How to Trim Your Fingernails and Toenails: 13 Steps

How to Trim Your Fingernails and Toenails: 13 Steps
How to Trim Your Fingernails and Toenails: 13 Steps

Table of contents:


It is important for you to keep your fingernails and toenails neat. If allowed to grow too long and neglected, the nails can become sharp, jagged, and dangerous. You don't need to trim too much, you just need to trim them every few weeks to make sure the nails grow healthy. Read on for tips and techniques you can use to take care of your nails.


Part 1 of 3: Preparing to Cut

Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 1
Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 1

Step 1. Wash your hands and feet

Soak your nails for a few minutes before trimming them – this will soften the nails and make them easier to trim. If your nails are not too brittle, they are less likely to break. Dry your hands and feet after washing them. You can trim your nails wet, but you will have more control over your trim if they are dry.

This step is especially important for toenails. Toenails tend to be thicker and harder than fingernails, especially the big toe

Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 2
Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 2

Step 2. Choose the cutting tool

You can use nail clippers or manicure scissors. Your choice largely depends on preference. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option:

  • Nail clippers are inexpensive, simple, and widely available tools. Nail clippers cut your nails with a pair of concave edges – which can be very convenient if the scissors fit your nails, but difficult if the grooves are too wide or too small. Toenail clippers usually have heavier cutters and a straighter tip to cut thicker nails and reduce the risk of ingrown nails.
  • Manicure scissors are less common than nail clippers, but some people prefer them. You need a little skill to trim your nails with manicure scissors. But you can also have more control over the curvature of the cut. As the name suggests, manicure nails are usually best suited for hand care. You should use a nail clipper that is larger for your feet.
  • According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration, it is too dangerous to use other sharp tools – such as a knife, razor, or ordinary scissors – to trim nails. These tools can slip and injure the skin surrounding the nail.
Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 3
Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 3

Step 3. Make sure your nail clippers are clean

If possible, purchase your own nail trimming kit, and separate the kit for fingernails and toenails. Wash these tools regularly with a disinfectant to keep them clean. Dish soap or antibacterial soap can also work: just soak nail clippers in a bowl of hot soapy water.

Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 4
Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 4

Step 4. Pay attention to where you cut your nails

Make sure you have determined the right place to cut your nails; You can annoy other people if you leave your fingernails scattered on the floor. Consider trimming your nails in a litter box or compost bin. Hold your fingers and toes directly over these spots and try to collect the scattered nail pieces. Try not to cut your nails in public and avoid cutting your nails near people who are talking.

You can indeed compost toenails and toenails. These nails will not add much content to the compost pile, but they are organic matter and will rot. Don't try to compost artificial (arkylic) nails or overpainted nails, as these artificial materials won't break down

Part 2 of 3: Cutting Nails

Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 5
Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 5

Step 1. Trim your nails often, but don't overdo it

Nails grow about 2.5 mm every month, meaning it can take 3 to 6 years to grow a full nail. If you trim your nails often – once a week or two – you don't have to worry about them growing too long or unkempt. If your nails start to hurt at the edges, you may have an ingrown toenail. Try to trim those painful nail growths before they get too deep. However, it would be even better if you ask for professional medical help.


Step 2. Trim your nails

The goal of this step is to remove the cuticle: the white, opaque, curved part that grows at the tip of the nail. Trim the nail almost completely straight across and slightly around the tips of the nail to keep it strong. Trimming your nails straight will reduce your chances of ingrown toenails.

If you are a guitarist who is used to using nails, try to keep the nails on your plucking hands long. Leave at least 1.5 to 2 mm of nails on each finger on the string plucking hand


Step 3. Make small pieces

Cut your nails in many small pieces; do not try to cut all the cuticles in one piece. Toenails are naturally oval in shape, and one straight cut tends to flatten the oval shape.


Step 4. Trim your toenails

Use the same strategy as when trimming fingernails. Toenails are usually thicker than fingernails, so make sure you don't use nail clippers that are too small. Cut in a straight line; cutting the ends back inwards increases the likelihood of disease and for diabetics can lead to health problems. If you can avoid it, don't use the same clippers for your toenails that you use for your fingernails – this way you'll avoid transferring bacteria between your feet and hands.

Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 9
Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 9

Step 5. Be careful not to cut too much

It may be tempting to keep trimming your nails (for aesthetic purposes, out of compromise or to avoid the hassle) even after you've trimmed the cuticles. However, if you cut too deep, you will expose the sensitive skin under the nail and increase the risk of infection. Try to keep the tips of the nails in line with the tops of your fingers – or trim them all but leave a little cuticle.

Part 3 of 3: File Your Nails

Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 10
Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 10

Step 1. Consider filing your nails after trimming them

You don't have to file your nails, but this process can help shape your nails exactly the way you want them. Trimming your nails can leave jagged, sharp edges -- but these edges are easy to file for a smooth finish. Use a nail file, pumice stone, or any hard, textured surface.

Serrated nails can get caught in clothes, socks and stockings. If this part gets stuck in anything, your fingernail may crack or break

Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 11
Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 11

Step 2. Wait for your nails to dry

Wait until your nails are dry and no longer soft. Filing wet nails will make your nails jagged and rough when dry. It can also cause cracked and cracked nails.


Step 3. File your nails

Use a nail file to shape your nails and make sure each edge of the nails is smooth. Always file gently in one stroke from the side of the nail to the center of the nail. Use the rough side of the shaping first if you need to remove more nails. Then, use the finer side of the shaping to smooth your nails.

Your nails should be slightly triangular or oval, but not pointed. This will prevent the nails from breaking. Nails can become brittle if you file too deep at the corners and sides

Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 13
Cut Your Fingernails and Toenails Step 13

Step 4. Check the results of your work

While you're trimming or filing, regularly check your nails to make sure they're all the same length and shape. Make sure the nails are smooth – because jagged or pointy nails can prove to be painful and troublesome in everyday life. Keep trimming and filing until all your nails are the same.


  • Every night, soften your nails with a nourishing oil or cream conditioner. This will help lock the moisture in your nails and prevent them from chipping or cracking. A small dab of olive oil is a great and affordable alternative to nutritional oil.
  • There are nail clippers made just for toenails. While regular nail clippers are slightly curved, toenail clippers are straight to reduce the risk of ingrown toenails.
  • Clean the underside of your nails with a cotton ball with a sharp tip. A cotton swab is gentler than rubbing it with a nail brush – this will reduce the risk of irritating the sensitive skin under your nails.
  • Smooth (buff) your nails to make them smooth and shiny. Massage the cuticle cream to keep it healthy and moisturized.
  • Wear rubber gloves when washing dishes. The main cause of soft nails is exposure to water. If your nails are wet and soft, treat them carefully until they are completely dry.
  • Apply hand cream every time you wash your hands. The oil in the cream will lock the moisture in your nails.
  • The ideal length that fits most hands is slightly above the fingertips.
  • If you have very brittle nails, try applying a base coat and polish under the tips of your nails for added strength.
  • To keep mud and dirt from getting into your nails when gardening or doing dirty work, scratch your nails over a bar of soap. The bottom of your nail will fill with soap, which means that dirt can't get in.
  • Make sure you clean under your nails otherwise bacteria can get there.


  • Before starting these steps, first clean all the nail care equipment. Just soak for 10 minutes in a bowl of warm soapy water.
  • Don't bite your nails; because it will cause ingrown nails and also look disgusting.
  • When cutting nails do not do it too fast. Check to make sure that you are not cutting the skin or too much nail.
  • Don't cut your cuticles too much or it will bleed. Cuticles exist because they aim to prevent infection from germs on the nail bed.
