Clowns are funny entertainers who can be easily recognized by their special make-up, colorful wigs, funny clothes, and witty jokes. Part of the process of becoming a clown is wearing special makeup. While each clown's face is unique, there is a uniform and specific way to describe the face. To learn how to paint a clown face, follow these steps.
Method 1 of 3: Classic Clown

Step 1. Draw an outline on your face
The classic Auguste-style clown is the kind you'll often see in circuses. The clown Auguste wears excessive makeup and is sloppy as well as clumsy, using physical comedy to make the audience laugh. To make an Auguste look, map out this pattern to exaggerate the eye, nose, and mouth makeup by using a black oil pencil to outline your face.
- Draw a curve in your eye. Start at a distance of 2.5 cm from the outer corner of your eye, draw an arch that culminates between your eyebrows and your hairline, then end your arch at the inner corner of the same eye. Make an arch of the same size for the other eye.
- Draw an exaggerated smile on the lower half of your face. Start under your nose, and draw a line that curves through your nostrils and just below your cheekbones. Curl the line to make a large circle on the chin, then continue through your mouth, down the other cheekbone, and ending under your nose. The shape should depict an exaggerated very wide smile.

Step 2. Fill the outline with white paint
Apply a layer of white makeup inside the eyes and smile using a makeup sponge. Makeup should completely remove your eyebrows. Smooth the makeup inside the pencil's outline so that it stands out.
- If you want a less traditional look, you can use a color other than white to fill in the outline. You can use yellow or light pastel colors to make that part of your face stand out.
- Using black, purple, blue, or other dark colored paint to fill in the outline can also have a dramatic effect. If you choose this step, you'll need to invert all the shades of the color as well, to create a balance of the overall look and ensure that every part of it is visible.
Consider wearing basic makeup. This can be done with theatrical talcum powder and the affix; The powder will hold the makeup on all day long. Use a powder that matches the paint you are using.
- Pour about 1 tablespoon of theatrical powder on the adhesive. Rub both sides of the affixer until the powder appears to have disappeared into the affixer.
- Tap the stamp on your face until all the areas covered by the makeup have been exposed to the marker.

Step 3. Use black paint to draw the eyebrows
Dip the brush in black paint. Sweep the brush from the base of the arch along the outer edge of your eye, working your way up to your forehead and back to the inner corner of your eye. Make the line as thin or as thick as you want. Repeat on the other side to create another eyebrow image.
- Some Auguste clowns make a vertical line from the top of the eyelid, across the eyelid, to 1 cm below the eye, below the arch.
- If you filled the eye area with dark paint instead of white, use white or another light color to draw the eyebrows.

Step 4. Outline the smile and mouth
Dip the brush in the black paint again, and this time use it to draw a line around the exaggerated smile you created. Draw a thick line around the shape. Try to make it symmetrical so it looks the same on both sides.

Step 5. Apply blush to cheeks, lips, and nose
Use a clean makeup sponge to apply a thin layer of red paint to your cheekbones, over the black line you just created. Dab more paint on the tip of your nose. Once it dries, apply a second coat to really stand out. Finally, use red paint or lipstick to make your lips as red as cherries.
- Some clowns use black paint on their lips instead of red.
- If you like, you can use a red foam or rubber nose, but coloring it red is fine too.

Step 6. Correct the faded makeup
Check your clown makeup in the mirror. If you notice spots that look faded or uneven, use a sponge and a little water to blot the paint off of those areas. Dry the area with a towel, then put the makeup back on.
Method 2 of 3: Clown Character

Step 1. Choose a character
Character clowns are clowns who look like exaggerated versions of people, stereotypes, or emotions. For example, the classic “sad clown” is a type of character clown. You can also be a confused clown, a grumpy clown, a doctor clown, or a sexy clown – you know that.

Step 2. Turn your face into a canvas
Apply a layer of white base makeup on your face. Use a makeup sponge to spread the white base makeup all over your face, covering your eyebrows as well. Most clowns will stop applying makeup at the hairline, just below the jawline and just in front of the ear canal.
- Smooth out your base makeup. Take a closer look at your base makeup and reapply any areas that look like they're over- or under-makeup by patting on a makeup sponge.
- Remember to top off your base with theatrical talcum powder and foundation.

Step 3. Make the features redundant
Based on the character you have chosen, apply different makeup colors and designs to the parts of your face that you want to highlight.
- If you want to be a sad clown, choose a color to create a gloomy line around your mouth all the way to your chin. Sad clowns often use black paint on half of their face, around their mouth, to show that they are not shaved.
- If you want to be a confused clown, draw thick slanted eyebrows on your forehead, and regular eyebrows on the other side.
- To be a sexy clown, draw exaggerated black lashes above and below your eyes, and use red to create big, seductive lips.

Step 4. Apply your makeup every time you add color
Patting the powder on different colored sections will ensure that the colors don't mix.

Step 5. Trim and smooth out any inconsistent makeup
Double-check your clown make-up to make sure each line is clear and the color isn't seeping into the surrounding makeup.
Method 3 of 3: Clown Pierrot

Step 1. Paint your face with white color
The Pierrot clown is a slick, silent, and tends to dress elegantly, with facial features that are understated rather than overdone. They look like ghosts. Her makeup usually is to paint the entire face in white with subtle colors. The first step is to paint your entire face in white, from the top of your forehead to the bottom of your chin, and from one ear hole to the other. Make sure your eyebrows are covered. Dab your makeup with powder.

Step 2. Draw your eyes in black
Make sure your eyes look sunken by circling the top and bottom of your eyes in black. Use mascara to cover your lashes with black, too.

Step 3. Paint the small facial features in black
Dip your brush in black paint and draw a pair of eyebrows that point downwards about 2.5 cm above your natural eyebrows. These eyebrows will give the impression of sadness and seriousness. You can use black paint to create other features, such as black tears that fall from one or both of your eyes. Some people simply draw black dots on both cheeks.

Step 4. Make your lips red
Use lipstick or red paint to create a small red mouth half the size of your real lips. You can also apply a little blush to your cheeks or dot both of them.
- Use two different powder theater powders when applying them to base and color makeup. When applying it to base makeup, use white. When applying colored parts, use a powder that has a neutral color.
- To apply a small area, use a brush or cotton bud.
- If you have facial hair, shave it before putting on any makeup.