If you want to change the way you think and behave, you certainly can. Our brain is constantly making new connections on a regular basis and shaping itself to work the way you tell it to. By developing self-awareness and staying mindful, you can control so-called negative thoughts and destructive habits and become a better, more positive you from now on.
Method 1 of 3: Changing Your Mindset

Step 1. Start by monitoring your thoughts in your daily life
The beauty of human evolution lies in its development which shaped itself in two roles: the primitive side which plays a role in doing and the evolved side in monitoring. You can observe yourself and your thoughts at any time. Noticing any thoughts that signal danger, pause and think. Are these thoughts negative? Damage? What triggered it? Is this thought logical? Getting addicted? You will be able to recognize patterns in your thoughts as you begin to practice developing self-awareness.
Write down your thoughts as they arise. This will make it easier for you to recognize your thought patterns. You may have a self-deprecating, pessimistic, anxious mindset, or whatever. It's also a great way to be aware of the stupid conversations going on in your head and free yourself from them at the same time

Step 2. Identify your mindset
After about a week, observe each pattern carefully. Maybe your mindset is mostly negative, you often criticize yourself or others, or you have unnecessary thoughts because they are not important or useful to you. These patterns will be different for each person. Once you can recognize your thought patterns, you will be able to stop them.
Once you've reached self-awareness, this is when you can truly stop yourself-and this is where change can begin. After all, you can't get anywhere if you don't know where you're going

Step 3. Realize that everything is part of a larger circle
Many of us feel guilty about thinking that our feelings are the cause of our actions. As a result, we will feel helpless and can't do anything but feel this way so we act like that. In reality, this kind of thinking is not necessarily true.
- Your beliefs and thoughts determine how you feel, which in turn will determine your actions, and will subsequently have consequences in your life. The consequences that occur in your life will shape your beliefs and thoughts, which determine how you feel…and the circle continues again from here. If you understand this as a circle, you will find it easier to see that simply by changing one of these factors, you can restore the system as a whole.
- The other side of this belief that is most incorrect is the belief that we have no power. This is not true at all-the truth is, you are someone with power. Every thought, behavior, and event in this life is yours, and you can change it. You just change one of them and the others will change too.

Step 4. Set the distance between your thoughts and actions
This process will indeed form a circle, to be sure, but the process can be slowed down. When you start to feel the pattern coming back, stop and breathe. Try not to be reactive. How to react like what is your choice? What positive thoughts can you create from the results of your thoughts?
- For example, suppose you are watching television and you see an advertisement starring a beautiful woman. Then you think to yourself, "I'll never be like him," or "I'll never be." Pause for a moment, then settle this thought better. Think, "But I have x, y, and z strengths," or "I'm going to use that as motivation to start trying and feel good about myself, because I've decided to achieve happiness, not negativity."
- Realize that all your actions and thoughts will be rewarded accordingly. Do you always feel worried? Maybe you're having a lot of trouble or not getting what you expect. Do you have feelings that like to humble yourself? Perhaps you feel safe by staying in failure, so that you don't have to be disappointed if your expectations are not met. Think what you get out of your thoughts? Are the things you got really worth it for you?

Step 5. Consider every word you use in your mind and that you say to others
Your words can hurt other people's feelings-including yourself-and this will have negative consequences for yourself and for you in your actions and thoughts. If these thoughts start to appear, tell yourself to stop. Just stop it. Turn your attention to other, more positive things that can keep you on the right track.
- If you say positive and loving things, this is what you will receive back. What you express in a positive and loving way will bring good to all and create good energy. If you think that you can't possibly do something, this is what will happen. If you open your mind and think you can definitely do anything you put your mind to, you will succeed.
- Sometimes we all get caught up in playing a recording that keeps repeating itself in our minds. This record may always say, "I'm ugly," or "I'm nothing," or "I feel so depressed," or many other pointless things. Press the stop button to stop this recording and replace it with a new one. What did he say? Doesn't this new record feel more comforting? Be careful that old recordings don't appear again. And remember: you can always get rid of them.

Step 6. Choose your reactive actions
As a child you have been taught to think, act and accept a belief system that often shapes you into a person with a certain personality. The fears and insecurities you once experienced can also carry over into your life as an adult. We often get caught up in action-reaction patterns, not realizing that we can understand the situation we are in and react in various ways. If you're used to giving negative reactions, it's time to take the opportunity to reevaluate. If something makes you feel angry, why? Would other people you know react the same way? How do they react that may be different from yours? How will they react who may be better than yours?
Ask yourself why you are reacting a certain way. Have you given your best? Is there any other way you can react? Make the decision to form your own mindset and beliefs that best match who you really are, who you want to be, and work hard to achieve it

Step 7. Form new thoughts to create these new positive habits
Once you recognize your bad thoughts and can stop them, replace them with good thoughts. Now you just have to put in the effort and repeat these new thoughts as often as possible. This new mindset will become a habit, just as your thought patterns are already formed as your habits. As long as you can keep your head down and think this is possible, this is what will happen. That's how the brain works.
It will help you to take notes, meditate, and talk about the practice with your loved ones. This will make the whole process more real, tangible, and a part of your life-so you won't have to act as crazy as you once did, if you look back. You may find that others have been inspired by making the decision to change and emulating your dedication to improving yourself
Method 2 of 3: Changing Your Habits

Step 1. Realize the importance of changing bad habits and stick with it
Sometimes it's not just the mind that has to be changed-it's also the habits and addictions (which are the same thing). If you have a habit that you want to break, perhaps an overeating habit or a drug dependence, start by putting yourself in a situation where you have to deal with the trigger and then stick with it. It will be difficult, but it will get easier with time. And in this way, you are in control of it. When you can control it, you will feel much better.
- For example, you are trying to leave the habit of overeating. Let's just say, you're at home, and soon you'll usually be eating a snack. Allow yourself to smell or see pictures of the food and don't give up. Maybe you can hold on for 30 seconds or up to 5 minutes-do as much as you can.
- The aspect that must be achieved is the ability to do it in everyday situations. Many people with addiction go to rehab and succeed-but once they get home (and go about their daily lives), they give up. Try to do it in the same conditions as your daily life so that this effort can give the best results.

Step 2. Expose yourself to the triggers of your addiction in different environments
If you want to quit alcoholism, it's a good idea to "practice abstinence" in different settings and in different situations. Take it one step at a time-don't drink wine when you get home from work. After some time, this need will disappear. Next, head to the bar, and endure not drinking there. This will also become a habit. The next step, go to the party. You have to face the trigger in any form and try to conquer it.
Do it also with different timeframes. Sometimes the addiction will become stronger, and this is a sign of the greatest risk. But if you can expose yourself to different conditions, your body will begin to be able to resist cravings all the time, not just at certain times

Step 3. Continue to do so-while still holding on
Once you've gotten this far, you're almost at liberty. This is when you imitate your habits but still don't. An alcoholic may sit again at the bar, pouring a drink, but not drinking it. A person who used to overeat might be able to cook a meal for his family and then watch them enjoy it. If you are already at this stage, you can be sure you already have the power to control your thoughts and habits. Congratulations on your success!
By doing it, the situation will be much more real than just thinking or imagining what you are addicted to. This method is interactive on a very different level and requires a great deal of willpower – but all of these methods are completely doable

Step 4. Give another positive feedback
It can't be if you just want to change something and not replace it with something else. After all, your brain always needs rewards. Not only that, you yourself deserve it after doing all this hard work. The next time you sit at the bar and don't drink anymore, choose your favorite non-alcoholic drink. Do not eat? Try drinking a refreshing iced tea. Faced with traffic jams and you are no longer irritated? Play your favorite CD and enjoy the music. Anything that makes you feel better (but not by adopting a bad habit) will make you successful.
This method also applies to the mind. Let's say your boss scolds you and you immediately feel like screaming and throwing a tantrum or getting very, very angry. Try to do what you enjoy. You can go for a walk, call a friend, or read your favorite book. In the end, anger no longer becomes a response. Your brain will not recognize it anymore because you have eliminated this habit. From now on you can give a new positive response. you win

Step 5. Do meditation
While this may not seem like something you're into, the benefits of meditation are tremendous-and it really helps you to control your thoughts and become aware of yourself. Plus, meditation can also help you stay calm and focused, making it easier for you to manifest all of these positive things. All bad habits will disappear if your brain can work in the right way.
Don't like to meditate? It does not matter. What can keep you calm and centered? Read an interesting book? Playing video games? Cook? Do it. As long as the activity can put you in what is metaphorically called a zen garden, this will be good for you
Method 3 of 3: Making Brain Reprogramming Work for You

Step 1. Realize that negative thoughts are completely worthless
"Want to go on a diet" and believe that your eating habits are not good are two different things. It would be obvious that someone who just "wanted to diet" would not achieve any results. On the other hand, a person who truly believes that his current eating habits are not good will achieve success. In order for you to truly reprogram your brain, you have to be absolutely sure that negative thoughts and habits are of absolutely no value to you. If you believe in this, better actions will follow.
You probably already understand that negative thoughts lead to negative actions and negative patterns. They are like clouds that cover the bright light in life, and will breed unhappiness. Surely it's not hard to see that negative thoughts are actually completely worthless, right? Where did they take you? Where did they take each of us?

Step 2. Think of your brain as a computer
Your brain is plastic and very malleable. This is a fact. Neuroplasticity is the term for changes in your brain due to having new experiences and new thoughts. In short, your brain is like a computer. Your brain is capable of adapting, receiving information and using it. If you can believe in the power of a computer, you must also believe in the power of your own brain.
Another reason you might think of your brain as a computer is that it is capable of letting you see any possible outcome at any given time. You enter information into your brain (as you would on a computer), your brain processes it (as a computer does), and then your brain provides a solution (like a computer). However, if you change how you process information or how you enter information or even what information is entered, you will get different results-just like computers do. Think differently and you will get a completely different operating system. A better system than the one you used before

Step 3. Rest assured that you can see change as something certain that can happen without the slightest hesitation
This has to do with the view that negative thoughts are worthless. Your mind has to be in good shape for your brain to start changing, or reprogramming. In the end, "I want to lose weight" and "I believe that I can definitely lose weight" are two completely different thoughts. In short, you have to believe in yourself. You are someone who can change. And you can do it too.
This belief can help you to start practicing positive thinking. If you believe that something is possible, you will see more opportunities open to you. It's like seeing a spark of light, illuminating your life with a brilliant light. Suddenly everything became brighter. Everything can be seen. You start to believe that you can do it, and you really can

Step 4. Challenge every thought that pops into your head
As you get more proficient at this reprogramming, start paying attention to your thoughts and challenging them. Do your thoughts match reality or are they just based on beliefs? Are these your own thoughts or thoughts given to you? If you come across thoughts that are just beliefs and not your own, challenge them. Is there a better thought? Is there a more efficient mind? Are there more positive thoughts? Are there other thoughts that can bring you closer to who you want to be?
Our culture tends to "bring us up" in certain ways. We are taught to think, learn, and generally act in certain acceptable ways. You are free to use your neocortex (your highly evolved brain) and make it work. What is really best for you? Is it in line with your own values?

Step 5. Use the app to reprogram
There are already apps for anything, including positive thinking and brain retraining. Stress-Free Life and I Can Do It are two examples of technologies that can keep your mind calm and activate your mind to be positively motivated. If journaling isn't fun for you, this might be the best option.