If you can reduce the amount of water you use every day, you are doing a very good job of helping the earth. Using water efficiently will help conserve the environment, minimize drought, and reduce the use of water resources. You can also save money by reducing your monthly water bill. You also don't have to make drastic lifestyle changes to conserve water. You just need to change a few small things to make the earth better.
Method 1 of 15: Fix a small leak that is in the house

Step 1. Replace damaged pipes and leaky faucets so you don't waste a lot of water
Check the meter and monthly bill for the amount of water used. If there is a random spike in bills, there may be a leaking pipe in your home. Poorly sealed pipes or a leaky toilet can drain up to 340 liters of water in a day. So, tackle this problem so you can save water in the long run.
- Although the amount will vary, depending on the size of the household and the length of time spent in the shower, the average household generally uses about 300–380 liters of water a day. So, in one month will spend about 9,000–11,500 liters of water. This number may seem exaggerated, but it is the truth. This is one of the main reasons why we should conserve water.
- Check the toilet for leaks inside, by pouring a drop of food coloring into the toilet tank and waiting for 10 minutes. If food coloring flows into the bowl, your toilet is leaking and needs to be replaced or repaired.
Method 2 of 15: Turn off the tap when you shave or brush your teeth

Step 1. This is the easiest way to minimize water use
Do not let tap water run continuously while you are shaving or brushing your teeth. It may be hard to believe, but you can save about 760 liters of water in a month just by turning off the tap while shaving and brushing your teeth.
Every 1 minute of running, the faucet will release about 1 liter of water, and this will increase over time
Method 3 of 15: Avoid bathing in the shower for too long

Step 1. Get in the habit of bathing for about 5 minutes or less each time
Everyone loves a long hot shower in the shower. However, be aware that the shower will drain as much as 8 liters of water every minute. You can save more water over time by taking short showers. Your body is also as clean as when you bathe in the shower for a longer time.
If you think you can save water by switching to bathing, keep in mind that a bath requires about 110 liters of water, whereas a short shower only requires about 40–100 liters of water
Method 4 of 15: Rinse the toilet only when needed

Step 1. You only need to flush the toilet when you are done using it
Don't turn the toilet into a trash can by throwing cigarette butts or tissue into it. Don't flush the toilet uselessly and only flush it after you're done using it. If you have a two-button toilet, only use the small button when you urinate to avoid wasting water.
Depending on the age of the toilet, one flush requires about 4–30 liters of water. This is a huge amount to put together
Method 5 of 15: Replace some of the water in the toilet

Step 1. Reduce the amount of water used in each watering
Do this by filling a water bottle or airtight bag with gravel, and placing it in the toilet tank. This is to replace some of the water and reduce the amount of H2O needed to fill the tank. It may seem like a small amount, but a 350 ml bottle filled with gravel can save 350 ml of water with each rinse! If you water 4 times a day, you will save 500 liters of water in a year!
Maybe you've read advice on the internet to fill the toilet tank with sand, instead of gravel. However, if the bag or bottle you are using is not airtight and the sand mixes with the water, the flush valve in the toilet could be damaged. At your own risk if you do this
Method 6 of 15: Switch to water-saving appliances

Step 1. Replace the shower head and faucet with an alternative that has a low flow
By replacing the shower head and faucet in the sink, you can drastically reduce your water use. It's an easy way to save water without changing your washing habits, flushing the toilet, or showering!
If you don't have time or don't have the funds to replace equipment, at least you can install a cheap aerator on each faucet to limit the flow of water. The profits are very high, even if you don't realize it
Method 7 of 15: Use the dishwasher only when it is full

Step 1. The best way to save water is to use household appliances more effectively
It's okay if you want a clean kitchen, but you can waste water if you use the dishwasher every day. You can save a lot of water by waiting until the machine is full.
Never try to save water by not using the dishwasher at all. Remember, this machine uses less water than if you were to wash the dishes by hand
Method 8 of 15: Wash the clothes in cold water (if the laundry is full)

Step 1. If you have only a small amount of laundry, make sure to adjust the water consumption adjustment knob so you don't overuse it
Make sure the dirty clothes are completely filled before you wash them. Try to wash it in cold water as this setting will use less energy and water in most washing machines.
While it may seem counterintuitive, washing or cleaning clothes using a lot of water doesn't actually make clothes cleaner. So, you can still get fresh white clothes and bright colors even if you only wash them when the washing machine is full
Method 9 of 15: Keep a bottle of water in the refrigerator

Step 1. In developed countries (where you can drink tap water directly), when you turn on the sink, you usually have to wait about 30 seconds for the water to cool down
So, every time you want to drink cold water, you have to throw a lot of water before getting cold water (from the tap). By storing bottled water in the refrigerator, you will have a supply of cold water ready to drink without having to turn on the tap. It may seem like a small amount now, but over time, you'll save a lot of water.
You can buy a water bottle that has a filter to improve the quality and taste of the water you store in the refrigerator
Method 10 of 15: Use less water when cooking

Step 1. Thaw food in the refrigerator instead of soaking it in cold water
When washing pans and pans, use a large container filled with water, not under running water. When boiling something, use just enough water to cover the entire food, not fill the pot all the way to the rim of the pot. All the steps recommended here only save a little water if you count them one by one. However, the number will increase in size over time.
Method 11 of 15: Use water-saving appliances

Step 1. If you want to buy a dishwasher, washing machine, or water heater, choose water-saving appliances
In addition to reducing water use, this action can save money associated with maintenance costs. If you live in the US or purchase American-made equipment, look for the EPA's WaterSense seal of approval when purchasing it. Any equipment that applies this sticker uses at least 20% less water than other machines.
- As a general rule, washing machines with doors in the front use less water than machines with doors at the top.
- If possible, buy energy efficient equipment. If you live in the US, look for equipment that has an Energy Star sticker.
Method 12 of 15: Change gardening habits

Step 1. You can do various ways to save water when gardening or tilling the soil
Always use native or drought-resistant plants for garden plantings so you don't water them too often. Collect rainwater to water the plants and use a jar to replace the hose. Weed and trim the garden regularly to keep the plants healthy, and reduce the amount of water to treat the plants.
- Set the blades on the mower to a height of 5-8 cm when you mow the grass. Long grass can help retain moisture in the soil, which makes the soil less prone to drying out.
- Collecting rainwater is actually not difficult. Just direct the gutters to a large container.
Method 13 of 15: Compost food waste instead of throwing it away

Step 1. Make a box or container to hold the compost
When cleaning the kitchen after eating, place leftover food in the compost bin so you can use it later in the garden to fertilize plants. This will reduce the amount of time you have to spend on watering your plants because compost can help your plants retain moisture. This action also reduces the use of garbage disposal machines, which usually require a lot of water.
- You can make compost from leftover fruits, vegetables, bread, or seeds. Coffee grounds and eggshells are also great for composting.
- Don't compost meat and dairy products. Both of these materials will decompose over a very long time and can attract rats, cockroaches, and other pests.
Method 14 of 15: Avoid washing the car or using a bucket

Step 1. Save the water hose and let the rain wash your car
If you feel you have to wash your vehicle, instead of using a hose, prepare several buckets of water for washing and rinsing the vehicle. If you use a hose to wash your vehicle, you will need approximately 190 liters of water. With some buckets, you only need about 20-40 liters of water.
You can also use a waterless cleaning product to clean the vehicle. This will reduce the overall water consumption
Method 15 of 15: Sweep the driveway instead of rinsing it with water

Step 1. You don't need to use a hose or pressurized machine to clean side roads, driveways and patios
Instead, use a broom to remove any dirt. If the condition is very dirty, prepare a wet cloth and wipe it by hand, not by spraying it with a hose. This may take a while, but you can save a lot of water by sweeping and wiping off any dirt, rather than washing it off with water.