Mustache is back in trend. From November onwards, this classic, chic facial hair style is becoming increasingly popular with all men, and can be a good way to experiment with different shaving styles based on your goals. You can learn to grow a mustache in the quickest, healthiest, and cleanest way possible from this article, as well as discover some tips to improve the appearance of your mustache.
Part 1 of 2: Growing a Mustache

Step 1. Grow your beard first
The hair above your lips will look thin at first. If you want to avoid looking awkward at first, consider growing all the facial hair first, then shaving off the rest of the beard and leaving the mustache when it's in the desired shape. You can also trim all the hair except the mustache gradually, so that the change in appearance is not too drastic.
Treat and trim your beard in the process of growing a mustache

Step 2. Buy a good quality razor as an investment
Whenever you're shaping facial hair, a good quality shaver is a worthwhile investment and can make your job easier. It is easier to shape the mustache precisely with an electric shaver than it is to use a regular razor that is used to completely shave off all the hair.
In general, you can buy a fairly good electric shaver for IDR 200,000-300,000, at most retail stores. The variety of stem shapes and sizes is very wide, so you can choose the right one to maintain the neat shape of your mustache

Step 3. Shave off the parts you don't want
Most mustaches usually extend to about the corner of the mouth, so that the hair above the lips is left untouched. All you need to get a neat mustache is to shave off any excess unwanted hair. Usually, these are hairs on the cheek area, under and along the jawline, and around the mouth, except for the upper lip.
- After shaving them to the shape you want, leave the mustache. Shave off or continue trimming other areas of facial hair regularly so that your mustache stands out from the rest of the hair in the beard area.
- Sometimes men also like to let some of the beard grow back thin and let the mustache grow a little longer than the rest of the hair on the face. This style is a mix of half beard and half mustache. This style is perfect if you like beards and mustaches at the same time.

Step 4. Be patient with the hair growth on your face
While facial hair may grow rapidly, it can take several weeks to more than a month for it to fully grow, depending on the type of mustache you want and the speed at which your beard grows. It may take some time, so never rush into this process.
- Contrary to popular belief, shaving your beard regularly doesn't make it grow back thicker. However, this is not bad advice. This method is often useful when men who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their facial hair want to shave off the hair and wait until the growing hair is thicker.
- You can use some basic health techniques to speed up the growth of facial hair. Maintaining a diet high in protein, unsaturated fats, and vitamins A, E, and C, combined with exercise and adequate rest, and most importantly, keeping your face clean and hair groomed, are things that can help Promotes facial hair growth in men.
Part 2 of 2: Shaping the Mustache

Step 1. Choose the right mustache style for your face
Not all mustache styles can look right for all face and hair shapes. Watch for hair growth on your face, and the thickest areas. Don't bother trying to get a long Manchu emperor mustache if your facial hair doesn't grow thick along the edges of your mouth all the way to the bottom.
To find a suitable mustache style, try editing your photo by pasting the mustache in a photo editing program. You can also ask friends and family what you think you will look like. If you can't do both of these things, just look in the mirror and imagine what your face would look like with the mustache style you chose

Step 2. Try the short mustache style
The short mustache style is best suited for men who tend to have very coarse, thick, dark facial hair. Since the hair is only grown short in this style, the mustache will look more attractive if the facial hair is thicker and coarser. Try some of these short mustache styles:
- The “pencil mustache” style: This style was popularized by John Waters, R Kelly, and so many villains in the movies, the “pencil mustache” style looks like it was lightly painted over the lips with a makeup pencil. To trim it, follow the line of the upper lip with a shaver, then carefully shave the hairs between the nose and lips, until only a thin line remains. The tip of the mustache should fall at the corner of the upper lip, or just above this point.
- “Emperor Manchu” moustache style: This classic style looks like a “pencil mustache” style that starts from the upper lip and continues down the sides of the face, until it reaches the point of the lower edge of the jaw, and sometimes slightly beyond this point. The mustache of this style is grown slightly thicker and wider, and the shape is also known as the "handlebar mustache" or "horseshoe" mustache.
- The “square” (“boxcar”) mustache style: The “square mustache” style is really simple, and the tip falls just before the corners of the mouth. To style this mustache, just let your mustache grow, then shave in a perpendicular line to the corners of your mouth, so that the ends of the mustaches fall just before the corners of your mouth. The result is a perfect square shape. Don't shave it too short, or you'll look like Hitler.

Step 3. Try a longer mustache style
If you want to try a thicker and longer mustache style, straight but slightly coarse facial hair is the best capital. Facial hair that is too thin can grow long, but it won't look thick enough and may actually cover your lips like walrus fangs and be annoying. If you have the right type of facial hair, consider growing a longer mustache:
- The “British royal mustache” style: The “British royal mustache” style is perfect if you want to look like Victorian novel characters. To achieve this mustache style, you will need to allow the mustache to grow unshaven until it reaches a point just above the corners of your mouth, then slightly beyond this point. Next, with a special cream (wax) for the mustache, twist the excess length at the ends of the mustache and lift it in an upward arc.
- “Walrus mustache” style: “Walrus mustache” is a mustache suitable for nature lovers, hunters, and adventurers who are used to sharp weapons. Think of Teddy Roosevelt, for example. To grow this mustache style, do nothing but shave the hairs in the cheek area. Just let your mustache grow freely. Don't tidy up at all, unless it's really bothering you (this usually happens pretty soon). This style is not suitable for beginners.
- The “Tom Selleck mustache” style: This style is named after the famous movie star Tom Selleck, and is sometimes known in some locations as the “porn star mustache” style. The shape is the same as the “walrus whiskers” style, with the tips pointing downwards towards the corners of the mouth, but the “Tom Selleck mustache” style looks fuller in the area between the lips and nose, and is trimmed so as not to cover the lips.

Step 4. Experiment with different combinations of styles
It might be fun to come up with new mustache styles and give them weird names, but what really matters is getting creative in front of the mirror by using a mustache trimmer. If the style you come up with looks right on your face, it's the right style. Try these different style combinations the next time you shave, and find out which style is right for you. If the results don't look good, you can always shave off your mustache again.
- The “regular goatee” (“goatee”) style is basically a “Manchu emperor mustache” or “handlebar” mustache that ends together at the chin area. Just shave the hair in the cheek area and under your neck.
- The “mutton chops” style with its interlocking mustache and beard will create the appearance of a seasoned theatrical actor, a wartime hero, a character from a bygone era, or a public figure from the city of Brooklyn.
- Try a straight mustache style, with a clockwork look to a solid five and a small beard just below the lower lip, to make you look like an actor on leave.

Step 5. Keep trimming the edges
Although maybe some mustache lovers are not convinced of the benefits of trimming mustaches, your mustache still needs to be trimmed from time to time. A series of activities of washing, combing, trimming, and shaving the mustache may become a daily routine if you really want your perfectly formed mustache to be healthy and durable.
Depending on the shape of your mustache style, trim it with special mustache scissors every day to once a week. After a month of doing your mustache trimming routine once a week, you'll know how many areas of the mustache you need to shave each time you trim it back

Step 6. Use good quality care products to keep your face clean
Try to clean your face with cleansing products made from natural ingredients, every morning and every night before going to bed. This will keep the facial skin clean and in prime condition, so that it is ready for the mustache grate process and the use of mustache cream (wax).
Growing facial hair, regardless of shape and style, can trap natural body oils and dirt from sticking to the surface of the skin, causing patches and acne in some men. It is very important that you maintain the cleanliness and neatness of the hairs on your face, so that the facial skin remains healthy

Step 7. Shape your mustache
Some mustache styles require a bit of special practice and lots of mustache cream (wax), while others can be trimmed with just a comb. If you're working on a bold “handlebar mustache” style or a neat “pencil mustache” style, you'll need to comb, twist, trim, and maybe even shave your mustache every day to keep it in good shape.
- After cleansing your face or after taking a shower, apply a little mustache cream (wax) to the center of the mustache with your fingers. Next, gently smooth the cream (waxed) outwards, so that all parts of the mustache are exposed to the cream (wax), and use a comb to smooth it out so that no part is left behind from the entire mustache.
- To comb your mustache, use a beard comb, which is usually smaller and has tighter teeth. Apply a small amount of natural beard oil to wet the fine teeth of the comb, so that the hairs on the mustache are moisturised and shaped according to their style.
- Start combing from the midpoint just below the midpoint of your nose, then outward until you reach the corners of your mouth, and work your way down.
- Some men don't really benefit from using shaving foam or shaving cream/gel, so they choose to use water only as a moisturizer when shaving.
- This trick might sound weird, but it's worth trying. Rub the skin of your face on the areas you want hair growth. This is guaranteed to work if you keep doing it for a long time. Just scrub for 10 minutes at a time, every day.
- Of course, you have to be careful when shaving.
- Shave with a razor.
Related article
- How to Cut a Beard
- How to Trim Mustache