Infant dehydration occurs when fluid intake cannot keep up with the fluid that comes out of the body. Common conditions that cause dehydration in babies include hot weather, feeding problems, fever, diarrhea, and vomiting. You can help prevent your baby from becoming dehydrated by knowing the symptoms, relieving some of the conditions that cause dehydration, and learning when to call for medical help. Severe dehydration can cause serious health problems in babies and can be fatal.
Method 1 of 4: Recognizing Dehydration

Step 1. Know the main causes of infant dehydration
Fever, diarrhea, vomiting, hot weather, and reduced ability to eat or drink are some of the most common causes of infant dehydration. Conditions such as cystic fibrosis or celiac (a condition in which a person's digestive system reacts negatively to gluten consumption) hinder the absorption of food and can also lead to dehydration. Signs of dehydration in children include:
- Eyes look sunken.
- Possible decreased frequency of urination.
- Urine is dark/dark in color.
- The soft area on the front of a baby's head (called the crown) looks sunken.
- No tears come out when the baby cries.
- The mucous membranes (lining of the mouth or tongue) appear dry or sticky.
- The baby looks lethargic (moving less than usual).
- Babies often cry excessively or fuss.

Step 2. Recognize the symptoms of mild to moderate infant dehydration
Many cases of mild to moderate dehydration can be treated at home. If left untreated, the condition can lead to acute dehydration. Be vigilant in recognizing these symptoms before they escalate to a more serious stage. Symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration include:
- Low infant activity level.
- Poor sucking reflex.
- Babies show disinterest in food.
- The diaper doesn't look as wet as usual.
- Dry, cracked skin that spreads around the mouth area.
- Baby's lips and mouth are dry.

Step 3. Understand the symptoms of severe dehydration in infants
In cases of severe dehydration, medical care is urgently needed. Call the doctor immediately if your child is seriously dehydrated. Symptoms of severe dehydration include:
- No or few tears come out when the baby cries.
- The diaper does not appear wet in a six to eight hour period, or less than three times in a 24-hour period, or if the baby is passing only small amounts of dark yellow urine.
- Sunken crown and eyes.
- Hands or feet are mottled or feel cold.
- Very dry skin or mucous membranes.
- Breathe very fast.
- Babies appear lethargic (very little activity) or very sensitive (fussy).
Method 2 of 4: Controlling Fluids

Step 1. Give additional fluids in conditions that can lead to dehydration
Heat or even a higher than normal ambient temperature can cause a rapid decrease in water content in the body. Fever, diarrhea, and vomiting can also cause dehydration. You will need to give additional fluids to the child in this situation.
- Instead of giving your baby something to eat or drink every hour, try feeding him every half hour.
- If breastfeeding, encourage the baby to drink more often.
- If drinking from a bottle, give the baby milk in smaller portions but with more frequency.

Step 2. Try increasing your fluid intake with water if your baby is over four months old
If the baby is not able to eat solid food, do not give more than 118 ml of water. You can give more water if your baby is familiar with solid foods. Dilute the juice with water if a baby over four months old wants to drink it. In addition, babies can also be given electrolyte solutions such as Pedialyte, Aqualyte, or Alphatrolit.

Step 3. Call your doctor or lactation consultant if the nursing baby is unable to latch on to the breast properly
Dehydration becomes a real risk if the baby is not able to eat properly. The baby's lips should be around the areola (the dark circle that surrounds the nipple), not just near the nipple. If you hear a loud noise such as sucking in air, the baby is not sucking at the breast properly. Professionals can help diagnose and provide strategies for solving breastfeeding problems.

Step 4. Discuss your concerns with the doctor if the baby has no appetite
Count the number of dirty and wet diapers the baby produces per day and how much/often does he nurse? The doctor can use this information to evaluate whether the baby is getting enough fluids.
Method 3 of 4: Preventing Baby's Body Temperature from Getting Too Hot

Step 1. Check if the baby's body temperature is too hot by gently touching the nape of the neck
In general, touch is an ideal way to check a child's temperature. If the child's skin feels hot and sweaty, this indicates that his body temperature is too warm. Body temperature that is too hot can cause dehydration in babies.

Step 2. Minimize baby's exposure to warm temperatures
By providing a cool environment for your baby, you help minimize water loss from your baby's body. Higher ambient temperatures are also associated with SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Research shows that infants exposed to an average temperature of 28.9°C have a two-fold greater risk of sudden death than those exposed to an average temperature of 20°C.
- Observe the baby's room temperature using a thermometer.
- Turn on the air conditioner in the dry season.
- Do not make the temperature of the house too hot during the transition/rainy season.

Step 3. Choose a blanket or clothing that suits the weather outside or the temperature inside
Don't swaddle your baby with a thick blanket if it's too warm inside, even if it's cold outside. Overheating from blankets/covers that are too thick has been linked to SIDS.
- Do not bundle the child while he is sleeping.
- Dress children according to the weather.
- Avoid thick fabrics, jackets, fur hats, long-sleeved shirts, and trousers in hot weather, unless the clothes are made of materials that absorb sweat easily.

Step 4. Shade baby when outside
This method can also help protect the baby's skin. Purchase a stroller with adjustable blinds. Buy a large portable umbrella if you are going to a very hot place, such as the beach. Put curtains in the car to protect your baby from the sun when you are driving.
Method 4 of 4: Keeping Baby Hydrated When Sick

Step 1. Pay extra attention to keeping baby hydrated while he's sick
Babies who have fever, diarrhea, and vomiting tend to be more easily dehydrated. Increase the frequency of breastfeeding or formula feeding to babies. Give smaller portions of food if the baby is vomiting.
For babies who are vomiting, give clear liquids using a medical syringe or spoon at a rate of 5-10 ml per meal every five minutes. The doctor can recommend the dose and frequency of feeding to the baby

Step 2. Check to see if the baby is swallowing liquid
Babies with sinus congestion or sore throat due to illness will have difficulty swallowing. In such situations, the blockage should be removed.
- Discuss the use of painkillers for babies with the pediatrician if the baby won't swallow anything because of a sore throat.
- Put some saline nose drops into your baby's sinuses if the nose is stuffy, and use a rubber syringe to blow the mucus out. Discuss the use of medical devices appropriately with the doctor, and provide additional treatment if the baby's condition does not improve or gets worse.

Step 3. Use an oral rehydration solution
The solution is specially formulated to help hydrate the baby and replace the lost water, sugar, and salt from the body. Do this step according to the doctor's directions if the baby's body is unable to hold fluids, has diarrhea, and is vomiting continuously. Alternate breastfeeding with an oral rehydration solution if you have a breastfeeding baby. If using it, discontinue formula feeding or other beverages while giving oral rehydration solutions.
Commonly used brands of oral rehydration solutions are Pedialyte, Aqualyte, and Enfalyte

Step 4. Seek medical advice if your baby is sick and seriously dehydrated
Infant dehydration can be life-threatening. See a doctor or go straight to the hospital if your baby's fever, diarrhea, and vomiting persists or gets worse, or the baby shows signs of serious dehydration.