How to Start Your Own Cosmetics Business: 9 Steps

How to Start Your Own Cosmetics Business: 9 Steps
How to Start Your Own Cosmetics Business: 9 Steps

Table of contents:


You really love the beauty industry. You also have an entrepreneurial spirit. Combine the two and you may have the skills to start your own cosmetics business!


Part 1 of 4: Acquiring Appropriate Knowledge

Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 1
Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 1

Step 1. Understand how makeup works and current trends

If you really want to get into the business of selling cosmetics, get to know the details of why and how makeup works. It's not just about getting your own makeup done. This means that you need to really understand the chemical components behind makeup products, the methods for making the best use of facial characteristics and the ways certain cosmetics can be used to correct specific problems, from dandruff to acne. Some methods to increase your in-depth knowledge include:

  • Get a college diploma in Cosmetology
  • Read biographies of people who have pioneered the most famous cosmetic brands, such as Helena Rubenstein, Estée Lauder and others
  • Get an educational background in chemistry. You can even take a chemistry course
  • Learn about alternative material options (now natural make-up is big business)
  • Spend some time learning which ingredients are used for different types of cosmetics, such as lipstick, foundation, etc.
Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 2
Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 2

Step 2. Experiment at home

Borrow and buy books about making your own cosmetics. These experiments, coupled with the knowledge you gain, will help you figure out how these different combinations of ingredients work and whether they can produce the things you expect, from softer skin to shinier hair.

  • There are many good books on making cosmetics available in libraries and bookstores. There is also a lot of advice online but be careful. Check if the suggestions are safe. Don't just believe that all these guides will give you the end result you want. Test that aspect yourself.
  • Ask friends if they are willing to try your product.

Part 2 of 4: Determining the Reach of Your Cosmetic Brand

Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 3
Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 3

Step 1. Decide which field of cosmetics you want to pursue

The term "cosmetic" covers many products, including hair, skin, and facial care. The term even includes toothpaste and deodorant. So it's great if you know from the start which area you want to focus on. Your business will be more successful if you narrow the scope early on. For example, Poppy's Lipsticks is world-famous, most likely because she didn't try to make Poppy's Eyeshadow, Poppy's Shampoo and Poppy's Skin Bedazzler at the same time. Focus on the areas that interest you the most, the ones you believe you are best at and the most acceptable to today's market.

When your business starts and feels solid, you can add new lines to existing ones. But before that, focus on being the best in one line of cosmetics. Refine your line, build your brand and use it to earn the respect needed to release more ideas

Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 4
Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 4

Step 2. Learn marketing skills

Cosmetics is a field that is already filled with many people competing for their products. What separates the most successful cosmetics from the rest is marketing, from packaging to ageless promises, find the right hook you will throw at potential customers. Ask yourself these tough questions:

  • Compared to other products, what is so special or different about your product?
  • Why should buyers try your product and stop using other brands that they have been using?
  • What kind of packaging can create a well-known brand, be able to impress people, and at the same time give the impression that the product is trustworthy and reliable?
  • What special ingredient or factor do you focus on? Many products choose something they sell as their specialty, such as "organic", "natural", "topped with rose cider", "macadamia nut softness", or others! Do you also have specific facts to back up the claim as per your promise?

Part 3 of 4: Preparing for Business

Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 5
Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 5

Step 1. Think of a name

The name will be the most important part of your business and define the line of cosmetics and the business. In some cases, you may find that using your own name is sufficient. However, there are also those who prefer to use company names, such as Backroom Industries Inc., to support administrative purposes, and attractive product line names, such as Blackhole Galaxy Facial Powder.

Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 6
Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 6

Step 2. Decide whether you want to start from your own home or rent somewhere else

Renting a place can be expensive at first. You can choose to rent space in the production kitchen or laboratory to test and manufacture the product, then store the product in a safe and dry place before shipping it to the point of sale. If you want to rent a space, make sure the additional costs are always low and don't move to an area that is expensive. Start by renting a cheap place and then move to another place that is more expensive when your finances improve.

Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 7
Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 7

Step 3. Consult financial and legal advisors when setting up the business

They need to take care of various aspects such as insurance, patents and trademarks, compliance with safety standards for cosmetic production (you also need to know all these rules) and other things such as renting space, safe storage of goods, employment contracts or employee salaries.

Register your cosmetic business after you have set everything up in more detail

Part 4 of 4: Promoting Products

Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 8
Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 8

Step 1. Sell your cosmetic line in as many ways as possible

For example, by going directly to a shopping center to ask them to sell your cosmetics, selling it in your own online store, auctioning it off, selling it in stores on a consignment system, and even selling at parties where you demonstrate the cosmetics.

Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 9
Start Your Own Cosmetics Line Step 9

Step 2. Have a clear main selling point in your mind

Prepare at least five main reasons to tell people why your line of cosmetics is amazing and worth a try. Be honest and have a background story, such as telling the reason you started this business.

For example, you can tell people that your lipstick is brighter than other lipsticks because you add the glow of Ophelia flowers picked in the middle of the night. You came up with the idea while hiking in a hamlet in the Opfiala region, three summers ago, when you were desperate for a lipstick that was great for the evening. That's when the idea popped up


  • Know which age group is the target market for your cosmetic line. This will help you determine the overall appearance, packaging and advertising of the product.
  • Find volunteers to try your cosmetic products. Tell them the ingredients, in case they have certain allergies. Let them choose not to try any product they don't want to use. That's their right.
  • Try using more natural and organic ingredients. These days people are trying their best to use natural products, and if your products are made from all-natural ingredients and look good, people will be hooked!


  • Do not test the product on animals. In recent years, it's been very taboo to do, and can keep potential customers away from your cosmetics line.
  • Buying insurance is important if you want to start your own business and cover any accidents that the cosmetics cause. Like food, cosmetics can cause irritation, allergies, and can grow bacteria in the environment. You definitely don't want to be sued without protection from potential liability for damages.
