How to Live with HIV or AIDS (with Pictures)

How to Live with HIV or AIDS (with Pictures)
How to Live with HIV or AIDS (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


It's perfectly normal to feel like the world is falling apart when you've just been diagnosed with HIV or AIDS. But today, you should know that a diagnosis of HIV or AIDS is not a death sentence. If you take your medicine properly and pay attention to your physical and mental health, then you will be able to live a normal and happy life. While you may face the physical pain as well as the mental burden of having to tell people about your condition, you can still have a long and meaningful life if you handle it the right way. More than 1.1 million Americans are now living with HIV, so one of the important things you should know is that no matter how much fear you feel, you are not alone. See Step 1 to learn how to live with HIV or AIDS.


Part 1 of 3: Stay Mentally Strong

Live With HIV/AIDS Step 1
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 1

Step 1. Know that this diagnosis is not a death sentence

While it is almost impossible to feel positive when you hear that you have HIV or AIDS, you must remember that you are not given the death penalty. In fact, some recent research shows that the gap in life expectancy between people with and without HIV or AIDS is now smaller than before. This means that even if you have to make some changes, your life doesn't end. Granted, this diagnosis is probably the worst news you'll ever receive, but if you adjust your attitude, you'll get through it.

  • According to research, the average person living with HIV in North America lives to be 63 years old, while HIV-positive homosexual men live to 77 years. Of course, this depends on a variety of factors, such as pre-existing health conditions, type of virus, transition from HIV to AIDS, and persistence with treatment and reaction to treatment.
  • When Magic Johnson found out that he was HIV positive in 1991, many people thought his life was almost over. However, more than twenty years later, he is still living a healthy, normal, and very inspiring life.
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 2
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 2

Step 2. Give yourself time to absorb the news

Don't expect to get a new lease on life in the next few weeks, realizing you've been living life the wrong way and that you have to change everything to find true happiness. You won't be happy right away. Maybe your friends and family aren't impressed with your ability to stay positive during these difficult times. But after giving yourself time to realize that your life is not over, to let the idea that you are HIV positive sink in, you will feel better. Unfortunately, there's no magic number (3 weeks! 3 months!) that can tell when you'll start feeling "normal" again, but if you stay patient with yourself, you'll feel better.

That's not to say you shouldn't seek treatment as soon as you find out you're positive. This means you have to be patient with yourself mentally

Live With HIV/AIDS Step 3
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 3

Step 3. Let go of regrets and blame

There are many ways to get HIV, the most common being sex, sharing needles, being the child of a positive mother, or coming into contact with the blood of a person with HIV and these are more common among the medical profession. If you contracted AIDS through reckless behavior and now blame yourself for it, you need to let go of those feelings. Maybe you've had sex with someone you shouldn't have, maybe you've shared needles with someone you shouldn't have-whatever you did, it's all in the past, and all you can do now is move on.

If you catch AIDS through reckless behavior, it's important that you come to terms with whatever you're doing, and after that, you have to move on and forget about it. There is no point in saying "should, should, if…" because it has no effect in the present

Live With HIV/AIDS Step 4
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 4

Step 4. Tell the people who love you

Another way to feel mentally stronger is to tell people who love you, who care about your condition, from close friends to family members (telling a sexual partner is also very important, whether it's a current partner or a previous partner: more more on this in the next section). Be prepared to receive angry, scared, or confused reactions from them, just as you would when you first found out. Telling them up front won't be easy, but if they love you, they will be by your side, and having people to talk to about your condition will make you feel a lot better in the long run.

  • If you're planning to tell a close friend or family member, then you'll need to strategize instead of telling it on the spur of the moment. Choose a time and place that allows you to have privacy and the opportunity to actually talk, and be prepared with any health information and answers you can provide, as you will likely be faced with a lot of questions.
  • Even if you feel so confused that it's impossible to share your situation with anyone, it's important to tell a friend or family member as soon as possible, so there's at least one person you can count on in the event of a medical emergency.
  • Be aware that you are not legally obligated to tell your boss or co-workers about your positive status unless it hinders your ability to work. Unfortunately, you cannot be deployed in a unit if you are a member of the armed forces of certain countries, so in such cases you will have to inform your superiors.
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 5
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 5

Step 5. Find support in the HIV/AIDS community

While the support of loved ones can go a long way in helping you find mental strength, sometimes you may want to find support from other people who are facing a similar struggle to yours, or who know a lot about your condition. You can find support in places such as the following:

  • In America there is a National AIDS Hotline (800-CDC-INFO) you can call. This telephone service operates 24 hours and provides counselors who can help you feel stronger and equip you with knowledge. In Indonesia, you can get similar services by checking with the AIDS Commission and HIV/AIDS counseling from NGOs.
  • Find a support group in your area. For example, UCSF's Alliance Health Project provides many support groups for positive people; this group is designed for the experience stage, either new positive or years old living with AIDS. In Indonesia, there are several similar support groups such as Peer Support Groups (KDS) and PLWHA Mentoring.
  • In America, you can also check this site to find clinics, hospitals, and other HIV/AIDS services in the area. In Indonesia, you can check on the website of the AIDS Commission.
  • If you're not ready to talk openly with other people, find people like you on the internet. Look for helpful sites like Poz Forums, and talk to other positive people online.
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 6
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 6

Step 6. Find comfort in faith

If you already have a strong faith, then this difficult time is the right time to turn to that faith. If you're not religious, maybe this isn't the time to suddenly go to church (although anything can help), but if you do have a religious background, you can attend services more often, be more active in the religious community and find comfort in your thoughts. of a higher power, or greater meaning than the parts of your life added up.

Live With HIV/AIDS Step 7
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 7

Step 7. Ignore the haters

Unfortunately, many people have preconceived notions about what it means to have AIDS or HIV. They may judge you for thinking that if you had HIV or AIDS, you must have done something wrong. They may be afraid to be near you because they think they could catch the disease by breathing in the air you breathe. If you want to be strong, you can't let those people influence you. Get as much knowledge as you can about AIDS or HIV so you can clear up their misconceptions, or if they're just haters who don't want to hear about it, don't bother.

You're already busy thinking about your own circumstances to care what other people think, right?

Live With HIV/AIDS Step 8
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 8

Step 8. Consider seeing a mental health professional

It's natural for you to feel deeply depressed after getting the diagnosis. This must be such life-changing news that even the thickest of skin people would have a hard time dealing with it, so you may need more help than your friends and loved ones, even support groups can provide. Someone you can talk to but not personally close with can provide an alternative perspective and make you understand your situation better.

Part 2 of 3: Getting Treatment

Live With HIV/AIDS Step 9
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 9

Step 1. Tell your doctor

If you know that you have AIDS or HIV, it is very important to tell your doctor right away and start treatment (if the doctor is not the one making the diagnosis). The sooner you get treatment, the better you will feel, and the stronger your body will be and less prone to the disease. After telling your doctor, you should see an HIV/AIDS specialist. If your doctor is not an HIV/AIDS specialist, he or she should refer you to a specialist so you can start treatment.

Live With HIV/AIDS Step 10
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 10

Step 2. Get tested to find out the best treatment plan

Doctors won't just give you a bag of medicine and tell you to go home. He or she will perform a series of tests to find out exactly what your body needs before you get the right treatment. These tests include:

  • CD4 count. These cells are a type of white blood cell that is destroyed by HIV. A healthy person's CD4 count varies from 500 to more than 1,000. If your CD4 cell count is less than 200, then your HIV has progressed to AIDS.
  • The number of viruses. In general, the more virus in the blood, the worse your condition.
  • Your immunity to the drug. There are several different types of HIV, and it is important to know if your HIV will be resistant to some anti-HIV drugs. This test helps find the medication that works best for you.
  • Test for complications or infections. Your doctor may also require you to be tested for other conditions so you know if you also have another sexually transmitted disease, hepatitis, liver or kidney damage, or other conditions that will make treatment more complex.
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 11
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 11

Step 3. Take your medication

You should start following your doctor's orders and taking medication if your symptoms are very severe, your CD4 count is under 500, pregnant, or have kidney disease. While you can't cure HIV or AIDS, taking a combination of drugs can help block the virus; the combination ensures that you are not immune to all the drugs that are given. You may have to take several pills at different times of the day for the rest of your life, once you find the combination that works best for you.

  • Do not stop taking the drug voluntarily under any circumstances. If you have a very bad reaction to a medication, talk to your doctor about it immediately and see what treatment you should take. If you stop treatment yourself, the consequences can be drastic (much worse than you might feel).
  • Your medications may include transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) which block the ability of the proteins that HIV uses to make copies of themselves, reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) which are defective versions of the barriers HIV uses to self-replicate, protease inhibitors (protease inhibitors). inhibitors or PIs) which are other proteins that HIV uses for replication, entry or fusion inhibitors that block HIV from entering CD4 cells, and integrase inhibitors, which are proteins that HIV uses to insert genetic material into CD4 cells. in your CD4 cells.
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 12
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 12

Step 4. Be prepared for side effects

Unfortunately, the side effects of medications can be unpleasant, but if it turns out that your combination of drugs really isn't working, you can talk to your doctor to make adjustments. You better prepare yourself mentally for some of the physical symptoms you may feel. But be aware that the side effects vary from person to person; some experience severe symptoms, while others may feel almost no pain at all for several years. Here are the symptoms you may feel:

  • Nauseous
  • Gag
  • Diarrhea
  • Abnormal heartbeat
  • Hard to breathe
  • Rash
  • weak bones
  • Nightmare
  • Memory loss
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 13
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 13

Step 5. Visit your doctor for regular tests

You should test for the virus count at the start of treatment, then every 3-4 months during treatment. You should also check your CD4 blood cell count every 3-6 months. Yes, if it is calculated, it means that there are a lot of doctor visits every year. But here's what to do if you want to determine if your treatment is working and to live with HIV or AIDS as well as possible.

If these drugs work, your virus count should be undetectable. This does not mean that your HIV is cured, or that you can no longer pass it on to other people. The real meaning is that your body is in better shape

Part 3 of 3: Stay Healthy

Live With HIV/AIDS Step 14
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 14

Step 1. Take precautions

If you are HIV or AIDS positive, then you should take extra precautions when around other people. Yes, you can still hug your loved ones, touch them casually, and live a relatively normal life, but you should take extra precautions, such as always using a condom when having sex, not sharing needles and generally increasing vigilance around people. other.

If you find out you have AIDS or HIV and sleep with someone without telling them beforehand, you are breaking the law

Live With HIV/AIDS Step 15
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 15

Step 2. Share your positive status with your current or previous partner as soon as you are diagnosed

It's important to tell everyone you've slept with after your diagnosis, anyone you're currently sleeping with, and yes, possible future partners. It won't be fun, but if you want to protect the safety of those with you, you must take this step. There are even websites that can help you tell the person anonymously if the two of you are having casual sex or just really don't want to talk to them. It is important to share the news, as many people are not aware of their HIV positive status.

Live With HIV/AIDS Step 16
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 16

Step 3. Maintain a healthy diet

A healthy diet can help with almost any condition, including a positive HIV or AIDS status. Healthy food helps your immune system and body stay strong, and will give you more energy to face everyday tasks. So make sure you eat at least three healthy meals every day, which include healthy carbohydrates, protein, and fruit and vegetables. Have a snack whenever you feel hungry and don't skip meals, especially breakfast. The right diet can also help you process your medications and get the nutrients your body needs.

  • Some good foods include lean protein, whole grains, and legumes.
  • There are also certain foods that should be avoided as they can cause illness which will become more severe due to your positive status. These foods include sushi, sashimi, shellfish, oysters, unpasteurized dairy products, raw eggs, or raw meat.
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 17
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 17

Step 4. Get a shot for the flu

Regular shots against pneumonia or the flu can help keep you healthy. Your body will become more susceptible to this disease, so preventive measures are very important. Just make sure that the vaccine doesn't actually contain live virus, otherwise you're more susceptible to the disease.

Live With HIV/AIDS Step 18
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 18

Step 5. Exercise regularly

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help you stay strong and less susceptible to disease, which can lead to complications due to your HIV status. So make sure you exercise at least 30 minutes a day, whether it's running, yoga, biking, or a brisk walk with your friends. It may sound irrelevant when you are dealing with an AIDS diagnosis, but it will make you feel better, both mentally and physically.

  • If you want to be as healthy as possible, then you can quit smoking and minimize alcohol consumption (or even quit altogether, as it won't go along with many medications). If you have HIV, smoking can make you more susceptible to diseases normally associated with smoking.
  • Feeling depressed after a diagnosis of HIV or AIDS is completely normal. Exercise won't cure it, but it can certainly help you feel happier.
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 19
Live With HIV/AIDS Step 19

Step 6. Find out if you qualify for disability benefits if you are unable to work

If you are in the unfortunate situation of having HIV or AIDS symptoms so severe that you can no longer work, you should see if you qualify for employer disability benefits, or government-sponsored disability benefits, such as Social Security (in the United States) or Statutory Sick Pay, Employment and Support Allowance, or Disability Living Allowance (in the UK).

  • To qualify for disability benefits, you must prove that you have HIV/AIDS and prove that you are too sick to work.
  • For more information about the benefits that the government can provide, you can contact the legal services in your country, contact the AIDS service, or visit the government website for work disability insurance.


  • You must learn to stay positive regardless of AIDS.
  • Exercise regularly to maintain body strength and health. Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity three times a week. Remember that a little exercise is better than nothing.
  • Eat a healthy diet that includes lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, healthy fats and lots of water.
  • Look for ways that can help you deal with stress, such as meditation, listening to music or going for a walk. Clear your mind of worries about HIV, and they will soon help you feel better.
