Cherry is one of the tastiest fruits. Its sweet taste and small size make it popular with many people. In addition to their unique taste, cherries have several health benefits when eaten regularly, including reducing the risk of cancer and heart attacks, and even promoting better sleep. With those things in mind, there's no reason why you shouldn't include cherries in your diet! As with the best things in life, there is an art to appreciating the delicacy of cherries. Enjoying the sweet taste of the fruit juice, and tasting the tangy taste that lingers in the mouth is a pleasure that many people want. Best of all, you can add cherries to most of your favorite recipes! You can cultivate this fruit with endless possibilities.
Method 1 of 2: Enjoying Whole Cherry

Step 1. Learn cherries
Many people think that cherries only have one type of small red fruit, but in fact, cherries have many varieties, with each shape, size, and use. Doing a little research (as well as knowing what you're using cherries for) is a wise first step. Here are some popular cherries you should learn about:
- Cherry Bing, is the most widely known cherry. These cherries are red in color, and very versatile, whether they are used in recipes or eaten whole.
- Cherry Rainier is a large cherry with a yellow color. When the cherry reaches its peak of ripeness, it will turn reddish in color.
- Cherry Lapin tends to be dark red and quite large. This type of cherry is very suitable for making jam.

Step 2. Buy cherries, preferably your own
Although cherries are available in canned and packaged options, you need to get them fresh. Picking it yourself is the best option, as it gives you the chance to get the best cherries. Go to a trusted local fruit shop, and buy a bag full of cherries.
Usually, if you buy the popular Bing cherry, you should choose the fruit with the darkest color. Cherry with a darker color indicates if the cherry is more ripe, and has a sweeter juice. Lighter cherries are usually more tart in taste, and are more suitable for use in cake recipes than eaten whole

Step 3. Wash the cherries in hot water
Washing cherries at home can remove any pesticide residue left behind, making them safer to eat. This rule applies to all fresh produce, so be sure to wash the fruit thoroughly before you move on to the next step! It is enough to put it under the tap for about 30 seconds.
Avoid washing cherries before storing. Adding moisture will dry out the fruit and spoil its taste, so it's best to wash it right before eating

Step 4. Remove the cherry seeds
The most complicated and unique aspect of eating cherries is the process of removing the seeds. While removing the cherry seeds isn't really necessary, if you don't throw them away, meaning you have to spit after eating them, you can't eat the cherry seeds as they are slightly toxic. It is easy to eat the flesh surrounding the seeds in fruits such as peaches, but the cherry's small size means that the seeds must be removed manually. There are several ways to do this, and it is recommended that you try them all to see which one works best for you.
- The best option if you are going to eat a lot of cherries is to use a special seed remover. This simple tool is usually quite affordable, and makes the seed removal process several times faster than if you did it by hand.
- If you're not interested in using them, you can do so at a steady pace using chopsticks and a glass bottle. Place the cherry on top of the bottle with the stem at the top, and press the chopsticks through the cherry. The seeds will fall into the bottle, so you don't have to do any cleaning afterwards.
- If you're looking for an easy base peel removal solution, take a knife and cut around the edges of the fruit stalk. Once you cut them, you can pull the seeds out. This process takes longer than other processes, but it can be done in an emergency if you don't have a lot of equipment available.
- If you don't want to go through the seed removal process, you can purchase a packet of seedless cherries. But keep in mind, that these cherries will tend to be less fresh than the cherries you pick yourself.

Step 5. Find a quiet and relaxing place to enjoy the cherries
It could be said that the most overlooked thing about the way people eat cherries is where they eat them. Eating cherries in a busy and crowded place will not provide a memorable experience. Find a place where you don't have to worry about anything other than the cherries you're about to eat.
You may find it useful to add a ritual element when eating cherries. Even if it's just finding your favorite chair to sit in every time you eat it, treating the experience as important may be enriching your experience

Step 6. Enjoy the cherries
The most important part of enjoying cherries is eating them! The key here is to draw on the experience; let the cherry sit on your tongue, and allow yourself to focus on its taste when you start to bite it. Close your eyes, and let your taste buds appreciate the delights of each cherry.
Enjoying food is an art that is lost at this time because it is not in accordance with usefulness and efficiency. If you are having trouble timing when eating cherries, try giving each cherry about 45 seconds

Step 7. Freeze the cherries if you're not going to eat them right away
Keep in mind that cherries don't last long. In the fridge, cherries may last up to a week if you're lucky! If you want to avoid the constant trouble of going back to the fruit shop, you can freeze them in bulk. Take it out and let it thaw for a few hours before you plan on eating it.
Frozen cherries are at their best when eaten within a year, although judging by the deliciousness, you won't be able to store them for that long
Method 2 of 2: Using Cherry in Recipes

Step 1. Look for some recipes
If you are a beginner in using cherries in cooking, it is highly recommended that you search for some standard options online. Mostly, cherries are used in desserts because of their sweet taste. For exact recipes (especially baking) you will need to use cherries with a light color and a slightly sour taste. If you're adding cherries just as an accent, like on top of an ice cream sundae, you'll want to use a dark, sweet cherry. You don't have to make a decision right away, but you do need to have some idea what you're going to make using cherry.

Step 2. Prepare the cherries like you would eat them straight
This includes washing and removing the seeds. Keeping this in mind is arguably even more important than when you use it in recipes; for example, if you use cherries in a pie without removing the seeds, the whole pie will spoil!

Step 3. Bake the cherries in the pie
The best known use of cherries is in pies. Cherry pie is a staple in many cafés, and for good reason! You can add whole cherries to the pie if you wish, or you can mash them into a thick paste so the cherries can spread more evenly. You can even try baking with cherry jam! There are so many things you can do with cherries when making baking recipes; look for some surefire recipes, and you'll end up with a delicious summer dish.

Step 4. Add cherries to the salad
An even simpler way is to add cherries to a salad. Salads tend to be included with all kinds of fruits and vegetables. You don't need to use too many cherries to accent your salad - just a few cherries will give the dish a kick of flavor, so you won't forget it easily.

Step 5. Add accents to the ice cream sundae using cherries
In many ways, an ice cream sundae is a very tasty dessert. This ice cream is made even better by adding cherries on top of the whipped cream. Cherry not only tastes delicious, but adding it as an accent gives it the advantage of enhancing its visual appearance. This is an easy way to make your own homemade dishes like restaurant dishes.
For an ice cream sundae, you will need to use a sweeter, darker cherry. The sour taste of light cherries doesn't really match the taste of ice cream

Step 6. Make the cherry jam
Jam is one of the most versatile creations you can make using fresh fruit. The sweet taste of cherries makes this fruit very suitable for making jam. Remove the seeds of the cherry, pluck the stems, and chop finely. Next, add some sugar and pectin, and mix all the ingredients together to form a paste. Next, cook all the ingredients. Look for some special recipes, and you can make homemade jam right away.
Cherry jam works great on bread, but you can also use it in pies or on top of ice cream
Due to their small size, cherries are perfect for carrying around when you go out. Keep a handful in your bag and take it out when you feel hungry
- Cherries are known to have the potential to cause diarrhea if you eat them in excess, so make sure you are near the toilet if you plan on eating large quantities of cherries.
- Some people think it's rude to spit, so you need to keep that in mind if you want to do it. Ask these people if you can do it if you're not sure.
- Cherry has a great taste, but cherries can also cause a mess. Cherry juice is known to stain clothes, so be careful when you eat it.
- Cherry is also known to cause mild stomach upset when eaten in excess. Although it is difficult to limit yourself, it will reduce the risk of unpleasant later.