If you take medication regularly, taking a drug test can be a scary experience. If you are in danger of losing your job and need to clear traces of the drug Xanax from your system in a short time, there are several ways you can try. First, make sure you get medical help before stopping Xanax. The effects of stopping the drug can be dangerous and you usually need medical help to do it safely. Also, remember that there is no way to get rid of the drug instantly. Xanax will remain detectable in the urine for at least one week since the last use.
Method 1 of 2: Waiting for the Medicines to Disappear

Step 1. Ask your doctor for help to stop using Xanax
Whatever the reason for its use, Xanax often causes users to become addicted to it so that its use is difficult to stop. The effects that appear can be quite severe if you stop using it suddenly. So, it is very important to seek medical help. Make an appointment to see your doctor, then ask for the option of reducing the dose until you can stop taking Xanax completely.
Don't stop taking Xanax suddenly! Your body can show symptoms of dependence which can sometimes be life-threatening

Step 2. Be prepared to wait up to 90 days, depending on the type of test performed
You may be identified as a Xanax user at different times, depending on the type of test. Xanax can survive in the body until:
- 36 hours for blood test
- 48 hours for saliva test
- 1 week for urine test
- 90 days for hair test

Step 3. Ask sick leave, if possible, to postpone the test
If you have to have a blood, urine, or saliva test, you'd better buy some time to pass. This must be done because there is no method of eliminating Xanax instantly from the body. If possible, ask for a work permit on the day of the test and just say that you are sick.
For example, you could say something like “I had trouble sleeping last night because I didn't feel well. So, I can't come to work today."
Method 2 of 2: Using Instant Techniques to Pass Drug Tests

Step 1. Drink plenty of water before the urine test
Water can dilute the urine and dissolve the Xanax content in it. This may pass you off the test. However, do not drink too much water to dissolve Xanax in the body. The amount of water you need to drink depends on your weight, gender, and intensity of activity. In general, you need to drink 8 glasses of water (1 cup contains 240 ml of water) every day.
Don't drink large amounts of water just before the urine test to pass. Drinking too much water to pass a urine test can cause acute poisoning that can cause severe headaches, swelling of the brain, seizures, and even death

Step 2. Use mouthwash and brush your teeth several times on the day of the test
Using mouthwash and brushing your teeth regularly can reduce Xanax levels on saliva tests. Brush your teeth, tongue and gums with toothpaste, then rinse your mouth for 30 seconds with 59 ml of non-alcoholic mouthwash. Repeat this method 2-3 times before taking the test, and 10-15 minutes before the test.
If you can't brush your teeth before the test, chew a piece of gum. This method can help dissolve Xanax in the saliva

Step 3. Look for commercial detox products specifically for urine tests
There are a variety of drinks and pills that claim to be able to clear drugs from your system and help you pass drug tests. There is no guarantee that the product will be successful because there is no official body from the government that regulates its circulation. However, if you want to give it a try, go ahead. These products can be purchased online.
- Make sure you follow the instructions for use listed on the product packaging.
- Keep in mind that these products are usually quite expensive.

Step 4. Beware of dangerous techniques
You may receive various suggestions for passing a drug test. These suggestions sometimes cannot be guaranteed to be true, and even tend to be unsafe. Don't use obscure techniques! The technique is very likely to fail and you could end up hurting yourself.
- For example, some people try to take large amounts of niacin to pass the test. However, the use of these drugs can cause hepatotoxicity (poisoning the liver).
- There is also a method of removing traces of Xanax and other drugs from the hair by washing the hair using vinegar, acne remover liquid, shampoo, and laundry detergent. This method will only burn your scalp. Don't do it!