Synthetic and natural fabric bands tend to fray and separate at the ends. You can extend the life of your tape by cutting it diagonally and applying heat, nail polish or glue to the ends.
Method 1 of 3: Using Nail Polish

Step 1. Look for very sharp fabric scissors
The sharper the scissors, the better for your ribbon.

Step 2. Measure the length of your tape
Trim the ends at a 45-degree angle, or cut them into an upside-down “v” shape to prevent fraying.

Step 3. Purchase clear nail polish
Use a nail polish with a trusted and good quality brand that you know will last a long time.

Step 4. Dip the nail polish brush into the nail polish
Polish the brush on the top of the bottle to remove excess paint.

Step 5. Apply a thin layer to the end of the tape
You can hold the tape in one hand while painting one end of the tape, or you can lay the tape on a flat surface and paint on one side and then turn it over to paint the other side.

Step 6. Grab and hold the tape to make sure it doesn't stick to the flat surface

Step 7. Repeat this process again for a stronger bond
Try not to apply it in a thick layer or past the ends of the tape. Nail polish will make the tape look dark and wet if applied too much.
For best results, try it on a piece of tape before you start to make sure the nail polish doesn't damage the surface of the tape
Method 2 of 3: Using Craft Spray/Glue

Step 1. Purchase an anti-tasting spray or liquid at a craft store or online
If you plan to wash your ribbon frequently, this is the best option. Choose clear craft glue if you can't find anti-tasting liquid.

Step 2. Cut your ribbon at a 45 degree angle or into an inverted “v” shape if possible

Step 3. Remove a small amount of strong clear glue or anti-tasting liquid from the bottle

Step 4. Apply with a cotton stick
Wipe the ends on a paper towel to remove excess liquid.

Step 5. Swipe cotton sticks against the ends of the tape on both sides

Step 6. Hold the end of the tape up until it's completely dry or hang it on a clothesline to make sure the nail polish doesn't stick to other surfaces
Method 3 of 3: Heat Sealing Tape Edge

Step 1. Make sure the tape you are going to work on is made of synthetic material
Most satin and silk/rayon ribbons sold in craft stores are synthetic. Ribbons made of rough canvas/burlap and cotton cannot be sealed by heating.

Step 2. Light a candle near the sink or a bucket of water
Throw the tape in the water if it catches fire. Open the window.

Step 3. Cut your ribbon with fabric scissors at a 45 degree angle to prevent it from fraying

Step 4. Hold the end of the tape between your thumb and forefinger
You should keep your fingers as far apart as possible while the end of the tape is heated to make the ends hard.

Step 5. Bring the end of the tape to the side of the fire
Generally, it is not necessary to place the tape in a fire to burn the ends. Move the end of the tape around the edge of the fire quickly and steadily.

Step 6. Hold the end of the tape between your fingers to cool it down
Run your finger along the end of the tape after 30 seconds. The ends of the tape should feel firm which means the ends are sealed.