How to Be a Better Man (with Pictures)

How to Be a Better Man (with Pictures)
How to Be a Better Man (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Being the perfect man is impossible. However, you will feel happier by improving yourself. Start changing your mindset, behavior, and how you interact with other people to become a better man.


Part 1 of 3: Improving the Internal Aspects

Be a Better Man Step 1
Be a Better Man Step 1

Step 1. Maintain your core values

Determine virtue values (principles that you believe in and are persistent in nature) with full awareness. Make a commitment to live those values, no matter if this makes you feel uncomfortable in the future.

  • Having a strong moral foundation makes it easier for you to defend the truth, even in difficult conditions. Committing to living a life of virtue always requires courage, but it is something worth fighting for.
  • Write down the core values that you believe to be firmly entrenched. Keep these records in a safe place and read them occasionally, especially when these values are being tested by the environment.
Be a Better Man Step 2
Be a Better Man Step 2

Step 2. Get in the habit of being realistically positive

Being idealistic that is not realistic makes it difficult for you to accept the reality of life as it is. However, by being optimistic, you can accept reality while hoping for the best.

Challenge negative thoughts. Instead of assuming that things will get worse, be prepared to accept every eventuality, but focus on the things that must be done in order for you to succeed

Be a Better Man Step 3
Be a Better Man Step 3

Step 3. Pursue your goal

Think about the future and make plans. Ask yourself what you want to achieve and make a plan. After that, make a commitment to achieve it.

  • Under certain conditions, try to live life by being aware of what is happening right now and enjoying it. Don't let the blessings in your life pass you by because you're so focused on the future that you don't have time to pay attention to what's happening right now.
  • On the other hand, you will get stuck if you are not able to set goals so that your life feels less fulfilling than it should be.
Be a Better Man Step 4
Be a Better Man Step 4

Step 4. Survive in the face of pressure

Stress is an aspect of life that is hard to avoid. However, start training yourself to stay calm and control your emotions when faced with situations that trigger anger or anxiety. Don't let your emotions get out of control.

  • Instead of reacting impulsively, try to calm yourself down and think rationally. Respond with sound reasons, rather than just following your emotions.
  • This doesn't mean that you shouldn't have emotions. On the contrary, accepting the fact that men also have feelings is not easy. However, the sooner you admit it, the easier it will be for you to control your emotions, instead of letting them control you.
Be a Better Man Step 5
Be a Better Man Step 5

Step 5. Take responsibility for your every action

If you make a mistake and are blamed, accept responsibility and correct it immediately. Similarly, if things are going well because of your actions, humbly accept the praise you deserve.

Don't blame others for your failures and don't focus on other people's negative behavior when evaluating why things went bad. You cannot control what other people do to you and can only control your own actions. So it makes a lot of sense to focus solely on your own actions when evaluating the past and making plans for the future

Be a Better Man Step 6
Be a Better Man Step 6

Step 6. Hone your thinking skills

Increase your knowledge and keep your brain working optimally, for example by reading. However, you'll also need to hone your mental skills, for example by putting together a puzzle or tackling a new challenge.

Be a Better Man Step 7
Be a Better Man Step 7

Step 7. Let your mind rest

Sharpening your thinking skills can sometimes lead to overtraining if you neglect time to rest and relax.

You can relax by going out with friends, but also make time to be alone. Break free from everyday activities while spending time alone. Leave the computer and turn off your phone. Spend time enjoying solitude so that you can recover

Part 2 of 3: Fixing External Aspects

Be a Better Man Step 8
Be a Better Man Step 8

Step 1. Pay attention to physical condition

Paying attention to your physical condition doesn't mean you have to be a bodybuilder, but congratulations if you succeed! There are several ways to maintain health that are very beneficial. Remember three important things in living a healthy lifestyle, namely: adopting a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.

  • A healthy diet does not mean just eating salads and drinking protein drinks every day. On the contrary, the healthiest diet is to adopt a balanced diet. Maybe you should avoid fast food or other non-nutritious menus. Humans can not live only by eating meat and fried food.
  • Get in the habit of exercising when you wake up in the morning. If you have time, you may go to the fitness center. However, if not, try walking or star-jumping a few times to improve blood circulation.
Be a Better Man Step 9
Be a Better Man Step 9

Step 2. Try to look good

Appearance plays an important role in determining the first impression. If women's beauty treatments seem very complicated, as a man, you just need to keep your body clean and wear clean clothes according to the situation.

  • Get in the habit of bathing regularly. You don't need to soak in perfumed oil, but you can use it as needed for special occasions or on a date, for example.
  • If you have facial hair, groom it regularly. If you only grow short hair, shave it to make it look neat.
  • Wear clean and neat clothes according to the situation. You can wear jeans and an old t-shirt when hanging out with friends, but try to look your best during a job interview or first date.
Be a Better Man Step 10
Be a Better Man Step 10

Step 3. Get the latest information

Look for the latest news about life around you. Instead of looking for useless information, focus on finding out about the people and activities that really matter. Maybe you have to sacrifice time playing sports or playing games to find the latest news about conditions abroad or the impact of recent natural disasters on economic conditions.

  • Read the news to keep up with the world if you want to live the best life possible.
  • Seeking information doesn't mean giving up your hobbies and things you enjoy because you can use this fun moment to relax and recover. Learn how to prioritize attention and enjoy hobbies without letting your life be controlled by these two activities.
Be a Better Man Step 11
Be a Better Man Step 11

Step 4. Clean your home and workspace

For some reason, single men generally have a bad reputation for their laziness. Prove that this opinion is wrong by keeping your home clean. Keeping clean doesn't mean doing maintenance until everything looks like new, but making it a habit to wash clothes and cutlery so they don't pile up.

Be a Better Man Step 12
Be a Better Man Step 12

Step 5. Manage finances responsibly

The many demands of life that you have to fulfill can be overwhelming. As a result, financial institutions are usually a source of funds to pay for tuition fees, buy a new car, and a more comfortable place to live. In short, irresponsible financial management can be an obstacle in building a better life.

Don't spend more money than you have and save some of your money. Set aside a portion of your salary to save in the bank or invest wisely so that you can provide financial security when you are experiencing difficulties

Be a Better Man Step 13
Be a Better Man Step 13

Step 6. Seek new experiences

Doing fun things is the best way to live a happy life. Challenge yourself by learning something new or taking a trip to a place you've never been.

Find what interests you and learn. This could mean doing a mental activity, for example learning a foreign language or doing a physical activity, learning karate, for example

Part 3 of 3: Thinking of Others

Be a Better Man Step 14
Be a Better Man Step 14

Step 1. Think before you speak

While men and women alike can get out of control when they talk, men are considered to be more problematic in this regard. Regardless of whether this assumption is fair or not, you should think carefully before saying or doing anything.

  • People who are easily "tempered" are usually considered masculine, but this is not a wise trait. Even if you have the courage to act, begin to recognize harmful impulsive behavior. You can immediately determine whether a certain behavior is appropriate only through a brief evaluation.
  • For example, if you want to react impulsively by insulting a coworker or subordinate for making a minor mistake, try to control yourself by taking a break, observing how you react, and choosing another, better way of dealing with the problem.
Be a Better Man Step 15
Be a Better Man Step 15

Step 2. Show an altruistic attitude (put the interests of others first)

Take the best course of action involving all parties, even if you have to sacrifice your own interests. Showing a desire to put others ahead of yourself can convey the message that you are a person worthy of trust.

  • Men generally have more difficulty empathizing and are less able to care for others when pursuing their own goals. However, try to help others as best you can, whether they ask for it or not.
  • Don't sacrifice self-respect. There is a clear line between sacrificing yourself for others and allowing others to make you a victim. Being willing to sacrifice yourself is your own choice, but being a victim is a choice you accept unconsciously.
Be a Better Man Step 16
Be a Better Man Step 16

Step 3. Show sincerity

Treat others sincerely as you would like to be treated. Be who you are and show who you really are through everyday interactions.

  • Don't say or do things that are different from your heart, even if you want to protect the other person's feelings or avoid trouble. Being caught being insincere makes people distrust you, making it more difficult to establish a personal or professional relationship with them.
  • Do two important things to overcome this: never lie again (even for good) and keep the commitments you've made (unless there's a good reason and circumstances force that you can't do it).
Be a Better Man Step 17
Be a Better Man Step 17

Step 4. Fulfill your obligations as a family member

There are various roles within the family that you must fulfill in your daily life, whether as a son, an older brother, a husband, or a father. Maybe you also have an important role in a large family or you have friends who are like family. Fulfill your responsibilities well, whatever your role.

  • Men and women should be equally involved in the family. However, society demands more that women play a role in this matter more than men. For example, a working wife might be asked how to balance her career and family, but a husband hardly ever accepts this kind of question.
  • In addition to improving the quality of relationships in the family, you can also improve your character so that you are better able to fulfill your moral responsibilities by trying to fulfill your obligations in the family. Treating your family well is a lifelong test that can teach you how to treat people who are not family members with equal care.
Be a Better Man Step 18
Be a Better Man Step 18

Step 5. Respect women

Contrary to popular opinion, a man who is only good at flirting will not have a lover, at least a girl who is able to respect herself. If you're still doing this, stop treating women as objects and respect them as fellow human beings.

Be a Better Man Step 19
Be a Better Man Step 19

Step 6. Be a leader

In social life, there must be someone who says “start”. Don't be afraid to be this person. Make decisions, make plans, and deal with opposition as they arise, instead of worrying about what might happen.

  • Romance provides the clearest example. If you want to ask a girl out, ask. Even if you get rejected, at least you can distract yourself and start looking for another date.
  • Another example outside of your love life, think about how to strengthen your relationship with your friends. Instead of always being invited, take the initiative to contact and invite them.
Be a Better Man Step 20
Be a Better Man Step 20

Step 7. Accept other people as they are

Not everyone can find a match for each other, but you can accept others with an objective perspective.or

  • Everyone has a different past and lives a different life, so everyone will think in a different way. In addition, each person is at a different stage of development. Try to remember past experiences that were less than satisfactory.
  • Once you're able to accept other people's strengths and weaknesses, start influencing them with genuine concern, rather than harsh criticism.
Be a Better Man Step 21
Be a Better Man Step 21

Step 8. Show gratitude

You have to work hard to become a better man and deserve to be proud of your success. What's more, you should also value the help of others. Be grateful in your heart and say thank you to the person you deserve to respect.
