Earth, an amazingly large settlement with many opportunities to do things to build a more beautiful life on it. However, the sheer number of options can be overwhelming at times and there are always other ways to contribute that you might not have thought of. When hope begins to fade, wikiHow can help bring it back by providing helpful guidance on how to improve conditions for the world and society as a whole. Happy reading and world building!
Part 1 of 4: Improving the World Starts with the Nearby

Step 1. Volunteer
Joining a charitable organization is a great way to improve life in the immediate environment. You can provide assistance in person and see the impact on the people you help. Give your best by leveraging the skills you have, developing new ones, or joining humanitarian activities in your neighborhood. The best examples are volunteering to develop disadvantaged/disaster-affected areas or provide health services in remote areas. In addition, you can also:
- Teaching homeless children to read and write.
- Distribute food and drinking water to affected residents.
- Join in social activities that support greening the environment.

Step 2. Minimize the impact on yourself
Another way to improve the world is to reduce your own negative impact on the environment. Taking good care of life will have a significant positive impact on the environment and help protect planet earth for future generations.
- Get in the habit of recycling consistently.
- Start reducing household waste and making compost.
- Try to save energy by saving water and electricity consumption.
- In order to preserve the environment where you live, use solar panels at home, use public transportation, an electric car, or walk, if the distance is close enough.
- Increase positive impact. Try to observe how your happiness and well-being are connected with other people and the environment. Learn how to create lasting happiness in life.

Step 3. Be an engaged citizen
Use your right to vote because bad politicians and policies will have a negative impact on your community and environment. Not voting and staying silent means letting yourself be ruled by bad politicians. Get actively involved in your city, province, and country by seeking information about the politicians you support, exercising your right to vote, and educating others on important issues.
For example, only 50% to 60% of eligible Americans will cast their ballots in the presidential election. This number was reduced to 35% to 40% on a midterm presidential vote. Imagine the changes that would occur if 90% of the electorate voted in the presidential election and 60% on the midterm vote

Step 4. Determine the attitude when shopping
Your money matters a lot to sellers. Therefore, speak out loud! Don't buy products from companies that hurt or abuse pets. As much as possible, buy products that support the economic life of the local people and the progress of your own area. Stop buying products from companies whose decisions have a negative impact on many people.
Feel free to provide information to the companies that manufacture the items so they know what you're doing and why! Many companies care about what their customers want, but they don't know how to make a change if no one tells them

Step 5. Be proud of the area you live in
Take care and be proud of the area you live in. In addition to your own interests, it can also protect others in your community. Make good use of if there is an opportunity to help because not everyone has this opportunity. Try to think of various ways to improve the environment where you live, for example by doing the following:
- Invite local residents to do community service by planting trees, tidying sidewalks, and cleaning parks in residential areas.
- Never leave trash anywhere and try to find a trash can or recycling container to throw out the trash! Clean up if there is trash scattered, even if someone else dropped it.
Part 2 of 4: Improving Environmental Conditions Globally

Step 1. Make a donation through an appropriate charity
In order to be able to help people overseas, you have to find a charity that works in a particular field and distributes aid in the best possible way. Choose a charity that has done well on an ongoing basis in a particular area. There are several international charitable organizations working in various fields, including Heifer International, Charity: Water,, Doctors Without Borders, CARE, and The Institute of International Education.

Step 2. Buy goods produced under the fair trade trading system
Fair trade certification ensures that goods are produced in working conditions that treat workers humanely by paying fair wages and decent working conditions. By buying as many products as possible, you show that companies that practice this system deserve more money and encourage other companies to adopt the same system.
Fair trade products are always given a special label. If you're not convinced yet, at least don't buy unethically manufactured goods. Coffee, bananas, chocolate, tropical fruits, wine (especially from California), clothing (especially from China, Bangladesh, Southeast Asia), and jewelry are usually produced through unethical production processes

Step 3. Invest your money
Developing countries or poor communities usually need opportunities so that their economic life can develop. You can help by providing a small business loan. In this way, your money can be returned and these small businesses can contribute to their economic and community life. An easy way to do this is through which provides small business loans to people in poor areas.
In this way, neglected women and groups can also support themselves

Step 4. Protect the environment
Do things that can protect the environment globally. The best way is to reduce dependence on fuel from mining and other sources that have a negative impact on the environment. Use public transportation, bicycles, or electric vehicles to travel. Also use solar energy in your home, instead of using gases that disturb the environment. The habit of consuming local food and using local products will also reduce the use of fuel from mining.
Try to save as much energy as possible. Energy production weighs heavily on the earth, often leading to fires in gas mines or the production of nuclear energy. Energy that is not used can be used for more important needs and less energy must be produced. Turn off lights when you go out, don't use warm water for showers (if the weather isn't too cold), use energy-saving bulbs, turn off computers when not in use, etc. There are many ways to save energy

Step 5. Don't waste too much
Don't overeat, don't buy food you don't need, and don't buy new clothes every year. Wear clothes that are still fit for use. Apply a healthy, balanced diet, as needed so as not to waste more. Make compost if any food remains. Don't waste a lot so that the earth we love doesn't form new mountains from piles of garbage!
- Make compost. Prepare a rather large container outside the house and a small litter box inside the house. Collect all leftovers, unused cooking ingredients, and trash after tidying the garden and place them in a container outside the house. Use a garden fork to stir the compost regularly. Also add soil periodically. After thoroughly mixed, you can sprinkle this compost in the garden.
- Get in the habit of recycling properly. Lately, quite a lot of entrepreneurs will pick up discarded items and waste for them to be productively reprocessed, for example plastic packaging waste can be used as material for making umbrellas, bags, or wallets. Items that can be recycled usually come from plastic bottles, drink cans, and paper.

Step 6. Be an animal rescue activist
As the dominant inhabitants of planet Earth, we have a responsibility to protect other beings who cannot protect ourselves. Many animals are suffering and even extinct because of the way we live today. You can improve the living conditions of animals, for example by:
- Submit a proposal to the government to make regulations to protect animal life.
- Buy products that are manufactured without torturing animals.
- Make a donation to support charities that protect animals, for example through the websites of The Humane Society, The Marine Mammal Center, or the Performing Animal Welfare Society.

Step 7. Donate products to support women's health
Women in some developing countries, such as in India and Africa, cannot get hygiene products to keep their bodies clean. This makes them feel ashamed and isolated themselves, even causing discomfort and threat of infection. You can solve this problem by donating what they need or money to support their health. Thus, they can go to school or work in order to have the opportunity to improve their lives.
Another charity work is Days for Girls
Part 3 of 4: Improving Life at Home

Step 1. Show a friendly attitude
Oftentimes, we are so busy trying to improve our lives that we forget that there are many things we do every day at home that also have a positive impact. One of the best things you can easily do is to treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. And even better, treat others the way they want to be treated. Do fun things for other people as often as possible, for example by making birthday gifts or giving someone a ride until their car is fixed. If we can work together, everything will run smoothly and we will both enjoy the benefits of sharing the goodness of life.

Step 2. Show an example
Set a good example for friends and family members by providing information about current issues so that they too can make good decisions. Explain the importance of these things so that they are motivated to change lives. You can magnify the positive impact by changing the mindset of some people.

Step 3. Find a job
Almost every job can have a positive impact on the community. You can serve people in need and improve the economy in your immediate environment while improving the living conditions of those around you. By working, you can also earn money to donate or fund a small business loan!

Step 4. Be positive
We will feel sad and pessimistic if we are surrounded by negative and evil people so that it is increasingly difficult to deal with other problems in everyday life. Let everyone see that a smile and hope can really improve the lives of everyone around you. By finding lessons from adversity and working hard to overcome problems, you can make a positive impact on the people you interact with.

Step 5. Help others
We can always be nice and help others, but often we miss this opportunity because we feel too busy or think that someone else will help. If you want life around you to be better, do the right thing and try to help, instead of just seeing it as someone else's problem.
For example, if someone is carrying groceries into the car and something falls, help pick it up and put it in a pocket. Little things like this would be greatly appreciated by everyone
Part 4 of 4: Using Other Ways

Step 1. Help the homeless
Homeless people are neglected people who are often misunderstood. By helping the homeless at home or abroad, you can improve the lives of others and create a calm and safe environment.

Step 2. Help women
In certain cultures, women are considered as an unimportant group. Although in many places conditions have improved, countries that uphold feminism also still discriminate against salary standards and violence against women occurs. Do whatever you can to help women, not just those in poor countries, but starting with those around you. Remember that gender equality in society will open up more opportunities for everyone.
- Do what you know to do to make this world a better place. Teach and provide information to others!
- Protect the weak, voice the wishes of those who do not have freedom of speech, fight for those who are powerless to help themselves.
- Don't just take out the trash, do the recycling.
- Helping others is a good thing. Don't be afraid to do it.
- Volunteer by teaching PAUD children to read. Being kind to children teaches them to be kind to others.
- Start gardening with compost that you make yourself. Grow vegetables so you don't have to go out to buy them.
- Don't waste food. Buy enough food and eat until you run out, instead of overspending just to throw it away.
- Tell everyone what you know about pollution, especially about global warming. We have freedom of speech. So talk to the crowd and explain how you can help improve their lives by conveying what has been described in this article in a surprise speech.
- Donate funds through charities, whether a lot or a little. Charities large and small alike need funds, let alone small ones. Animals, Inc. is a charity that sells pastries and other items to prevent animal abuse.
- Being a vegetarian isn't just about protecting animals! It can also reduce carbon emissions into the air (to combat global warming and environmental pollution), feed the hungry, and reduce the risk of cancer (besides heart disease and obesity)!
- Don't be discouraged because you feel you can't make a change. Major changes usually start from a casual conversation between two people and progress through a group of people with the same mindset.
- Look for information about the organization you want to help or make a donation. Some organizations, although claiming to be charities, have not used the funds they raise to help people. You can find information about charities by accessing the Charity Watch and BBB websites.