One of the best things about LEGO is that you can build and build anything you can imagine. LEGO Cars is an easy and fast project that is fun for both beginners and LEGO experts. There are many options and ways to build LEGO cars, but the basic principle will always be the same. Imagine your LEGO car and start building it!
Method 1 of 4: Organizing Your Workplace

Step 1. Collect your LEGO equipment
If you follow the instructions from the official LEGO car set, make sure you have those instructions and all the LEGO pieces needed for your car. If you're building your own car, make sure you have an assortment of LEGO pieces so you can build whatever you want.
For a standard LEGO car, you will need a minimum of 4 tires of the same size, 2 axles of the same size, and at least 1 long LEGO piece to connect them. LEGO also makes pieces like steering wheels, seats, windshields, and car doors that you can use to add details to your car

Step 2. Find a safe and vacant place to build the car
A well-lit table is a good place to build a LEGO car. You'll need plenty of space to put your LEGO pieces (and instructions, if you're using one).
LEGO pieces are small and can cause animals and small children to choke if they fall apart. If it is scattered on the floor, there is a chance that the LEGO will be stepped on and it can be painful. You can build LEGO cars on the floor, but always keep an eye on your pieces to make sure they stay in a confined area

Step 3. Spread the LEGO pieces neatly in front of you
Arrange the pieces by size and shape, so it will be easier to get the pieces you need.
If you are playing with small children, make sure the child does not put the LEGO pieces in their mouths, as LEGOs can cause choking
Method 2 of 4: Building a Standard LEGO Car

Step 1. Collect your pieces
A simple car can be made with the LEG O pieces that everyone has. You will need several types of chips for your car, and you can change the pieces you use based on what you have. Measurements on the LEGO pieces will be assigned to the count of the studs ("bumps" on the LEGO pieces). One “LEGO” brick with a width of 2 studs and a length of 4 studs is called a 2x4.
- For the car frame, you'll need 4 equal-sized wheels, 2 equal-sized rectangular axles, and a 4x12 small disc (a long, skinny LEGO piece).
- For the car body, you will need 2 2x2 bricks, 6 2x4 bricks, 4 1x2 bricks, 2x2 bricks with clear corners, 1 LEGO windshield and 1 LEGO steering wheel.

Step 2. Join the tire with the axle
An ace is a rectangular piece that has branches on both sides. Combine one tire on each of these sides. When finished, you will have 2 pairs of wheels connected in the axle.
- Make sure the axles and wheels are firmly joined. The wheels must be firmly joined but still rotate freely.
- Make sure your wheels and base pieces are proportionate. Small wheels will not support a large LEGO car and will hinder its speed and movement.

Step 3. Create the front hood
You will need 2 2x2 square bricks and 2 2x2 angled bricks with clear corners. You can replace it with 1 2x4 brick and 2 2x2 angled bricks.
- Join the angled bricks on top of the 2x2 bricks.
- Merge the pieces you just completed onto the front of your car.
- Make sure the ends of the axles are securely attached to the ends of the pieces you are joining.

Step 4. Create the windshield part of the car
This section will only rest on the hood of the car you just made. You will need 2 2x4 bricks and one LEGO 2x4 car glass piece.
Stack two 2x4 bricks. Combine on top of the windshield. Join this piece to the plate behind the piece you made in step 6

Step 5. Make the hood
You will need one 2x4 rectangular brick, two 1x2 rectangular bricks, and a 1x2 LEGO car steering wheel.
- Join the 1x2 bricks on the two ends of the 2x4 bricks. The result will look like a short "u" when it's finished.
- Place the steering wheel in the empty space between the 1x2 bricks. This piece will be on the back of the stud with the steering wheel facing you. Merge.
- Join this section at the base just behind the windshield section.
- Make the car body. You will need one 2x4 brick and two 1x2 bricks. Join these three pieces to form a “u” as in step 8. Join this section on the disc behind the hood.

Step 6. Create the back of the car and the “spoiler”
You will need 2 2x4 bricks, one 1x4 brick, and 1 2x4 disc (slenderer than brick).
- Stack two 2x4 bricks. Merge the 1x4 bricks behind the pile.
- Join the disc on top of the 1x4 brick so that it hangs behind the car. The result will look like small “wings” on the back of a sports car.
- Join this section at the base of the back of the car body.

Step 7. Merge your axles under the disc
One will be under the front of the car and one under the back of the car.
- The front of the front wheel must be in a straight line with the front of the base plate. The back of the rear wheel should be in a straight line with the back of the base of the chip.
- If the wheel is stuck, change the width of the base piece, or look for two axles that are longer and can match.

Step 8. Select a LEGO figurine
Bend the figurine at the waist to form a sitting position and place it in the space behind the steering wheel.

Step 9. Enjoy your car
If it goes too slow, the car may be too big for the base plate and tires. You can experiment with new patterns to get the look and strength you want.
Method 3 of 4: Build a Rubber Driven LEGO Car

Step 1. Choose your brick
You will need special bricks for this, such as bricks with holes, small fishing rods, and separate wheels and tires. Bricks like these come in engineering LEGO sets, or you can buy them separately from a LEGO store or online.
You will need 2 1x10 bricks with a hole in the center, 1 2x4 disc (smaller than a 2x4 brick), 1 8x4 brick, 1 1x4 brick, 1 2x4 brick, 1 2x2 brick, 1 2x8 brick, 2 engineering axles, 4 wheels'' LEGO'', and 4 LEGO tires. You will also need 2 rubber bands

Step 2. Merge the tire with the rim
For optimal energy delivery, you should have two larger tires to put in the back and two smaller tires to put in front. Get rid of it first.

Step 3. Make the car chassis
Place the 1x10 bricks side by side like a railroad track. Join the 2x4 disc and 8x4 disc on the bricks. Now you have a 4x10 chassis.

Step 4. Create the body of the car
This part is the structure where the rubber will be combined to create the power that drives the car.
- Join the 1x4 brick at the very front of the chassis.
- Making a "T" shape, join the 2x4 bricks in the center of the disc just behind the brick you just placed.
- Join the 2x2 bricks at the very back of the chassis. Place it in the center of the dish so that there is 1 stud on both sides.
- Join the 2x8 bricks to cover the last 2 "T" shaped studs. The back of this brick should come out past the back of the car chassis.

Step 5. Tie the rubber to form a knot
This is an easy knot, you can tie it with two closed knots (like a rubber band).
- Tie a piece of rubber on the index and thumb of your non-dominant hand.
- Insert the other rubber in the middle of the first rubber and then pull it about half the full distance.
- Insert the tip of the number two rubber through the rubber that has formed a loop at the end, then tighten it.

Step 6. Place the rear axle
Insert one axle through the last hole in the 10x1 brick at the very back of your car. Join the tires on each side of the axle.

Step 7. Join the rubber that is attached to the back of the axle
To do this, insert the ends of the rubber under and above the axle so that it forms a small circle. Tie the back of the rubber and pull it tight.

Step 8. Pull the rubber up to the top of your car
The rubber should loop under the entire length of the chassis. Insert the end of the rubber under the protruding part of the top brick.

Step 9. Place the front of the axle
Insert another axle through the first hole in the 10x1 brick at the very front of your car. Make sure the rubber is under the axle. Join the tires at each end of the axle.

Step 10. Start your car
To fasten the car, place it on a flat and smooth surface and pull it back. This will put pressure on the rubber. When you let go, the car will go fast!
Method 4 of 4: Build a Balloon-Driven LEGO Car

Step 1. Make a standard LEGO car
The design in this section makes the car a very light drag type car and has a stable short center of gravity. You can build your own car, but keep it light and short at its base.
For this design, you will need 2 rectangular axles, 4 tires of the same size, 4 2x8 bricks, 8 2x4 bricks, 2 1x2 bricks, a small disc that is at least 2x4 (but the longer the better). And, you need 1 party balloon

Step 2. Lay the 2x8 bricks together end to end in two rows
Each row should be 2x16 now. Combine the 2x4 bricks at the top of each row to combine the 2x8 bricks.

Step 3. Turn the bricks side by side
Join the small discs at the bottom of the two rows to connect them together.
- Combine the tires on the axles. Place axles at each end of the car.
- Rotate the car body. Now you have a 4x16 body with two 2x4 bricks on top and tires on the bottom.

Step 4. Stack 5 2x4 bricks together
Join this pile to the back of your car body. Make sure the bricks are firmly joined, but don't press so hard that you can damage the body of the car.
- Merge the above 1x2 bricks from the 2x4 stack. Place 1 on each end to make a small cavity in the middle.
- Merge the last 2x4 bricks on top of the pile. You will have a small hole in the center of the stack near the top.

Step 5. Insert the balloon in the hole
To propel your car, you have to place a balloon on top of your car body. Insert the neck of the balloon through the hole, but don't pull the entire balloon out.

Step 6. Pump the balloon
It may be easier to blow up the balloon by lifting the car and bringing it closer to your face when you blow it up. When the balloon is filled, pinch the neck with your fingers to allow air to stay inside the balloon.

Step 7. Place your car on a flat and smooth surface
Remove the neck of the balloon. Your car will go fast when the air is blown out of the balloon!
- Get creative with the colors, accessories, and styles. Mix and match the bricks you used for the sides of the car and rearrange the accessories to change the appearance of the car.
- The instructions in this article are just basic instructions. You should have fun experimenting and creating your own designs! As long as you have the essentials like wheels, axles and something for the body of the car, you can build any car you can imagine.
- Swap LEGO pieces with your friends to add to your LEGO collection. Or, invite your friends to bring LEGO to your house so you can build great cars!
- If you know the official name of the LEGO car you want to build, look for the official instruction manual on the company's website. LEGO has over 3300 instructions for how to build from LEGO toy sets, including online cars.
- Keep it away from small children as small LEGO pieces can be choking.
- When you're done building the car, make sure you tidy up all the LEGO pieces. A messy LEGO piece can be painful to walk on, can choke pets, and can damage a vacuum cleaner.