Dandruff is usually not as obvious as the person experiencing it, and there are things you can do so that other people won't easily notice you have dandruff. Treatments with special oils or shampoos can sometimes reduce dandruff overnight, but getting rid of them completely usually takes at least a few weeks.
Method 1 of 4: Get Rid of Dandruff Quickly

Step 1. Remove with dry shampoo
Dry shampoo powder, which you can buy at the pharmacy or online, can be sprinkled on the surface of your scalp and then combed to remove the dandruff in it all at once. Rinse your comb after each brush.
Talc can also be used in place of powdered shampoo, but it can make your hair appear a little white or have streaks

Step 2. Cover most of the dandruff by styling your hair
Find the areas of your scalp where dandruff is most severe, and comb your hair to cover those areas. Styling products can also help you to do this, but styling your hair by stacking them in sections can also cover dandruff quickly.
Covering up dandruff doesn't actually solve the problem and can only temporarily improve your appearance. The best way to treat dandruff is to treat the cause

Step 3. Choose a bright color
Choose a t-shirt, outfit or other top with a white, gray or metallic look. This will make yellow or white dandruff much more difficult to see.
Patterned or textured clothing can also help hide your dandruff

Step 4. Put on a hat or scarf
Any hat can be used to hide dandruff on your scalp. As long as you wear it, the hat will also reduce the amount of dandruff that falls on your clothes.

Step 5. Take a roller of yarn with you before traveling
Whenever you see dandruff falling on your clothes, go to the bathroom, and use a lint roller to lift it off your clothes.
If you can't reach your own back, ask your friends or family for help
Method 2 of 4: Reduce Dandruff in One Day

Step 1. Apply warm mineral oil
Warm a small bowl of oil and massage it into your head. Pure olive oil, pure peanut oil is recommended, although its use may provide nourishment for dandruff causing fungus. If you want to use natural oils, 5% tea tree oil has been shown to be effective for some people, but research has only focused on its long-term effects, longer than a few weeks.
- Rumors about the harmful effects of mineral oil may be unfounded, as long as you use pure mineral oil sold as a skin care product.
- Warm the oil slowly. Do not heat it to a temperature that is too high, let alone reach a temperature that makes it smoky.

Step 2. Leave the oil for a few hours
While this treatment may reduce dandruff more quickly than a single use of an anti-dandruff shampoo, it will be more effective if you leave it on for a few hours. A shower cap can be used to keep your hair clean during this time.

Step 3. Rinse with mild shampoo or soap
Water alone will not be enough to remove the oil. So use shampoo to clean it perfectly. If shampoo isn't enough to remove the oil, try applying conditioner for 10 minutes and then rinsing your hair. You can use a little dish soap as a last resort, but it may damage your hair.
Tar-based shampoos can be used as well, and will also help to get rid of dandruff, but many people can't stand the smell and color that these ingredients leave behind

Step 4. If your hair still has a lot of dandruff, use the remedy overnight
Many long-term care shampoos are also effective at reducing dandruff if left on for eight hours, or overnight. Look for an anti-dandruff shampoo that contains coal tar and keratolytics. If it's not listed as a keratolytic or an ingredient that dissolves dead skin cells, look for urea, salicylic acid or sulfur in your shampoo's ingredient list.
Find a shower cap that matches your previous head size, if you want to sleep with this on your head
Method 3 of 4: Using Anti-dandruff Shampoo

Step 1. Choose an anti-dandruff shampoo for mild cases
There are many compounds that can treat dandruff. For mild dandruff without inflammation or severe itching, look for a shampoo that contains salicylic acid or urea, which destroys dead skin cells. Since these products may dry out your scalp and make dandruff worse, you should also use a moisturizing conditioner to reduce the side effects.

Step 2. Look for a shampoo for severe dandruff
If you find thick, white flakes of dandruff on your scalp (or stuck in your hair), the cause is likely a yeast-like fungus called malassezia. Malassezia is a yeast that grows on the surface of the skin and is known to cause dandruff. This yeast can also affect the immune system. For more severe cases like this, look for shampoos that contain ketoconazole (at least 1%) or cyclopyrox. Selenium sulfide (at least 1%) is also effective, however, users often complain of oil deposits on their scalps.
- Your doctor can prescribe even stronger shampoos, including 2% ketoconazole antifungal shampoo. This shampoo is most often prescribed in the early stages of anti-dandruff treatment to be used 2 times a week. After that, you should use the shampoo once or twice a week. You may also be prescribed a shampoo containing 1% cyclopyrox that can be used twice a week.
- If your hair is black, rough and dries out easily with daily shampooing, consider using a topical steroid ointment such as flucinolone acetonide. This ointment can be used like a pomade on dry hair.

Step 3. Use shampoo
To use the shampoo, wet your hair first and then massage the anti-dandruff shampoo into your scalp. Leave the shampoo on for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it off. Use an anti-dandruff shampoo once a day to reduce dandruff, itching and inflammation.
- If you notice less dandruff after a few days of using the shampoo, use a shampoo that contains other active ingredients. Since dandruff is often caused by a type of yeast, antifungal shampoos can fight it in a different way.
- Some people manage to get rid of dandruff by using two different shampoos alternately.

Step 4. Reduce the frequency of use of shampoo after dandruff is reduced
Once your dandruff starts to decrease significantly, reduce the use of anti-dandruff shampoo to two to three times a week, or even less as long as your dandruff is still under control. Once the dandruff flakes are gone, you no longer need to use an anti-dandruff shampoo every day.
If you use a prescription shampoo, or more than one anti-dandruff treatment, reduce or stop using it after two weeks. Otherwise, there may be dangerous side effects that will arise
Method 4 of 4: Controlling Dandruff in the Long Term

Step 1. Stop using hair care products
If your dandruff is thin, clear, and only found on the hair, but not on the scalp, it's likely a reaction to hair styling products. Pay attention to whether your hair styling products contain paraphenylenediamine (an ingredient that often causes dandruff). Also, watch out for products that contain alcohol and harsh chemicals in hair dye. Dandruff can be caused by using too many hair styling products that contain a variety of chemicals.
- This scalp problem can be treated by stopping or changing hair styling products and washing your hair more often.
- If you're not sure which product is causing dandruff, stop using one product at a time until you find one.

Step 2. Use shampoo more often
The natural oils of hair and skin pores can exacerbate seborrheic dermatitis (a condition that causes an oily and irritated scalp). To help rid your scalp of irritants and dandruff, try shampooing more often.
Using shampoo and rinsing your hair quickly can go a long way in dealing with dandruff

Step 3. Spend more time in the sun
Sun exposure on the scalp may help with dandruff. UV rays can help reduce dandruff flakes on the scalp. However, prolonged sun exposure is also harmful to the skin. So, don't stay out in the sun for too long. Apply sunscreen before leaving the house and spend a little time in the sun.

Step 4. Discuss dandruff treatment with your doctor
If you are not satisfied with the results of your own dandruff treatment, contact your doctor. Dandruff rarely causes physical problems. However, if you really want to get rid of it for personal reasons, your doctor may be able to prescribe a stronger medication. Your doctor may also recommend using steroid treatments to reduce the inflammation and itching caused by dandruff.