Losing weight does allow you to reduce your waistline, but it takes hard work and time. There is no magic solution to reduce waist circumference easily or quickly. However, you can try a number of ways. There are a few "tricks" you can consider to make your waist appear slimmer while trying to permanently reduce your waistline.
Method 1 of 3: Using a Simple Trick

Step 1. Try wrapping your waist
To wrap your waist like this, you'll need lotion, clear plastic, and an elastic bandage (like the one used to wrap a sprained wrist). Once you've got the equipment you need, follow these guidelines right before bed:
- Apply a thick lotion to the abdomen and waist. Do not massage the lotion until it is absorbed too much into the skin.
- Wrap clear plastic around the waist, just above the lotion layer. You may need to wrap the plastic 2-3 times around the waist. This plastic layer should not loosen, and should be tight enough so that it doesn't come off easily.
- Wrap an elastic bandage around the waist over the plastic lining. Tighten the bandage by tucking the ends around the body.
- Sleep in this dressing all night and take it off in the morning. Most likely, you will feel a slight difference in your waist circumference, but remember that the effect of this "trick" is only temporary.

Step 2. Buy a corset
Corsets are available in a variety of options depending on your purpose. The "original" corset designed to reduce waistlines features an iron frame and layers of non-stretchable fabric. You can buy a ready-made corset at a lingerie store, or order it specifically for your body size.
- Corsets can make your waist appear 5-10 cm smaller just by wearing them.
- In addition, the tightness of the corset when worn will also help you reduce the portion of food because it can make you feel full faster.
- Another option, you can also wear a body shaper which can also make the body look slimmer but uses a different material from the corset. You can also buy body shapers that double as underwear, camis, etc.

Step 3. Wear clothes that make you look slimmer
The key to choosing clothes that make you look slimmer is to avoid capris, pleated pants, wide shorts, or skirts that don't fit around your calf height. Make sure to wear clothes that fit, and choose clothes like these:
- Dark jeans at ankle height, or 2.5-5 cm below the ankle; a long shirt, blazer, or sweater that doesn't stretch; knee-high pencil pants, or an A-line skirt.
- Long skirt. Long skirts are a great option for slimming down as they give you long vertical lines, making your legs appear longer. Solid colored skirts are best worn. Avoid pleated skirts, large pockets, layers, and wide elastic at the waist. Pair a long skirt with a fitted top and high heels.
- High-waisted jeans. Low-waisted jeans are stylish, but they can make your tummy appear to fold around your waist, which is not attractive at all. As with other clothing options, high-waisted jeans will make your legs appear longer, making you appear slimmer. Tuck your t-shirt into these jeans.
- Small belts to fasten T-shirts, dresses and even coats. This belt will help define your natural waistline and shape your curves.

Step 4. Choose certain colored and patterned clothes
There are several patterns and colors that you can choose to make your body look slim, especially at the waist.
- Black is a classic choice that goes with all colors. Besides being easy to match, black can also make you look slimmer. Black (and dark blue) can create the illusion of long, streamlined vertical lines.
- Vertical stripes can also create the same illusion as black and are useful for making your waist appear slimmer. If you wear pants with vertical stripes, your legs will appear longer and slimmer, making your mid and upper body appear slimmer as well.

Step 5. Disguise the problematic body parts and flaunt the best body parts
If there's a part of your body that you don't like and want to hide, wear dark clothes in that area. On the other hand, if you want to show off certain body parts, wear brightly colored clothes.

Step 6. Buy a new bra that fits
Unfortunately, most women wear bras that don't fit properly. In fact, a bra that doesn't fit will make your body look curvy where it shouldn't. To make your body appear slimmer, your breasts should be separated by a certain distance above your waist.
Before choosing a particular bra, measure your bust properly at a professional lingerie shop. Undergarment shop assistants can also provide another "trick" to make you look slimmer when you're wearing a bra

Step 7. Stand and sit in proper posture
Proper posture can not only make you look slimmer, but also more comfortable. Standing and sitting in the right posture will help relieve muscle tension and make you more relaxed.
- Check your posture by standing against a wall without shoes on. Be sure to press your body back so that your heels and buttocks are against the wall. Place one hand on the wall and lower back (around the waist). If the distance is wider than the width of your palms, you will need to improve your posture.
- Proper posture when standing includes: pulling your shoulders back in a relaxed position, pulling your stomach inward, spreading your feet hip-width apart, standing in a balanced position on both feet, and not locking your knees.
- Proper posture when sitting includes: choosing a seat that allows the soles of the feet to rest comfortably on the floor and leaning back, placing a pillow on your lower back if necessary to make you more comfortable, holding your head up with your chin slightly bent, your back and neck straight but comfortable, and both shoulders relaxed and comfortable.
Method 2 of 3: Living a Healthy Diet

Step 1. Eat healthy snacks
Snacks in general are not bad, it's just that the snacks you choose may hinder your efforts to slim down. Eating something every 2.5-3 hours can help keep blood sugar levels balanced throughout the day, but is only beneficial if you eat the right snacks.
- Avoid snacks high in calories, fat, sugar, and carbohydrates. These snacks include chips, pastries, chocolate bars, bagels, and pretzels.
- Choose snacks that are rich in fiber, such as whole grains, nuts, and certain fruits and vegetables.
- Choose snacks that are rich in healthy nutrients such as low-fat dairy products, low-fat meats, and nuts.

Step 2. Stop consuming diet soda
Researchers have found that certain artificial sweeteners in diet soda can make the body think it's consuming real sugar. The body that thinks it has consumed sugar will release insulin. However, because there is no sugar to burn, insulin will eventually store fat instead of burning it.
There are many different types of sugar substitutes available in the market, and each has its benefits and drawbacks. Know the difference between sugar substitutes and the effects they may have on the body. Check out the explanation from the Mayo Clinic

Step 3. Increase consumption of low-fat protein
Most people don't eat enough low-fat protein, but eat too many simple carbohydrates. Carbohydrates will eventually produce sugar that the body normally uses for energy. However, if we eat too many carbohydrates, we will also produce too much sugar. Excess sugar is what will eventually become overweight. On the other hand, low-fat protein will build muscle mass and maintain health.
Low-fat protein includes: beef thighs and quads, top sirloin, pork tenderloin, ham, and skinless chicken and turkey

Step 4. Reduce saturated fat intake
Saturated fat is bad fat. Saturated fat can widen your waistline, while unsaturated fat can help shrink it. Saturated fat will make the body store fat, while unsaturated fat will reduce fat stored in the body and help balance insulin levels.
- Saturated fat is usually found in baked goods or processed foods, and red meat.
- Instead of frying meat, it is better to grill or grill it.
- Use fat-free or low-fat dairy products.
- Replace a whole egg with 2 egg whites in recipes.
- Use herbs, spices, lemon juice, and other flavorings instead of adding butter or margarine.

Step 5. Increase fiber intake
Research shows that for every 10 grams of fiber you eat daily, body fat can be reduced by up to 3.7% in 5 years. An easy and quick way to increase your fiber intake is to eat cup of beans daily.
- Other fiber-rich foods are: husked cereals, whole grain breads, oranges, raspberries, baked potatoes, carrots, hummus, and pears.
- Canned beans are less likely to cause bloating and gas than fresh beans, if you're concerned.

Step 6. Replace coffee with green tea
Unfortunately, drinking coffee that contains cream and sugar can result in weight gain. On the other hand, drinking green tea every day can help you lose weight. Green tea contains catechin compounds which are known to increase metabolism and increase fat burning by the liver.

Step 7. Change the type of carbohydrates you consume
Carbohydrates are divided into 2, namely simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates can lead to an increase in body fat, while complex carbohydrates are beneficial for the body. Be sure to eat at least 3 servings of complex carbohydrates (such as whole grains) each day.
- Complex carbohydrates include whole grains, oat quinoa, brown rice, and oats.
- Simple carbohydrates include cakes made from wheat flour, such as white bread and pasta, and other foods such as white rice.

Step 8. Add pepper in food
Pepper contains a compound called piperine. Piperine can reduce inflammation and inhibit the formation of fat cells (which is known as adipogenesis).

Step 9. Eat dark chocolate every day
Dark chocolate, especially those containing at least 70% cocoa, has been scientifically known to aid weight loss. This is due to the flavonoid content in it which is beneficial for the heart. This compound is also an antioxidant that can reduce inflammation.
Try adding 2 servings of dark chocolate to your daily diet

Step 10. Include magnesium-rich foods in your diet
Magnesium can help the body lower fasting glucose and insulin levels, and may even be beneficial for retaining fluids.
- Doctors recommend that women over the age of 18 consume at least 400 mg, and women over the age of 31 should consume 420 mg of magnesium a day. Men over 18 years should consume 310 mg and men over 30 years should consume 320 mg magnesium a day.
- Foods rich in magnesium include nuts, spinach, soy milk, avocados, brown rice, bananas, salmon and other fish.
Method 3 of 3: Exercising Regularly

Step 1. Do a combination of cardio and core training
Cardio (or aerobic) exercise will help you lose excess weight. While core exercises will help tone the muscles. While you can do core exercises to tone your waist, without cardio, the muscle will be hidden under a layer of fat.
The ideal frequency of exercise is 45 minutes 3 times a week

Step 2. Try a kicking exercise while sitting
This exercise will strengthen your quadriceps muscles. Sit on an exercise mat with your legs extended in front of your body. Pull your right knee toward your chest and hold it in position with both hands. Bend the left leg. While keeping your left leg straight, lift it as high as you can off the floor and hold it as long as you can.
- Repeat this movement on the left leg as much as possible, then switch to the right leg and continue.
- Do this exercise at least 3 times a week.

Step 3. Do push-ups
This exercise will strengthen the chest muscles. Start by lying on your palms and knees on the mat. Hold your arms up. Then, bend your arms to lower the front of your body until it almost touches the floor. Keep your body in this position then push back up.
- Repeat this movement as many times as you can.
- Do this exercise at least 3 times a week.

Step 4. Do the leg drop exercise
This exercise will strengthen the abdominal muscles. Start by lying on your back on a mat. Lift your feet off the floor so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor, and your calves are in line with your thighs. Place both palms on the chest. While keeping your feet in this position, lower them to the floor and touch your heels to the floor, then lift them back up.
- Keep your back straight on the mat throughout the exercise.
- Repeat this movement as many times as you can.
- Do this exercise at least 3 times a week.

Step 5. Work your abs with X crunches
This exercise will strengthen your upper abdominal muscles. Lie on your back on the mat with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Fold your palms behind your neck, trying to keep your fingers in contact with your shoulders. Lift your front body off the floor with only your abs and bend your body, then lower yourself back down.
- To avoid neck injury, think of it as if you have a tennis ball between your chin and chest. The position of the chin should not be closer to the chest.
- Repeat this movement as many times as you can.
- Do this exercise at least 3 times a week.

Step 6. Sit on an invisible bench
This exercise will strengthen your legs. Look for empty walls without furniture or other objects. Stand with your back against the wall and lower your body as if you were sitting on a bench. Rest your back against the wall as you lower your body. Place both hands slowly on the thighs. Keep this position as long as possible.
- Spread your feet hip-width apart while doing this exercise.
- Try to hold this position for 60 seconds.
- Keep your back straight against the wall. The position of the thighs should be perpendicular to the wall, while the calves are parallel to the wall.
- Do this exercise at least 3 times a week.

Step 7. Do the Superman exercise
This exercise will strengthen your lower back. Lie face down on the mat. Extend your legs back and extend your arms forward. Lift your legs and arms together off the mat and hold this position for as long as possible.
- Repeat this movement as many times as you can.
- Do this exercise at least 3 times a week.

Step 8. Change your daily habits
Many of us are sedentary during work, usually because we have to use a computer on a desk. Try to get up and walk occasionally after sitting for a long time. If possible, use a high workbench so you can work standing up. Any small activity that gets you moving is very useful:
- Get off early from public transportation and walk to the office.
- Try walking back and forth all the aisles of the department store even if you only need to buy a few items.
- Park the car at the end of the parking lot, and not in front of the office door.

Step 9. Try the hula-hoop exercise
Using the hula-hoop is a fun cardio workout option. In addition, this exercise can also burn calories just like running on a treadmill, it is also light so it will not injure your knees.
- To work your core muscles while using the hula-hoop, make sure to keep it above your waist.
- Hula-hoop intended for exercise comes with additional weights to increase the intensity of your workout. Look for a hula-hoop that is at least 100 cm in diameter and weighs about 0.5-1 kg.
- Practice with the hula-hoop for 30 minutes at least 3 times a week.
- Learn to relax and reduce stress. Stress will increase cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is a hormone that increases the body's insulin levels. The combined effect is the accumulation of fat and widening of the waist circumference.
Enough sleep. Lack of sleep will lead to weight gain. This is partly because lack of sleep makes you tend to eat more. Lack of sleep increases levels of the hormone ghrelin, which increases appetite.
- You should sleep between 7 and 9 hours each night.
- Make sure your room is dark and cool during sleep.
- Stop consuming caffeinated drinks after lunch.
- Get into the habit of going to bed and waking up the same every day, even on weekends.
- Choose the right high heel. To help your legs look slimmer and lengthen your overall body, wear heels 10 cm or more. Wearing heels with pointed toes rather than wide toes also helps.