3 Ways to Avoid Constipation

3 Ways to Avoid Constipation
3 Ways to Avoid Constipation

Table of contents:


Changing consumption patterns can make a big difference in affecting digestion and helping to stop constipation or constipation. If constipation has become a regular problem in your life, and you are getting sick and tired of it, now is the time to rethink your eating habits and patterns and give up the foods that can trigger this very uncomfortable condition. Consuming more fiber, drinking more water and avoiding fried foods will help you keep constipation free.


Method 1 of 3: Helps Your Digestion

Avoid Constipation Step 1
Avoid Constipation Step 1

Step 1. Eat fiber-rich foods

You may have heard that fiber is good for you, but have you prioritized consuming it at every meal? Consumption of fiber-rich foods will have long-term benefits in helping you prevent constipation. Fiber adds bulk to the stool, making it easier to pass. You need 24 to 26 grams of fiber daily. These foods are rich in fiber and will prevent you from becoming constipated. Try to consume at least one type with each meal:

  • Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and the like
  • Lentils, black beans, kidney beans and other legumes
  • Peach, Strawberry, Blueberry, Papaya
  • Almonds, walnuts, peanuts
  • Wheat, bran and other grains
  • Linseed
Avoid Constipation Step 2
Avoid Constipation Step 2

Step 2. Try a fiber supplement

If just eating fiber-rich foods doesn't seem right to you, you can ensure that you're getting enough fiber by taking supplements. Most fiber supplements are available in powder form which is then dissolved in water before drinking. These supplements are made from fiber sources from plants and animals that are known to have benefits for humans. Note that consuming too much fiber can cause diarrhea and other side effects, so be sure to only take the recommended dose.

  • Supplements containing psyllium are suitable for dealing with constipation by adding bulk to the stool.
  • Supplements containing inulin and oligofructose can stimulate the development of good bacteria in the gut, and reduce constipation.
Avoid Constipation Step 3
Avoid Constipation Step 3

Step 3. Consume prune juice

Prunes are a natural source of concentrated fiber, and they also contain sorbitol, which is a natural laxative. If you like the taste of prunes, try eating prunes or drinking prune juice every morning. Prunes will help push stool in your digestive system and prevent constipation.

Avoid Constipation Step 4
Avoid Constipation Step 4

Step 4. Eat a serving of yogurt every day

Sometimes constipation is caused by an imbalance of bacteria in the intestines. Consuming yogurt that contains probiotics will restore the good bacteria that will facilitate digestion. Try consuming a bowl of yogurt along with breakfast every day to prevent constipation.

Avoid Constipation Step 5
Avoid Constipation Step 5

Step 5. Drink lots of water

Constipation occurs as a result of feces not having enough water content to pass through and out of the body easily. When you are slightly dehydrated, you can easily become constipated. Make sure you drink water with every meal and whenever you feel thirsty to keep your body adequately hydrated. Try to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day.

  • When you feel constipated, increase the consumption of water immediately to prevent constipation from getting worse.
  • Start your day with a big glass of warm water and lemon for your better digestive health.

Method 2 of 3: Avoid Habits That Make Your Conditions Aggravating

Avoid Constipation Step 6
Avoid Constipation Step 6

Step 1. Avoid processed foods

Foods that have been processed and mixed with wheat flour and sugar have been completely separated from their healthy fiber content. Consumption of foods without fiber is difficult to digest and can trigger constipation. The following foods are common culprits:

  • White bread
  • Snack
  • Fast food
  • Fries
  • Packaged dairy products
  • Candy
Avoid Constipation Step 7
Avoid Constipation Step 7

Step 2. Reduce alcohol consumption

Alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, whiskey, and so on trigger dehydration. Dehydration can make stool more difficult to pass. If you tend to be constipated frequently, you may want to consider cutting back on alcohol consumption. Enough with just a glass every afternoon, or not consume it at all. If you choose to stick with it, make sure you drink a glass of water per glass of alcohol you drink.

Avoid Constipation Step 8
Avoid Constipation Step 8

Step 3. Cut down on caffeine

Caffeine can sometimes help with mild constipation because it is a diuretic, but caffeine can make prolonged constipation worse because of caffeine's dehydrating properties. If you have a habit of drinking 3 glasses a day, you may want to reduce it temporarily, to see if it can help you avoid constipation. Try drinking only one glass per day or switch to a low-caffeine one.

Avoid Constipation Step 9
Avoid Constipation Step 9

Step 4. Don't ignore it when you really feel like having a bowel movement

When you feel the urge to defecate, you may feel reluctant to go to the bathroom or toilet, but it is not good for your digestive system. Delaying going to the bathroom for too long is a common cause of constipation, so whenever you feel the urge to go to the bathroom, go to the bathroom.

Having a specific schedule can help. For example, maybe you plan to go to the bathroom to have a bowel movement every morning. Once you start a routine like this, your body will respond by keeping it more regular

Avoid Constipation Step 10
Avoid Constipation Step 10

Step 5. Be active

Running, yoga, and other physical activities help improve digestion. If you are constipated, try jogging or taking a small walk to improve digestion. Getting active 3 or 4 times a week will help keep your digestion smooth and prevent constipation.

Step 6. Change your position when using the toilet

For some people, sitting on the toilet is not the best position to defecate. Most feel by squatting they can be easier to defecate. The easiest way to try this position (for the toilet seat) is to prop your feet up on the toilet seat as you sit, so that your knees are raised.

You can also use a small seat/board to support your feet

Method 3 of 3: Quickly Get Rid of Constipation

Avoid Constipation Step 12
Avoid Constipation Step 12

Step 1. Try castor oil

Castor oil is a classic remedy that does wonders. Castor oil acts as an irritant to the intestinal tract causing you to want to defecate. Taking a teaspoon of castor oil is an effective way to deal with constipation, but be careful not to take too much as it can cause digestive problems if consumed in excess.

  • Consume according to the recommended dose on the castor oil package you buy, and no more.
  • Avoid consuming castor oil before bed, because you may have to go to the bathroom after consuming it.
Avoid Constipation Step 13
Avoid Constipation Step 13

Step 2. Consume one dose of English salt

English salt mixed with water will work as a laxative or laxative by 'irrigating' the stool to make it easier to pass. Mix a spoonful of English salt into a glass of water, wait until it dissolves, then drink the solution. In about an hour, the constipation should pass.

Avoid Constipation Step 14
Avoid Constipation Step 14

Step 3. Drink dandelion tea

Dandelion root that has been dried and made into a tea has been a herbal remedy for constipation for many years. You may be able to relieve mild constipation by consuming dandelion tea every day. Dandelion tea is safe and effective, although no convincing research has been done to prove it works.

You can buy prepackaged dandelion tea or buy dried dandelion root to make your own. Soak for five minutes, then stir and add a little honey for your enjoyment

Avoid Constipation Step 15
Avoid Constipation Step 15

Step 4. Try senna tablets

Senna is a plant that stimulates the muscles in the intestines to contract, allowing you to defecate. Senna is efficacious for relieving prolonged constipation, with other methods you have tried but to no avail. However, senna tablets can have side effects, so consult your doctor before using them if you have a history of problems/diseases related to your digestion.


  • Do not be shy to consult a doctor about your problem. He knows very well how to help you.
  • A high protein diet is difficult for the digestive system. Constipation may occur more frequently on the Atkins diet or other high-protein diets. Diets that limit carbohydrates, such as the Atkins diet, may lack fiber and other nutrients. If you're following a high-protein diet, be sure to include low-carb foods that are still rich in fiber, such as broccoli.
  • Painkillers often cause constipation by slowing the movement of food through the intestines. Consider the use of loperamide, a substance to treat diarrhea by acting on the movement of food through the digestive tract effect. The loperamide acts and functions similar to opioids, but acts only on the intestines. Make sure you also have a high-fiber diet while you are taking painkillers. If the problem persists, you may be able to try a CHAPTER launcher.
  • Some types of yogurt sold in the milk, cheese and butter section of grocery stores or supermarkets have additional enzymes to help with digestion.
  • Don't beat around the bush about your problem; they had heard it many times before.
  • If constipation is chronic (prolonged), you need to talk to your doctor or specialist. Constipation is a symptom of many serious medical problems, including obstruction (narrowing) of the colon, colon cancer, and rectal cancer.
  • Eating bananas regularly will help you improve your digestion and can help with constipation.


  • A high-fiber diet is good for the gut (maybe even good for the heart and pancreas), but don't overdo it. Too much fiber can decrease the absorption of nutrients from the food you eat by binding them in the digestive tract. If you take vitamins at the same time as fiber supplements, you may need to take fiber supplements at different times to increase the effectiveness of the vitamins you are taking.
  • You shouldn't drink too much water either. In most extreme cases, drinking too much water can lead to hyponatremia (lack of sodium/salt in the blood) and can even kill you. Do not exceed 10 glasses a day, and avoid drinking large amounts of isotonic drinks.
  • If constipation alternates with diarrhea, lasts for a long time, or there is blood in the stool, immediately and do not delay to consult your doctor.
  • Avoid strong laxatives or laxatives, especially when used for long periods of time. The importance of preventing constipation is not overstated, long-term use of laxatives can harm the intestines and lead to dependence. You may have to take fiber and magnesium supplements for the rest of your life, if you don't get enough of these nutrients from the food you eat.
  • Be careful when starting more exercises. Start slowly, and again, talk to your doctor about any previous health problems.
