Polyester is a type of fabric that is very difficult to dye, especially if the fabric contains 100 percent polyester. This is because polyester is a synthetic fabric made from petroleum. and because of the factory process, polyester is actually a plastic. Therefore, polyester is difficult to absorb water and contains less ions. However, there are several products that can be used to color polyester and polyester blends.
Method 1 of 2: Dyeing Polyester with Rit DyeMore

Step 1. Weigh the fabric to determine how much dye to use
Usually, a bottle of Rit DyeMore can color up to 1 kilogram of clothing.
- Dyeing very light or very dark fabrics requires at least one more bottle of dye, so have one ready if you need to.
- Polyester requires a second bottle of DyeMore, due to its synthetic nature.

Step 2. Wash the fabric before dyeing
This helps remove the final color of the fabric which could hinder color absorption. Use warm soapy water for washing.

Step 3. Boil 11 liters of water in a large saucepan
Due to the challenges of dyeing polyester, using the stove top method is recommended as the dyeing process requires a higher temperature to work.
- When the large pot is filled with 11 liters of water, cover the pot and turn on the stove over high heat. Bring the water to a boil.
- Using a cooking thermometer will help, as the coloring process requires a steady temperature of around 82 degrees Celsius. The thermometer will make sure the water stays at that temperature.

Step 4. Pour a bottle of Rit DyeMore into a pot of water when it is slowly simmering
Shake the Rit DyeMore bottle before adding it to the pot to mix the dye.
In addition to Rit DyeMore, add 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap and use a large spoon to stir the mixture until smooth

Step 5. Try the color result on a piece of white cotton cloth
This will help you determine if the dye is your preferred shade.
- If the color is too light, add another bottle of Dye More to the mixture. On the other hand, if the color is too dark, add water. Then, try the color with a new piece of white cotton.
- If you decide to add more paint, don't forget to shake the second bottle before pouring.

Step 6. Soak the cloth in the paint soaked water
Wear rubber gloves to avoid getting paint on your skin!
- Stir the cloth slowly and continuously in the paint soaking water for at least 30 minutes. For the color to fully absorb into the fabric, the polyester needs at least this amount of time to soak in the paint soaking water.
- Use food tongs to lift and stir the cloth in the pan.
- Leave the fabric in the dye-soaked water even if it has reached the desired color in less than 30 minutes. The color may fade from the fabric if not given enough time to absorb into the fabric, so the color will be lighter than expected.

Step 7. Remove the fabric from the dye-soaked water when it reaches the desired color
Remember, when the fabric dries, the hues will lighten.
- Squeeze out excess dye over a pot of dye-soaked water.
- Be sure to wear rubber gloves during this stage, as the dye will still stain the leather.

Step 8. Rinse the cloth in warm water
When rinsing, try to gradually cool the water. Continue rinsing the cloth until the water is clear.

Step 9. Wash the cloth again with warm, soapy water
This will remove any traces of dye.
- Rinse the clothes when you're done washing them.
- Wrap it in an old towel to remove the water. Squeeze gently to remove as much water as possible.
- Hang the cloth to dry.
Method 2 of 2: Dyeing Polyester with Dispersion Dye

Step 1. Clean the clothes for dyeing
There are two ways to do this, but it's important to clean the fabric so it's ready to absorb the dispersion dye.
- Place the cloth in the washing machine on the hottest setting with teaspoon of soda ash and tablespoon of Synthrapol. Synthrapol helps clean and prepare fabrics for washing.
- Wash the cloth in a saucepan with teaspoon of soda ash and teaspoon of Synthrapol on the stove by hand.

Step 2. Dissolve the dispersion dye in 250 ml of boiling water
There are different amounts of powdered dye used, depending on how light or dark the polyester fabric you want to dye is.
- Pale/pastel: teaspoon
- Medium: teaspoon
- Dark: 3 teaspoons
- Black: 6 teaspoons
- Stir the coloring powder in hot water, then let it cool to room temperature. When it's cold, stir again. Then, strain it with two layers of nylon stockings before mixing with the dye-soaked water.

Step 3. Dissolve the dye carrier in the boiling water
This diluted dye spreader will be added to the dye bath water in the next step.
- Dissolve 2 tablespoons of dye spreader in 250 ml of boiling water and stir.
- A dye spreader is needed to produce dark colors, but is an option for pale or medium colors.

Step 4. Fill a large pot with 7.5 liters of water and bring to a boil on the stove at 48 degrees Celsius
Add the following ingredients in order when the water reaches the right temperature. Stir the mixture after you've added each ingredient.
- teaspoon Synthrapol
- 1 tablespoon citric acid or 11 teaspoons distilled white vinegar
- Dissolved dye spreading mixture, if used
- teaspoon Metaphos, which is okay to use unless the water is high in minerals
- Dissolved and filtered dispersion dyes

Step 5. Add the washed cloth to the dye-soaked water
Stir the mixture one last time before putting the cloth into it.

Step 6. Boil the dye soaking water until it boils quickly
Stir the mixture constantly until it starts to boil.
- When it comes to a boil, reduce the heat to allow the dye-soaked water to simmer slowly and stir occasionally for 30-45 minutes, depending on how dark you want the color to be.
- Stir gently so that the fabric doesn't wrinkle and the dye absorbs evenly into the fabric.

Step 7. Heat a second pot of water to 82 degrees Celsius while the dye-soaked water is slowly simmering
When the fabric reaches the desired hue or color, remove it from the dye-soaked water and transfer it to a second pot of heated water.
- Make sure the temperature is 82 degrees Celsius, as temperatures below this number will result in a strange odor and dye residue on the fabric.
- Be sure to completely immerse the cloth in water to rinse.

Step 8. Discard the dye-soaked water and fill the pot with water at 71 degrees Celsius
You will make a mixture to wash the fabric again before drying.
- Add teaspoon of Synthrapol to the water and stir.
- Transfer the dyed cloth from the rinse pan to this pan. Stir occasionally for 5-10 minutes.

Step 9. Rinse the cloth completely in hot water
When the water is clear, remove excess water by wrapping the cloth in a towel or wringing out the cloth.
- Smell the cloth when it is rinsed and wrung out. If it still smells like dye spread, repeat steps 7-8 above to get the smell gone.
- If the fabric is odorless, hang it in the sun to dry.
In addition to gloves, other protective equipment that should be considered is used clothing, aprons, and protective eyewear. A face mask is also recommended for Method number 2, so you don't inhale the dispersion dye powder
- Create air circulation in the room coloring clothes by opening the window. This helps the vapors from the dye escape from the room.
- Color clothes only in stainless steel or enamel pans. Pans made of other materials will stain and become damaged. The same goes for food tongs and stirring equipment; this equipment must also be made of stainless metal.
- Do not try to dye fabrics marked “dry clean only”. This will damage the fabric.
- Never use the same utensils to dye clothes to cook food.