3 Ways to Calculate Change

3 Ways to Calculate Change
3 Ways to Calculate Change

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Have you ever worked as a cashier and the cash register was broken so you had to calculate change manually? You need to know how to calculate change so you don't lose money by giving the wrong amount to a customer.


Method 1 of 3: Calculating General Return

Count Out Change Step 1
Count Out Change Step 1

Step 1. Say the purchase price clearly

If you work at a cash register or use a cash register, always say the purchase price out loud to the customer and state the amount of money given to you. Say the purchase price is Rp. 52,000, and the customer gives Rp. 100,000. So, say "The total purchase is fifty-two thousand rupiah, I received the money one hundred thousand rupiah." This step will help you and the customer remember the purchase price and the amount of money given. You can then start calculating the change amount silently.

Count Out Change Step 2
Count Out Change Step 2

Step 2. Put the money on the table

Never put cash directly into the cash register in case you forget the amount the customer gave you. Instead, put the money on the table so you can see the exact amount given as well as the total purchase price. These two numbers are needed to calculate the amount of change that needs to be given to the customer. Since cash is always visible, you can look at it again if needed.

For example, a customer may feel that they have given Rp. 20,000 instead of Rp. 10,000. By putting the money the customer gives you until the end of the transaction, you can prevent this confusion

Count Out Change Step 3
Count Out Change Step 3

Step 3. Calculate the change based on the calculation results of the cash register

If you use a cash register, the change will usually be calculated automatically. For example, a customer's total spend is IDR 52,000 and he pays IDR 100,000. Enter the amount paid, which is IDR 100,000, and the cash register will display the change for the customer. In this case, the amount of change is IDR 48,000. Start counting IDR 48,000, starting from tens of thousands, to thousands of dollars.

  • Make sure you familiarize yourself with the cash register used so you know how to calculate customer change.
  • If suddenly the cash register error (error), ask a manager or colleague for help.
Count Out Change Step 4
Count Out Change Step 4

Step 4. Count the change silently

If you don't have a cash register, or it's out of order, or you enter an incorrect entry, count your change from the bottom of your mind. This skill is very useful and important for a cashier. One good way to calculate it is to start at the shopping price figure and stop when it reaches the amount paid. Count from the smallest coins to the largest bills. For example, if the total expenditure is Rp. 12,700, and the customer gives Rp. 100,000, here's how to calculate the change:

  • Count hundreds of rupiah starting from Rp12,700: Rp12,800…Rp12,900…Rp13,000 (300 rupiah)
  • Count thousands of rupiah starting from IDR 13,000: IDR 14,000… IDR 15,000… IDR 16,000… IDR 17,000… IDR 18,000… IDR 19,000… IDR 20,000 (7,000 rupiah)
  • Count tens of thousands of dollars starting from IDR 20,000: IDR 30,000… IDR 40,000… IDR 50,000… (30,000 rupiah)
  • Count fifty thousand, starting from IDR 50,000: IDR 100,000 (1 sheet 50,000 rupiah)
  • The total change is IDR 87,300.
Count Out Change Step 5
Count Out Change Step 5

Step 5. Count change out loud in front of the customer

Once you have determined the correct amount of change, clearly count the money in front of the customer before giving it to him. That way, he'll know you gave the correct change. This step can be done exactly as above, but this time you mention the change out loud and give it to the customer.

For example, if a customer's total spend is $10,200 and the customer gives $20,000, give the change back while it counts strongly. Give 8 coins of Rp.100 and say Rp. 11,000, four bills of Rp. 1,000 and say Rp. 15,000, then one note of Rp. 5,000 and say Rp. 20,000. That way, customers can see that you've given the right amount of change

Method 2 of 3: Performing More Complex Calculations

Count Out Change Step 6
Count Out Change Step 6

Step 1. Pay attention to more complex numbers

Sometimes customers will pay an odd amount (usually more than necessary) because they don't want to accept a lot of coins. For example, if the total spending is Rp. 33,100, the customer can give Rp. 50,100. In this case, you can enter Rp100 into the cashier and calculate from Rp33,000. Continue the calculation as follows:

  • Rp34,000… Rp35,000 (2 shares Rp1,000), Rp40,000 (1 share Rp5,000), Rp50,000 (1 share Rp10,000).
  • The total return is IDR 17,000.
Count Out Change Step 7
Count Out Change Step 7

Step 2. Return the smallest number of coins

Sometimes, depending on the amount to be returned, you will give Rp200 coins instead of Rp100. If you have determined the amount of change that must be given, make sure you review it again and give change with the least number of coins.

  • For example, if the total spending is IDR 5,200 and the customer gives IDR 10,000, you should start counting from IDR 100 coins. IDR 5,300 (1 coin 100 rupiah), IDR 5,500 (1 coin IDR 200), IDR 6,000 (1 coin IDR 500), IDR 7,000… IDR 8,000… IDR 9,000… IDR 10,000 (4 pieces of IDR 1,000). The total change is IDR 4,800.
  • Instead of returning four thousand notes, you can give two two thousand notes, for a total of IDR 4,000. This is prioritized because customers do not receive too many bills.
Count Out Change Step 8
Count Out Change Step 8

Step 3. Check the calculation using a calculator

Always have a calculator near you so you can double-check the calculation before giving change to the customer. The calculator will put you at ease and make sure the calculations in your heart are not wrong. There is a chance that you have miscalculated and the calculator will correct it. This is important, especially if you are doing complex calculations.

You can also use the calculator on your phone to double-check your change before giving it to the customer

Method 3 of 3: Making Sure You Receive the Right Return

Count Out Change Step 9
Count Out Change Step 9

Step 1. Calculate change before leaving the store

You should always count the change received after each change to make sure the amount is correct. Sometimes the cashier makes mistakes (eg mistaking ten thousand and one hundred thousand) so that the change received is not correct.

  • Calculate the amount paid to determine the correct amount of change. For example, if your total purchases are IDR 27,500 and you pay IDR 50,000, start from IDR 27,500. Calculate Rp500 to make Rp28,000, followed by Rp2,000 to make Rp30,000, and finally Rp20,000 to reach Rp50,000. The final total change is IDR 22,500
  • Use the calculator on your phone if you're in a hurry or don't want to calculate from your heart.
Count Out Change Step 10
Count Out Change Step 10

Step 2. Check whether the change currency received is correct

Depending on where you live, sometimes the change you accept may be in different currencies. You should always ensure that the currency of the change received is the same as that paid for.

For example, in Canada you often accept United States currency. Although usually the value of Canadian and US currencies is the same, sometimes there are differences. Get in the habit of checking the currency of the change you receive

Count Out Change Step 11
Count Out Change Step 11

Step 3. Make sure you leave the store with the same amount paid

A simple way to remember the amount of change received is to know that the value of the money spent on shopping must equal the value of the goods or services received plus the change. For example, if you pay Rp. 150,000 for a doll with Rp. 200,000, it means that you should leave the shop with a doll worth Rp. 150,000 and change Rp. 50,000, which adds up to the total amount paid, which is Rp. 200,000.


Practice with numbers involving hundreds of dollars, and use Monopoly money. Then, practice with various spending totals, and countdown until you learn how to calculate change quickly and easily
