Examples of lucky signs include:
- Dreaming of being in a very high place, for example a building.
- Sneeze 3 times before breakfast.
- Save money in the pocket of the clothes you wear for the first time.
- Saw a spider spinning its web in the morning.
- Find the pin pointing to you.
- Dream about sunny weather.
- Eat the very end of the pie.
- Find crust or cheese bubbles on your pizza.
- See crickets in your house.
- To reap the benefits of the misfortune of seeing a crow, make a wish. If the bird doesn't flap its wings before you see it again, your wish will come true. If not, turn away, count to ten, if the crow is not there then your wish will come true too.
- Although it is good to believe, but if your superstitious beliefs interfere with your activities, then asking for help is a wise choice.
- Don't cut your nails at night, or a ghost will appear in your room.