How to Straighten Teeth without Braces (with Pictures)

How to Straighten Teeth without Braces (with Pictures)
How to Straighten Teeth without Braces (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Many people say a pretty smile is the best accessory we have, but not everyone is proud of the state of their teeth. While braces are considered the best way to straighten teeth, not everyone likes the metallic look of the braces. Fortunately, there are other ways to straighten your teeth without the need for braces; These methods depend on the individual's dental needs.


Part 1 of 3: Preventing Leaning Teeth

Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 1
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 1

Step 1. Stop sleeping on your stomach

Teeth can overlap and overlap due to the slow but constant inward pressure on the teeth. One of the most common causes of this condition is sleeping on your stomach, which also puts more strain on the face and puts a significant amount of pressure on the teeth. The pressure will increase if you place your arm or something solid under your head while still in the prone position. Even if this is your favorite way of sleeping, try to sleep in a normal position or on your side to prevent shifting of gears due to this pressure.

Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 2
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 2

Step 2. Avoid clasping your face with your hands all day

Today, with many people spending their entire day behind a desk working or studying, this problem is becoming more common for people with poor posture. When you lean in front of a table and rest your head on your arms, this position can put constant pressure on one part of your jaw. This pressure slowly pushes the teeth inward, and causes the teeth on certain parts of the face to tilt.

To prevent this, try to straighten your posture by making sure you are sitting directly on your buttocks and not on the bottom of your spine. Straightening your lower body will help position your upper body properly to prevent neck fatigue and the urge to rest your head on your arms

Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 3
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 3

Step 3. Stop thumb sucking or any other habit of sucking

In addition to pressure from inside the mouth, the position of the teeth can also be tilted with external pressure. This condition usually occurs in children with a habit of excessive thumb sucking; however, many teenagers and adults with similar habits can also cause this. Using a straw, biting at a pen, and making gum bubbles exert the same pressure as thumb sucking and can cause teeth to lean forward. Try breaking habits that put pressure on your mouth.

If you can't stop using a straw, make sure to move the straw toward the back of your mouth and not lean it against your front teeth

Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 4
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 4

Step 4. Cover the gap between the teeth caused by the broken tooth

It's normal for baby teeth to fall out and be replaced with permanent teeth, but if your permanent teeth fall out, this can cause a number of problems, including crooked teeth. Adults may lose their teeth due to extraction or problems with their teeth, an injury to the teeth, or perhaps because the permanent teeth that were supposed to replace the baby teeth never erupt. The gap created by the loss of teeth puts pressure on the teeth that do not fall out, causing the existing teeth to shift and become tilted. Covering any gaps with braces, bridges, dental implants, or partial dentures will prevent this.

The movement of the teeth towards the existing gap is also caused by a natural process called "mesialization" which means the teeth tend to shift forward

Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 5
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 5

Step 5. Remove your wisdom teeth when the time comes

Some studies may suggest that by allowing your wisdom teeth to grow in and not pulling them out, your other teeth won't stack on top of each other, but this fact doesn't apply to everyone. If your wisdom teeth are growing abnormally or your teeth are already in an overlapping position, recent teeth can cause a significant change in tooth position quickly.

By visiting your doctor regularly and taking X-rays of your mouth and jaw, you can know early on if this condition might be happening to you, and it's best to have it removed as soon as your doctor advises you to do so. Allowing this will cause soreness in your mouth and the possibility of teeth not growing normally

Part 2 of 3: Looking for a Specialist Dentist

Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 6
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 6

Step 1. Find out what you don't like about your teeth

It's important to first figure out what you want to change about the appearance of your teeth so you can clearly convey that to the doctor you visit next time. Some types of treatment can only address certain dental problems, so by having a clear picture of what you want for your teeth, you can determine which type of treatment is right for you.

Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 7
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 7

Step 2. Find out about a board-certified orthodontist practicing in your area

Orthodontic dentists and orthodontists are different: apart from repairing teeth, orthodontists are also trained to study the development of teeth and complex facial shapes. It is very important to meet with a specialist dentist, not a regular dentist, to discuss a treatment plan. It is also important to find out if the doctor you are seeing is certified by the dentist's association as this can guarantee that your doctor is licensed to perform the most difficult levels of care and has passed training.

In complicated cases, an orthodontist may need the assistance of an oral surgeon or maxillofacial surgeon to provide comprehensive care

Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 8
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 8

Step 3. Make an appointment with your dentist to discuss treatment

You may have done your research on this, but the only person who can clearly tell you the choices you have when it comes to dental repair kits is your dentist. Sometimes wearing braces is the only way to solve your problem. If not, it's still important to discuss other possible avenues and listen to your doctor's advice. Some questions that can help you ask your doctor include:

  • What goes into the proposed treatment plan, and what consequences will I face if I choose not to use one of the currently available options?
  • How does the Doctor determine the cost of treatment and what payment options are accepted? In addition, what are the health insurance plan options that Doctors approve?
  • What kind of follow-up program will be used for this kind of treatment once everything is done?
  • Does the Doctor provide your patient with a reference on this or are there photos of the patient taken before and after the treatment?
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 9
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 9

Step 4. Get a second opinion

It is highly recommended to get two to three opinions from others before deciding to proceed with the treatment plan you have chosen, especially if you have been advised to have a previous tooth extracted or your case is a difficult one. Many dentists emphasize wearing braces even though there are many other ways, but health experts agree that there is no “one best way” to solve this problem. Meeting and talking to several dentists will help you find the type of treatment you are comfortable with and can afford.

Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 10
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 10

Step 5. Determine the dentist who will treat you and complete the initial procedure

After selecting a doctor you trust, usually a post-consultation appointment will be scheduled for you. During this meeting the doctor will make an impression of your mouth and you will also get an X-ray of your face and jaw. Using these two things, the doctor can determine what should be done to improve your smile and can also explain in detail the types of treatments available for your teeth. With the available information, you can weigh your options and choose the best course of treatment.

Part 3 of 3: Choosing the Best Type of Treatment

Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 11
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 11

Step 1. Consider using a clear dental impression or clear aligner

Transparent dental impressions are a firmer type of removable wire and are usually made to order. This type of wire easily slips between the teeth and slowly smooths it out. Because the inside of a child's mouth is still developing, this type of mold is the best choice for teens or adults whose insides have atrophied. This type of treatment is usually used for patients with overlapping or spaced teeth problems of easy to moderate difficulty, and not for dental problems such as severe protrusion of the lower jaw, overly advanced upper jaw, or other problems that are much more complex. This type of treatment usually takes about 10 to 24 months, and costs around IDR 50,000,000 (in 2013). There are also a few things to consider:

  • One advantage of dental impressions is that they are easy to remove, making it easy to clean and maintain oral hygiene.
  • Wearing dental impressions requires the patient to adapt to them. If not used often, then the treatment time will be longer.
  • These dental impressions should be used regularly. If not, you will have to use it for a longer time.
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 12
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 12

Step 2. Ask about lingual braces

Lingual braces are similar to regular braces, except that they are located at the back of the teeth. They use the same system of braces to gradually tighten and straighten their teeth, and usually last for about 6 to 24 months, depending on the complexity of the treatment. This type of treatment is good for people aged 10 years and over with a range of teeth from the usual to the most severe. As with dental impressions, lingual braces are a great option for people who prefer not to show their braces, as these types of braces are a bit difficult to see. Of course, the price of this type of braces is more expensive than ordinary braces, which is around Rp. 12,000,000-Rp 17,000,000 (in 2013) depending on the level of complexity and the length of the treatment period. You also need to keep these things in mind:

  • At first, you will not feel comfortable enough with these types of braces and you will need some time to get used to them. Many people experience irritation of the inside of the mouth due to friction between their braces and their tongue.
  • These braces may feel uncomfortable to wear at first, so it will take some getting used to. Many people experience irritation from contact between braces and tongue.
  • People who wear this type of braces usually have difficulty speaking, although not permanently, and also become slurred.
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 13
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 13

Step 3. Try using a palatal expander or palatal expander

This object, also known as an maxillary wider or orthodontic wider, is used to expand the maxilla so that the teeth above and below can fit together better. A palatal extender is a screw that attaches to the tooth with a rubber band that can be turned with a key to widen the jaw. Palatal extensions can help solve the problem of tooth buildup by giving the teeth space to move naturally into their proper position. This tool is best used for children and adolescents under 15 years because their maxillary bones can still be formed. The price of a palatal wider tends to range from $1,000 - $3,000, or around Rp. 13,000,000 - Rp. 40,000,000 depending on the length of treatment. Please also note:

  • Once the widening process is complete, keep the device in your mouth for about three more months to stabilize the teeth and maxillary arch before you can remove them.
  • Using a palatal extender requires frequent visits to the dentist, who usually has a special lock that can increase your palatal width.
  • Dilation of the jaw can be very painful at times and sometimes causes non-permanent speech impediments and irritation of the mouth.
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 14
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 14

Step 4. Choose a removable wire or retainer model

Removable wires are available in two types: fixed or permanent and removable, and are made for the upper or lower part of the mouth to strengthen and straighten teeth. Usually this tool is used to maintain the position of the teeth after treatment with braces or transparent molds; however, removable braces are sometimes also used of all ages to correct slightly uneven teeth position.

  • The price ranges from IDR 750,000 - IDR 2,000,000 according to the level of complexity and the length of the treatment period.
  • Fixed type braces are placed behind the teeth so they are not visible.
  • Meanwhile, removable wire is easy to clean to maintain oral hygiene.
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 15
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 15

Step 5. Or you can choose dental veneers

Also known as porcelain veneers or dental veneers, dental veneers are porcelain-based dental coverings that are placed over the teeth. This appliance is suitable for patients with spaced teeth, broken teeth, or teeth that have undergone discoloration. To install it, the doctor removes a thin layer of the outer layer of the tooth and applies specially selected veneers to the patient's teeth using a light-sensitive resin. This type of procedure is usually completed in one meeting, so the results can be seen more quickly.

  • Veneers are very expensive, and usually range from IDR 2,000,000 to IDR 10,000,000 for each tooth.
  • This treatment option is rarely used by anyone other than adults, because the shape of the face determines the appropriate veneer size, while the face shape of children and adolescents is still evolving.
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 16
Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces Step 16

Step 6. Learn about contouring the teeth

Contouring, also known as tooth reshaping, is done by removing parts of the outer layer of the tooth or using resin of the same color as the tooth to improve the shape of the tooth. This is usually done for older patients, as this option is permanent, and may not be suitable for growing adolescents and children. Since they are considered fillings, contouring is only used to shorten teeth or to correct slightly crooked, chipped, or cracked teeth.

  • This type of treatment is usually done in one run and the price ranges from IDR 450,000-IDR 750,000 (in 2012) for each tooth depending on how much work has to be done on the teeth.
  • Also keep in mind that contouring with composite resins does not last long and requires further contouring.
Check out the herbst appliance
Check out the herbst appliance

Step 7. Try Herbst

This device helps straighten the teeth by correcting the position of the jaw. It has a metal rod that is attached forward to the molars in the lower jaw to help correct the bite. That way, your lower and upper jaws can meet each other, helping to straighten your teeth.

  • You must wear this device for one year so that the lower jaw can shift into the correct position.
  • It will show when you put it on and it will take some time for it to give good results.
Choose a headset
Choose a headset

Step 8. Use headphones

It can also be used to straighten teeth by pressing on the upper teeth and jaw to help shift the jaw and teeth into the correct position.

This tool must be worn for a certain time until the results are felt

Consider composite bonding
Consider composite bonding

Step 9. Consider gluing composites

In this treatment, tooth-colored resin will be used and shaped and attached to the teeth with glue. This resin will make the teeth appear straighter.

  • This treatment is intended for children or to correct temporary dental problems.
  • This resin is also easy to change color.
Go for gum lifting
Go for gum lifting

Step 10. Try gingivoplasty

This treatment can improve your smile drastically. Your gum line will lift and shape so that your teeth can appear. If you have a low number of teeth, there is a lot of free space in your gums, or your gum line is not symmetrical, consider this treatment.

  • This treatment is not suitable for everyone.
  • For one simple procedure per tooth, the cost of this treatment ranges from Rp. 4,000,000 to Rp. 8,000,000.


  • To find a certified dentist near your home, visit: or specifically for the Jakarta area and check to find out if they have been registered with the Indonesian Medical Council.
  • If after the treatment period your dentist gives you removable braces to wear at night, be sure to wear them every night as long as your doctor tells you to wear them. Teeth have a memory and they will naturally return to their original position, so if you stop using removable braces quickly or don't use them as often as possible, the teeth will return to their old positions.
  • If cost of dental treatment is an issue, keep in mind that some dental clinics owned by medical schools offer dental services by their students under supervision or by part of a faculty such as experienced lecturers at lower prices.
  • The price ranges for some of the types of treatment tools listed above have not been fully updated, and do not reflect the prices of tools in all dental clinics. Some areas may charge lower or higher prices for certain maintenance tools. For more information, ask a dentist who practices in your area.


  • Do not try to practice any of the above techniques without the help of someone else.

    Self-made dental treatments are very unsafe. Even the association of dentists in America, The American Association of Orthodontists, has issued a warning to consumers not to try these methods because they can damage teeth permanently, causing tooth loss, infection, and tooth decay.
