How to Live by Faith (with Pictures)

How to Live by Faith (with Pictures)
How to Live by Faith (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The Bible says that Christians should "live by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7.) However, it is not easy to understand what it takes to live a life of faith.


Part 1 of 3: Start Living a Life of Faith

Walk by Faith Step 1
Walk by Faith Step 1

Step 1. Believe in promises you can't see

Many of the promises God makes to those who follow Him are not tangible, so you won't be able to see the evidence of those promises with your own eyes. You have to believe that God will fulfill His promises as deeds that you do on the basis of faith, not by sight.

  • According to the Gospel of John 3:17-18, "For God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world, but to save it through Him. Whoever believes in Him will not be condemned; whoever does not believe is already in the under punishment, because he did not believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

    In short, you will gain salvation by accepting Jesus as your Savior and as the Son of God

  • According to the Gospel of Matthew 16:27, "For the Son of Man will come in the glory of his Father with his angels; in that day he will reward everyone according to his works."

    If you live according to God's will, or in other words, live in faith and by faith, you will receive the salvation promised to those who believe in Jesus Christ and become His followers

Walk by Faith Step 2
Walk by Faith Step 2

Step 2. Think about the limitations of living by sight

Living by sight will limit you so that you can only experience things based on sight. Once you realize that this way of life is very limiting, the benefits of living by faith will become clearer to you.

  • Imagine what your life would be like if you never made an itinerary with a destination farther than what you can see from your bedroom window. You can't go very far, and lose everything this world has to offer.
  • Similarly, if you never plan a journey that goes further than living life in the tangible realm, you will get nowhere and lose everything that spiritual life has to offer.
Walk by Faith Step 3
Walk by Faith Step 3

Step 3. Let go of all your fears

This world can be a very scary place, and at times, you may commit acts of fear that go against God's will. If you want to live by faith, you must give up all your fears to God and follow the path that God shows you.

Of course this is easier said than done. You may not be completely free from fear, but you can try to be courageous and learn to act according to God's will, even when you are afraid of what might happen next

Part 2 of 3: Deepening Faith

Walk by Faith Step 4
Walk by Faith Step 4

Step 1. Focus on the eternal

It's easy for you to be fixated on worldly life such as taking care of finances, ownership, and so on. But these things will disappear along with the physical body which is mortal and has no spiritual value.

  • A majestic house or a luxurious car are things the world values, but are in no way important to God's Kingdom.
  • Worldly success is not inherently evil. You can live comfortably in a beautiful home with good work and still live by faith. The problem lies not in possessing these things, but in prioritizing the symbols of worldly success over life in the Spirit.
  • Instead of focusing on yourself, focus on unseen realities, like Jesus and heaven. Center your life on this reality and not on the temporary realities that appear in your worldly life.
  • Save heavenly riches by doing God's will according to God's command in Matthew 6:19-20, and not just busy with earthly riches.
Walk by Faith Step 5
Walk by Faith Step 5

Step 2. Obey the gospel and God's commandments

Living a life according to faith in God requires you to put God's law before the ways prescribed by man.

  • God's law can be studied and understood by seeking to understand the Word of God.
  • Know that there are times when the world will try to convince you that something God has forbidden is acceptable. Humans tend to follow worldly ways, but in order to live by faith, you must follow God's ways. You cannot control the actions of others around you, but as long as you care about your own life, you will be able to live your life according to what God has determined to be right and just.
Walk by Faith Step 6
Walk by Faith Step 6

Step 3. Prepare to look stupid

To those who live by faith, their actions and beliefs for being people of faith can seem foolish. You have to learn to keep going regardless of the criticism leveled at you from those around you.

God's way is not man's way. Your natural inclination as a human being is to follow your own understanding and current philosophy of people's life, but this will not lead you down the path God wants you to follow. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will make your paths straight."

Walk by Faith Step 7
Walk by Faith Step 7

Step 4. Prepare for future trials

Every road will be full of potholes, and the path God has set for you is no exception, but the trials you will face are intended to give strength and meaning to your journey.

  • The trials you will face may come from yourself or at all through no fault of yours.
  • Perhaps you will fall into temptation and give in to doing something wrong, and facing the consequences of your own actions can make things difficult for a while. However, God will never leave you. God can even use the devil to test you for your own good as long as you will allow yourself to undergo this test.
  • On the other hand, natural disasters or other uncontrollable and unpredictable forces may disrupt your life. But God can and will use adversity for the greater good, as long as you are open to this adversity.
Walk by Faith Step 8
Walk by Faith Step 8

Step 5. Stop waiting for enlightenment

There may be times when you feel God's presence very clearly, but there are also times when you feel there is a distance between you and God. You must live by faith through these dark times without waiting for the enlightenment or miracle to come in your life.

  • Realize that God is always with you, even when you can't feel His presence or are unable to understand how God works in your life through certain tragedies or disasters. The feeling of being abandoned is a mere human perception and is by no means the truth.
  • God speaks to the spirit, but as long as you are in a physical body, there are times when the perception of the body prevents your spirit from understanding this conversation.
  • If you've been desperate because you want to feel God's presence but can't yet, rely on the promises in the Bible and your past faith experiences to give you strength. Keep praying and doing what you understand to be the things God wants you to do for you.
Walk by Faith Step 9
Walk by Faith Step 9

Step 6. Glorify God in whatever you do

You don't have to be a famous evangelist to live in faith and glorify God. You just need to do the best within your ability to do the task and face the circumstances that God has set for you.

  • 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "I answered, 'Whether you eat or drink, or do anything else, do it all for the glory of God.'
  • If something as simple as eating and drinking can be done for the glory of God, other, more complex aspects of life can certainly also be done for the glory of God.
  • If you are currently a student, study hard and be the best student you can be. If you currently work in an office, be a responsible person, prioritize ethics, and work hard. In addition, be the best son, daughter, mother, father, brother or sister for all members of your family.

Part 3 of 3: Keeping Your Spirit

Walk by Faith Step 10
Walk by Faith Step 10

Step 1. Keep praying during each stage of your life

Prayer is a direct channel of communication with God. In order for you to stay true to your commitment to living by faith, you must keep talking to God in both good and bad times.

  • If you forget to pray, try setting a specific schedule each day for prayer, when you wake up in the morning, during your midday break, before going to bed, or at other times when you can be quiet and alone for a few minutes.
  • Perhaps you forget to pray for praise and thanksgiving when you are happy even though you have no problem turning to God in your time of need. Or it could be the other way around, if you feel weak in your prayer life, focus on strengthening yourself in prayer.
Walk by Faith Step 11
Walk by Faith Step 11

Step 2. Listen to God's direction

Often, you have to go through life and make decisions based on what you already know about who God is and what God wants for you. However, keep your mind open always, so that you can understand the messages and signs that Allah gives.

Maybe you were given directions without you knowing it. If you lose your job, this may be God's way of directing you to a better path. When a relationship has to end, it may be God's way of directing you to a better relationship or for you to reach a goal you haven't achieved if you keep trying to reach it alone

Walk by Faith Step 12
Walk by Faith Step 12

Step 3. Follow God's appointed schedule

God will answer your prayers, but these answers may not come at your desired time. Similarly, Allah will open the best way for you, but this path will be shown if Allah has determined the best time for you.

This will be very difficult if the needs of everyday life make you depressed. It can be very difficult, for example, to believe in the so-called God's timing if you haven't got a job while you have bills to pay. But no matter how difficult the circumstances, try to remind yourself that God is with you at all times and will lead you to where you should be at the most convenient time for you according to His plan

Walk by Faith Step 13
Walk by Faith Step 13

Step 4. Say thank you for the blessings God has given you

Taking time to pay attention to all the good things that you have been and are currently experiencing can strengthen your faith and make it easier for you to live life when your path is dark.

Saying thank you when things are going well may seem easy, but you should also be able to say thank you for the trials and obstacles you've faced along your life's journey. Allah wills only the best for you, so the difficulties you face are also for your good

Walk by Faith Step 14
Walk by Faith Step 14

Step 5. Pay attention to the things God has given you

View all the goodness in your life as a blessing. Remember that this includes blessings that you easily recognize and blessings that you no longer take for granted.

  • If you haven't had a job for a long time and you suddenly land a good job, this may be an obvious blessing. You have to take good care of it by working hard and doing your best.
  • A healthy and well-functioning body is a wonderful blessing that many people overlook. Keep your body healthy by eating well and doing whatever you can, within reasonable limits, to keep yourself healthy.
Walk by Faith Step 15
Walk by Faith Step 15

Step 6. Serve others

As a follower of Jesus Christ, you have been commanded to serve and share the love of Jesus with others. This will please God and can enrich you spiritually.

  • Donating money, food, clothing, and other material goods to people in need is one way of serving others.
  • Serving others also means volunteering time to help those around you, such as your family, people you don't know, and even people you don't like.
Walk by Faith Step 16
Walk by Faith Step 16

Step 7. Build friendships with other people who have different beliefs

No one else can make this journey for you, but the path you should take will be easier to follow if someone is with you.

  • Go to church to find friends and allies there. Try going to a Bible study or faith study group if you need something more than a knowledge of the Bible.
  • People with different beliefs can help you to stay responsible and on the right track according to your faith, and you can do the same for them too.
