How to Remove Strong Perfume Smells from Clothes

How to Remove Strong Perfume Smells from Clothes
How to Remove Strong Perfume Smells from Clothes

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If the smell of perfume, detergent, or other fragrances smells too strong on your clothes, you can get rid of the smell with some products you may already have at home

Neutralizing odors is as easy as making a neutralizing mixture using ingredients like baking soda, lemon juice, or ground coffee. You can apply the neutralizing agent to your clothes before washing them in the washing machine. In addition, there are a number of preventative steps you can follow to keep your clothes from smelling too strong, such as proper drying techniques and quick fixes when you're in a hurry and don't have time to wash your clothes.


Method 1 of 2: Washing Clothes

Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 1
Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 1

Step 1. Add 240 ml of vinegar to the wash cycle to eliminate odors

Use vinegar instead of laundry detergent to absorb strong odors. Pour vinegar directly on clothes after putting them in the washing machine, then rinse clothes 1-3 times until the smell is gone.

  • For best results, use white or distilled vinegar. Apple cider vinegar can leave stains on clothes.
  • You can use hot or cold water. Both are effective when you wash clothes with vinegar.
  • You may need to wash the clothes several times until the smell goes away.
Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 2
Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 2

Step 2. Wash perishable clothes manually (by hand) using castile soap (soap based on olive oil)

Pour 3-5 drops of castile soap on the smelly area, then rinse the clothes with warm water. If you wish, you can gently scrub the smelly area with a soft-bristled brush, although this step is not mandatory.

  • This step is suitable for cleaning bras or underwear that still smells of perfume.
  • If you want to save water, wash clothes in the shower.
Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 3
Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 3

Step 3. Use a laundry booster when washing clothes to get rid of stubborn odors

Laundry booster is an additive that can eradicate bacteria and odors from clothes. You can use a commercial product from the store or homemade organic soap (eg a borax and baking soda mix). It's a good idea to use it if you've tried other methods, but you can still smell the perfume residue on your clothes. If used when washing clothes, a laundry booster can eradicate stubborn perfume odors.

  • If you are using a commercial product from a store, mix 120 ml of product with detergent, then wash the garment in warm water.
  • Read the list of recommended materials or fabrics on product packaging before you use them on perishable clothing. Most products can be used on delicate and easily damaged fabrics, cotton, polyester, and wool.
  • Do not use a laundry booster to wash leather clothes.
Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 4
Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 4

Step 4. Use scented laundry detergent to cover up the perfume smell

While it won't get rid of the odor, a detergent like this can reduce the strong smell of perfume. Use a detergent with a scent such as lavender or a tropical scent to cover up strong perfume odors. Check the care label on each garment for the temperature of the water to use and the amount of detergent needed.

  • If you only wash a few clothes, use a half cap of a detergent bottle.
  • Most detergents contain plant-based fragrances that can mask the strong smell of perfume.
  • If you are sensitive to chemicals, this step may not be the right advice.
  • If the clothes can only be washed manually (by hand), do not put the clothes in the washing machine. However, you can wash it manually and use 15-30 ml of scented detergent.

Method 2 of 2: Using Household Products

Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 5
Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 5

Step 1. Dry your clothes outdoors for a few hours to let them air out

Fresh air can eradicate odors that stick to clothes. Choose a windy place outside when the weather is sunny, then dry clothes if possible. Leave the clothes outside for 12 hours or more for best results.

  • If you don't have a clothesline, just hang clothes on the fence. You can also attach it to a hanger, then hang it on a deck or railing.
  • Also, if you hang your clothes in the sun near green leafy plants, the plants can help absorb the chemicals in your clothes.
Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 6
Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 6

Step 2. Apply a paste of baking soda and water on the area that smells bad

Baking soda can effectively remove odors from certain areas of clothing. Mix 2 tablespoons (30 grams) of baking soda with a few drops of water to form a smooth paste. Apply the paste on the smelly area with a spoon, then let the paste dry for 5 minutes. After that, remove the remaining baking soda using a stiff-bristled brush.

Alternatively, put the clothes in a plastic bag and add 120g of baking soda. After that, shake the bag and let the clothes rest for 10 minutes. Remove clothing and plastic bag and shake to remove any remaining baking soda

Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 7
Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 7

Step 3. Rub the smelly area with diluted lemon juice if you want to clean light colored clothes

Combine lemon juice and water in equal proportions in a spray bottle, then spray the mixture onto clothes. Use a soft-bristled brush to brush off the smelly area, then hang the clothes in the sun to dry. Check for odors on clothes. When the odor has dissipated, rinse the clothes to remove any excess lemon juice.

  • If the clothes still smell of perfume, re-spray the lemon juice.
  • Do not follow this method on brightly colored clothes. Lemon juice can brighten the overall color of the outfit.
Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 8
Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 8

Step 4. Put the clothes in a plastic bag filled with coffee to completely remove the smell

Ground coffee is known to absorb unpleasant odors. To use it, put the clothes in a large paper bag, and pour 240 grams of ground coffee. Leave the clothes in the bag overnight. After that, remove the clothes the next day and shake them to remove the coffee that has stuck to it.

The smell of perfume will disappear from the clothes when you take them out of the bag

Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 9
Remove Excessive Fragrance Odors from Clothes Step 9

Step 5. Spray the diluted vodka on the clothes to get rid of the pungent odor

Use a bottle of cheap vodka with a high alcohol content. Pour the vodka into the spray bottle until 2/3 full, and fill the bottle with tap water. After that, spray the mixture on the part of the clothes that smells bad. Let the vodka sit for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
