If you have the right equipment, getting a boy's hair cut is easy and certainly cheaper than going to the salon every month. There are several different methods you can use to cut your hair, depending on the style your child wants and the texture and length of his hair. Boys haircuts generally use an electric shaver on the side of the head, followed by scissors on the top of the head. However, there are different ways to cut a boy's hair, depending on the style and texture of their hair.
Method 1 of 3: Using an Electric Shaver

Step 1. Place the towel over the child's shoulders
When cutting, the hair will fall to the neck and shoulders. These hairs can get dirty and cause itching.

Step 2. Choose the size of the cutting comb
Generally, the smaller the size, the shorter the pieces will be. Each measure corresponds to the length of hair that will remain after you use the electric shaver. Read the shaving rules to find out which shaving extension to use for a particular hair length.
- If the hair thickness of the child is thin or medium, do not use the shaver. The hair of children under the age of three should not be cut with an electric shaver, unless the child has thick hair.
- If the child has thick hair, the shaver is suitable for cutting his hair.

Step 3. Decide where you want to cut your hair
Many boys' haircuts are cut with a shaver on the sides, followed by scissors on the top. However, there are haircuts that use a shaver for the entire head. This will make the haircut more uniform than shaving on the sides and then using scissors at the top.
- If you plan to use scissors for the top, choose the part where you stop shaving. Select the section where you want the shaver cut to turn into the scissor cut. The common part is just above the occipital bone. Be consistent with how high you want to stop shaving at the head.
- Mark the place where you will stop using the shaver with a omitted mark, or just be careful to set the same height every time you shave.

Step 4. Start shaving from under the hair
Position the shaver at a ninety-degree angle from the child's head. Shave straight up from the base of the neck. You should always shave from the bottom up.

Step 5. Continue around the head
Make sure you get a smooth, even shave, and that you don't miss any tiny hairs. Start at the base of your head and work your way up, keeping the shaver at a ninety-degree angle.

Step 6. Remove the cutting comb part from the shaver
Now you can use the shaver to "clean" the area around the child's hair. You can use the shaver to trim the hair on the neck, around the ears and godek.
Method 2 of 3: Using Scissors

Step 1. Decide how much hair you want to cut from the child's head
It's best to start with a small amount first. You can always cut more if you feel your hair is still too long.
- For starters, you can cut no more than half a centimeter, unless the child's hair is long enough. When using scissors, don't rush and don't cut too much too quickly.
- Make sure your hair is dry when you cut it. Cutting wet hair is more difficult, while cutting dry hair will ensure that you know exactly what the result will be when you cut it.

Step 2. Determine the guide in cutting
This cut determines the length of hair you want for the rest of your hair. Comb the front part of the child's hair back with a comb, which is roughly enough to hold between two fingers, then move the hair between the index and middle fingers of your left hand (if you are right-handed).

Step 3. Cut the hair in a straight line, parallel to your fingers
Try to keep the haircut even, but you can always do it again and smooth out any uneven haircuts. Thus, the front hair becomes slightly shorter than the rest of the hair.

Step 4. Pull back the section of hair that lies directly behind the front hair
Use a little guide to determine how much hair you want to cut. Continue this process, doing it backwards towards the back of the head. Always use the previous cut you just did to guide you. You should be able to do it all the way to the back of your head this way.
If you also cut with scissors on the sides, use the same method as this. Start at the front and work your way back, using the guide pieces. However, if you prefer to make guide cuts in the back, you can also start at the back and gradually work your way forward. Always use the few cuts you just made to know how many cuts you need to make

Step 5. Cut the hair around the ears
Fold the right ear down (or ask him to do so) while cutting around the ear, as if you were tracing. Repeat for the left. This is an alternative way to using a shaver.
Method 3 of 3: Combining Cuts with Shaving and Scissors

Step 1. Comb a little section of the child's hair
It's a good idea to brush it outwards to the sides so that the comb is perpendicular to the floor. By joining the two parts that have been cut with the shaver and the part that was cut with the scissors, brush the child's hair outward to the side using your left hand.
In the child's current haircut, there should be a shaver cut at the bottom and a scissor cut at the top. There will be a section where the shaving cut ends and the scissor cut begins. The center of your comb should be at this point

Step 2. Hold the hair with your fingers
Move the hair from the comb to the area between the index and middle fingers of the left hand. Pull the hair outward so that the longest hair is roughly flush with your fingers.

Step 3. Cut long hair
Long hair here means hair that extends beyond your fingers. Position the scissors vertically, parallel to your fingers, and clip long hair. This process will join the shaving cut into a scissor cut.
- Many boys' haircuts use a mix of shaving and scissors. Being able to do both types of cuts will maximize the number of hairstyles you can do.
- It can be beneficial if you are willing to buy high-quality scissors and shaving tools, as they will give better results and make styling easier.
- If you're not sure about the length, start cutting your hair longer and then shorter until you get the results you want.