5 Ways to Make Fabric Softener

5 Ways to Make Fabric Softener
5 Ways to Make Fabric Softener

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If you want a fabric softener that is more environmentally friendly or less expensive than commercial ones, you can make your own at home. Here are some simple methods you can use.


Method 1 of 5: Vinegar

Make Fabric Softener Step 1
Make Fabric Softener Step 1

Step 1. Mix 3.8 liters of vinegar with 25 to 30 drops of essential oil

Drop the essential oil into a bowl of distilled white vinegar, stirring for about a minute to make sure the two liquids are evenly mixed.

  • Please note that the use of essential oils is not mandatory. Vinegar is the component that softens clothes. Vinegar releases residue on clothes that stiffens fabrics, and vinegar has properties that can break down the minerals found in high-mineral water.
  • If you decide to use essential oils, choose the scent you want.
Make Fabric Softener Step 2
Make Fabric Softener Step 2

Step 2. Add cup (60 ml) of vinegar to your washing machine's rinse cycle

For a normal load of laundry, put cup (60 ml) of vinegar in the ball of fabric softener solution in the washing machine or put an equal amount directly into the washing machine just before the rinsing cycle begins.

  • Do not put fabric softener in the machine before the primer wash cycle.
  • Pour the remaining fabric softener into the storage container. Make sure the fabric softener is labeled so you don't use it for any other purpose. Shake or stir thoroughly after each use to ensure that the essential oil and vinegar do not separate.
Make Fabric Softener Step 3
Make Fabric Softener Step 3

Step 3. Run the rinse cycle as usual

You don't need to do anything special at this stage. allow the rinse cycle to complete as usual.

Method 2 of 5: Vinegar and Baking Soda

Make Fabric Softener Step 4
Make Fabric Softener Step 4

Step 1. Mix baking soda and hot water

Stir 1 cup (250 ml) of baking soda into 2 cups (500 ml) of boiling water until well combined. Mix the two in a large bucket or other container.

  • Note that the baking soda will not dissolve, but must be completely submerged.
  • This homemade fabric softener is often praised by people who have high mineral content water.
  • Baking soda regulates the pH level or acidity of your rinse water, preventing it from becoming too acidic or too alkaline. Baking soda also removes the mineral build-up that often causes clothes to stiffen.
Make Fabric Softener Step 5
Make Fabric Softener Step 5

Step 2. Slowly add the vinegar

Slowly add 1 cup (250 ml) of white vinegar to the mixture. Stir gently until the baking soda dissolves.

  • The vinegar will react with the baking soda, causing a steamy chemical reaction. Don't pour the vinegar too quickly or it will cause a mess.
  • Vinegar removes soap and residue from clothing and also helps soften water with high mineral content.
  • Some people believe vinegar and baking soda cancel each other out, making them ineffective. The salt produced from the chemical reaction acts as a buffer in the rinse cycle. What's more, many of the elements that help soften the fabric remain in the softener after a chemical reaction has occurred.
Make Fabric Softener Step 6
Make Fabric Softener Step 6

Step 3. Add fragranced fabric softener if desired

If you want to make scented fabric softener, you will need to add essential oils or scent enhancers to the fabric. Add and stir the fragrance into the fabric softener.

  • When using essential oils, use 25 to 30 drops.
  • If using an aroma enhancer, add to cup (60 to 125 ml) of flavor enhancer crystals to the water and stir until dissolved.
  • Scent enhancers are usually found in the laundry equipment section. It's not a natural product, so it may not be an eco-friendly choice, but it will give your fabric softener a great scent and save you money in the long run.
Make Fabric Softener Step 7
Make Fabric Softener Step 7

Step 4. Place to cup (60 to 125 ml) in the washing machine just before the rinse cycle

For a normal load of laundry, fill the fabric softener ball with cup to cup (60 ml to 125 ml) of fabric softener liquid or put an equal amount directly into the washing machine just before the rinse cycle starts.

  • Do not put fabric softener in the machine before the primer wash cycle.
  • Pour the remaining fabric softener into the storage container. Shake or stir well before each use.
Make Fabric Softener Step 8
Make Fabric Softener Step 8

Step 5. Run the rinse cycle as usual

You don't need to do anything special at this stage. allow the rinse cycle to complete as usual.

Method 3 of 5: Conditioner

Make Fabric Softener Step 9
Make Fabric Softener Step 9

Step 1. Mix vinegar, hair conditioner, and hot water

In a large bucket or other container, mix 3 cups (750 ml) white distilled vinegar, 2 cups (500 ml) hair conditioner, and 6 degrees (1500 ml) hot water until smooth.

  • You can use any hair conditioner you want for this method. To be more efficient, choose a cheap brand of conditioner.
  • Due to the many variations and scents of conditioners available in the market, your scent choices are almost limitless.
  • Be aware that this is not a "natural" solution. The vinegar breaks down the residue that makes the fabric stiff and the conditioner softens the fabric fibers.
Make Fabric Softener Step 10
Make Fabric Softener Step 10

Step 2. Place to cup (60 to 125 ml) in the washing machine just before the rinse cycle

For a normal load of laundry, fill the fabric softener ball with cup to cup (60 ml to 125 ml) of fabric softener liquid or put an equal amount directly into the washing machine just before the rinse cycle starts.

  • Do not put fabric softener in the machine before the primer wash cycle.
  • Pour the remaining fabric softener into the storage container. Shake or stir well before each use.
Make Fabric Softener Step 11
Make Fabric Softener Step 11

Step 3. Run the rinse cycle as usual

You don't need to do anything special at this stage. Allow the rinse cycle to complete as usual.

Method 4 of 5: Fabric Softener Sheet

Make Fabric Softener Step 12
Make Fabric Softener Step 12

Step 1. Cut the cotton fabric into small squares

Cut a clean cotton cloth into squares that are about 12.7 cm on each side.

  • Cotton works well because it is a natural fiber and is quite breathable. Avoid fabrics whose fibers are too tight. Also avoid synthetic fabrics.
  • You can use an old cloth for this, but make sure the cloth is clean.
Make Fabric Softener Step 13
Make Fabric Softener Step 13

Step 2. Spray each square with vinegar

Fill each spray bottle with undiluted distilled white vinegar. Spray both sides of each square until they are damp to the touch.

  • Let it dry a little. The fabric can get damp, but it shouldn't get so wet when you put it in the dryer.
  • Vinegar is the only element in this fabric softener formula that does the job of softening clothes. It may not be as strong as liquid fabric softener that uses vinegar, but the effect will still be there.
Make Fabric Softener Step 14
Make Fabric Softener Step 14

Step 3. Put a few drops of essential oil on one square

Drop 3 to 5 drops of essential oil on the square. Spread the drops so that they absorb into the fibers of the entire square.

The essential oil will give your clothes a nice, soft scent. You can technically use this method without using essential oils, but since the softening effect won't be as strong as a liquid fabric softener, it makes sense to take advantage of its scenting ability

Make Fabric Softener Step 15
Make Fabric Softener Step 15

Step 4. Put this scented cloth in your dryer

Place the scented fabric softener sheet directly into the dryer as you prepare to dry your clothes. Run the drying process as usual. You don't need to do anything special at this point.

Each dryer sheet can be used for two or more drying times, but you may need to update the scent by adding 3 drops or more before use. Update the softener by spraying it with vinegar

Method 5 of 5: Fabric Softener Crystal

Make Fabric Softener Step 16
Make Fabric Softener Step 16

Step 1. Mix coarse salt and essential oil

Add 20 to 30 drops of essential oil to 2 cups (500 ml) Epsom salt or coarse sea salt in a medium bowl or container.

  • Stir well until the essential oil is evenly distributed and absorbed by the salt.
  • You can use any scented essential oil you want. If desired, you can mix scents to create your own unique scent.
Make Fabric Softener Step 17
Make Fabric Softener Step 17

Step 2. Add the baking soda

Stir cup (125 ml) of baking soda into the flavored salt until smooth.

Alternatively, you can use no baking soda at all and put it in a separate machine when washing

Make Fabric Softener Step 18
Make Fabric Softener Step 18

Step 3. Add 2 to 3 tbsp (30 to 45 ml) to the rinse cycle

Before your washing machine enters the rinse cycle stage, add the scented crystals directly to the water in the washing machine.

  • Use only 2 to 3 tablespoons (30 to 45 ml) of fabric softener crystals.
  • If you didn't add baking soda to the crystals, you can add 1/2 cup (125 ml) of baking soda in addition to the fabric softener for a normal load of laundry.
  • Do not insert fabric softener crystals to start the wash cycle, before the washing process begins. Only put the crystals in the washing machine during the rinse cycle.
Make Fabric Softener Step 19
Make Fabric Softener Step 19

Step 4. Run the rinse cycle as usual

You don't need to do anything special at this stage. allow the rinse cycle to complete as usual.


  • Do not mix vinegar with chlorine bleach. The mixture of the two produces harmful gases.
  • Do not use apple cider vinegar or any other colored vinegar for this recipe. The colored vinegar will stain or darken your clothes.
