Once you've made the kebab skins (or spring rolls or tortillas), the final step is to fold them. Folding the kebab skin will make it more compact and easier to eat. Use the standard folding method, tubular roll, or envelope style to fold the kebab skins easily. Use whatever method you like as this is basically a personal choice. Roll up the kebab skin tightly, pushing in the filling if it spills out, and cutting it in half if you like. With minimal preparation, you can fold your kebab skins easily and eat them right away!
Method 1 of 3: Folding Kebab Skins with Standard Folds

Step 1. Fold both sides of the kebab skin towards the center
Lift the left and right sides of the kebab skin about 3–8 cm towards the center. Leave about 5-8 cm between the sides, depending on how big the kebab skin you are using.
This way, the contents of the kebab will not spill out when you bite it

Step 2. Fold the bottom third towards the center
To fold the kebabs, lift the bottom edge and fold it toward the center, about a third of the way up.
While it doesn't have to be perfect, leaving two-thirds of the kebab uncovered will help the folds become tighter

Step 3. Push the filling inward while the skin is rolling
When the kebabs are folded, the contents may spill out. While folding, use your hands to slide the filling back into it. This will keep the filling safe when the kebabs are folded.
Pushing the filling into the skin will make the folds tighter and the filling will be less likely to spill out

Step 4. Continue to fold the kebab skin from the bottom to the end
Fold the kebab skin over, then flip it over to make additional folds. After that, fold it once again to the end.
- You can fold the kebab skin 1-3 times, depending on the size.
- The amount of stuffing will also determine how much it folds. If the kebabs are completely filled, you may only be able to fold them once. If the contents are less, two folds are also good.

Step 5. Apply the adhesive of your choice to the ends of the kebab skins so they don't fold open
Spread a small amount of thawed flour, seasoning, sauce, or hummus onto the inside of the kebab shell. Use a small amount of adhesive, about a quarter of the end of the kebab skin so it doesn't smear all over.
- Although optional, the adhesive can help the kebabs stay tightly folded when serving and eating.
- If you use too much, the adhesive can splatter all over the kebab.

Step 6. Press the kebab skin after folding so that it is tight
Once folded and glued, press the kebab skin to glue the ends. You can use your hands or a spatula to do this.
This way, the shape will stay the same and the adhesive will spread over the surface of the kebab skin

Step 7. Cut in half diagonally for easy eating
Use a sharp knife to cut neatly. Tilt the knife diagonally and push with consistent pressure to cut it. After that, separate the kebabs and serve.
Method 2 of 3: Rolling Kebab Skins into Tubes

Step 1. Fold the bottom edge of the kebab skin towards the center
Lift the bottom 8-10 cm above the filling, then pull back on the kebab skin to compress the filling inwards.
This will help wrap the filling tightly so it doesn't fall apart on the outside

Step 2. Roll the kebab skin evenly all the way to the end
With your hand still holding the first fold in place, gently roll the bottom of the kebab skin up. After that, continue to roll it in one even motion.
- Roll the kebab skin from the bottom to the tip.
- If you stop halfway, the roll may loosen and the contents may spill out.

Step 3. Spread a small amount of thawed flour, seasoning, sauce, or hummus onto the inner side of the kebab shell
Once the fold reaches the end, hold the kebab skin with one hand and use the other hand to poke a quarter of a spoonful of the adhesive, then apply it to the inside of the kebab skin. Spread the adhesive of your choice on about 8-13 cm of kebab skin.
The adhesive can help the kebabs stay tightly folded while cutting, serving, and eating

Step 4. Tuck the ends of the kebabs in
Once the folds are attached, use your fingers to tuck the ends into the center. Fold the ends of the kebabs in about 3 times and push in the corners so the folds don't come loose.
This will keep the folds neat

Step 5. Cut diagonally down the middle for easy serving of the kebabs
Use a sharp bread knife and position it at a 45° angle in the center of the kebab. After that, push the knife starting from the tip to cut it.
This is an interesting way to serve kebabs because you can easily show off the filling
Method 3 of 3: Folding the Kebab Skin to Form an Envelope

Step 1. Fold the left and right sides of the kebab skin in the middle
Take the ends of both sides and stack them with each other in the middle. Stack both sides until they are tightly folded over the filling so that the kebab skins can be folded tightly.

Step 2. Roll the kebab skin from the bottom
Press the folds into place with 1 hand and use the other hand to lift the underside of the kebab skin towards the center. Pull the kebab skin slightly to compress the filling inward, then continue to fold it all the way to the end.
This fold can be easily completed in 1-3 rolls

Step 3. Cut in half and serve on a plate or tissue paper
Once folded, the kebab is ready to eat. To serve, use a sharp knife and cut in half down the middle at a 45° angle. Then, place each piece on a paper towel or place both on a plate.