Homer Simpson is a very well-known cartoon character, partly because of the popularity of the cartoon series The Simpsons, and also because of his funny character that portrays stereotypes of the working class of America. This article will show you how to draw it step by step.
Method 1 of 2: Homer Head
Step 1. Draw a small circle, which is half the size of the other circle

Step 2. Draw a horizontal line from the tip of the nose to the eyes

Step 3. Draw one more circle, the same size as the eye
This circle should be parallel to the other circles, horizontally. This circle should 'intersect' around the nose.

Step 4. Erase the parts that overlap the nose and right eye, because the right eye should be in the front

Step 5. Draw a curved line that runs from the bottom of the nose, aligning with the side furthest from the right eye

Step 6. Draw another curved line from the same point as before, but going downwards, to the southeast of the cardinal points
It should be as high as one eye.

Step 7. Draw a curved line from the end point of the previous curved line, going slightly down
The length should be equal to the height of the nose.

Step 8. Draw a small curved line, slightly smaller than the previous line, starting from the end point of the previous line, heading southwest of the cardinal points

Step 9. From the end point of the line drawn in Step 9, draw another curved line going to the southeast of the cardinal point, which is slightly longer than the vertical length of either eye

Step 10. Draw a curved line from the end point of the previous line, to the line drawn in Step 12

Step 11. Add the expression you like to his mouth

Step 12. Draw a circle about the size of the curved part of Homer's head (see image above)
Cut it in half to make it a semicircle, but no corners are needed.

Step 13. Move the semicircle to the appropriate place

Step 14. Make a small bump above her left eye (see image)

Step 15. Draw a straight line from the top of the bump, to the bottom of the semicircle

Step 16. Draw a curved line from another point on the head of the semicircle that extends past the mouth

Step 17. Draw a circle about half the size of the eye, and cut out a small part
These will be his ears.

Step 18. Draw the line that appears on Homer's ear (see picture)

Step 19. Add two curls of hair at the top of the head, and another hair above the ears

Step 20. Add the pupil of the eye to the eye where you want it

Step 21. Complete Homer's face and beard with appropriate colors
Method 2 of 2: Homer's Face and Body

Step 1. Draw 2 circles as the eyes
Draw two dots as the pupil of the eye on the two circles.

Step 2. Draw a sausage-shaped nose under the eyes

Step 3. Draw a curved line towards the left as the first part of the mouth

Step 4. Draw another curved line to the right and connect the other curved line

Step 5. Draw Homer's head above his eyes

Step 6. Draw a sketch of her hair with 4 semicircles

Step 7. Draw Homer's neck and ears, for the ears you can simply draw small semicircles

Step 8. Draw the collar under the neck

Step 9. Draw Homer's belly under his collar

Step 10. Draw 2 sleeves on the shirt

Step 11. Draw the arms and hands under the sleeves

Step 12. Draw the top of the pants and the legs

Step 13. Draw the leg and the shoe under the visible arm