3 Ways to Milk a Cow

3 Ways to Milk a Cow
3 Ways to Milk a Cow

Table of contents:


If you've ever tried to milk a cow, but the milk won't come out of the nipple, this is because milking a cow is not as easy as it seems. Before starting to milk, hold the cow's head so it doesn't move much. To be able to milk a cow effectively, first clean the cow's udder. then sit on a stable bench and lubricate each cow's nipple before it starts to milk. Pull down from the base of the nipple, and squeeze the cow's milk toward the bucket.


Method 1 of 3: Securing Cows and Cleaning the Udder

Milk a Cow Step 1
Milk a Cow Step 1

Step 1. Tie the cow to a sturdy structure

Make sure the cow is wearing dumbbells, and tie the ends to a sturdy post, or other immovable structure. It's best if the cow is tied up in a calm, stress-free environment. If the cow is frightened or nervous, the milking process will become more difficult which is unpleasant for both of you.

  • If you work on a farm that has a stanchion (a wooden box-like structure used to hold a cow's head up so it can be milked, vaccinated, or stamped), use it to hold the cow up effectively.
  • Advanced stanchions have bars or levers on the side that will gently lock a wooden or metal clamp around the cow's neck so it doesn't move. An imperfect stanchion will need to be secured with a crossbeam or wire.
Milk a Cow Step 2
Milk a Cow Step 2

Step 2. Approach the cow slowly

When you approach to clean the udder, speak to the cow in a soft voice, and pat the side so it knows where you are. The cow has a vision range of 300 degrees, which means it can see its surroundings without moving its head, except for those directly in front and behind it. However, while cows have a great range of vision, their depth perception is bad enough that you need to talk to the cow as you approach it to let it know where you are and are moving closer.

  • Don't make sudden movements. If you startle the cow, it may panic and kick or stomp on you.
  • Tie a cow's tail to its leg so you don't get whipped by it. Don't wear a hair tie as it won't tie well and will come off in a few minutes.
  • You can also tie the tail up and around the neck, which doesn't scare the cow too much.
Milk a Cow Step 3
Milk a Cow Step 3

Step 3. Clean the nipple with soapy water or iodine

As the day progresses, the cow's nipples will be covered in grass, hay, and soil. Wash your nipples before you start milking to prevent the soil and all the bacteria in it from contaminating the milk. When cleaning, try not to bring dirt into the clean area. Work in the direction and boundaries of the washed area.

Wash it off with warm water to help “invite” or lower the milk

Milk a Cow Step 4
Milk a Cow Step 4

Step 4. Dry the nipple before blushing

Do not express milk if the cow's nipples are still wet as soap and water can drip into the bucket and contaminate the milk. Dry the cow's nipples using a clean, soft cotton cloth.

Do not scratch or irritate the cow's nipples while drying them. The cow's nipples are very sensitive and the cow may startle or try to kick you if she is in pain

Method 2 of 3: Milking Cows by Hand

Milk a Cow Step 5
Milk a Cow Step 5

Step 1. Protect or lubricate both hands

Your hands can carry bacteria, which can be dangerous if transferred to cattle. To keep you and your cow healthy, and so you don't scratch the cow's udder with rough hands, put on latex gloves before you start milking. If you don't want to wear gloves, apply a lubricant such as petroleum jelly/vaceline to your hands to reduce friction.

Some people prefer to use udder cream (also called udder balm or udder butter) to lubricate the cow's udder. Like Vaseline, this udder cream will reduce friction when milking. You can buy udder cream at a farm supply store

Milk a Cow Step 6
Milk a Cow Step 6

Step 2. Pull down (strip) the cow's nipple 3-4 times

“Stripping” is the process of pulling down a cow's nipple (using a normal milking grip) to remove any dirt, bacteria or other debris from the cow's milk ducts. Do not collect milk from the stripping stage in a bucket as this milk is not clean and should not be consumed.

Milk a Cow Step 7
Milk a Cow Step 7

Step 3. Place the bucket under the udder

This bucket will hold the milk expressed from the cow's nipples. Instead, hold the bucket between your legs. This process takes practice, but can be done easily and conveniently. This position reduces the chances of the cow kicking the milk bucket until it falls.

Some cows will stand still if you give them grass or hay to chew on. If your cow is quite fussy, pay attention to its food. Be prepared to refill food so the cows don't rebel and move a lot because they whine for food

Milk a Cow Step 8
Milk a Cow Step 8

Step 4. Sit or squat on the right side of the cow

Sit in a position that will allow you to quickly move away if the cow struggles. If you are sitting on a bench to milk a cow, position it very close to the cow. Your body should be very close to the cow (almost directly beneath it) so that the distance between the bucket and the cow's nipple is as close as possible.

  • Sitting as close to the cow as possible will protect you because you will only fall if the cow kicks you; If the distance between you two is far enough, a cow kick can hit and hurt you.
  • Sitting cross-legged on the ground is not safe as cows can kick or step on you easily.
Milk a Cow Step 9
Milk a Cow Step 9

Step 5. Grasp 2 of the 4 nipples with your hands

Select the nipple diagonally (eg front left and right rear). You can also try the front nipples first, then the back nipples. Begin blushing by gently grasping (almost pinching) each nipple between your thumb and straightened index finger so that the nipple fills the palm of your hand as you flush down.

You may need to gently nudge the nipple to help stimulate it and lower the milk, as calves do. This helps the cow to lower the milk and increase the quantity of your milk yield

Milk a Cow Step 10
Milk a Cow Step 10

Step 6. Milk down and remove the milk

When you are milking the cow's nipple, keep your grip on the base of the nipple so the milk doesn't go back up into the udder, and don't jerk the nipple. This movement is done by squeezing the fingers in sequence from the middle to the little finger to force the milk out. Do it gently, but still firmly.

Milk a Cow Step 11
Milk a Cow Step 11

Step 7. Express milk until the udder looks deflated

Usually, you can tell if the udder is empty or not just by looking at it. A full udder will appear firm and dense to the touch, while an empty udder will appear slack and wrinkled and softer and spongy to the touch. Experienced breeders can feel the udder to know exactly if there is no more milk left.

After you've milked one udder, repeat with the other hand on the udder next to it. Most people prefer to do it alternately (right hand, left hand, right hand, etc.). This downward flushing movement is easier to do than flushing all at once

Milk a Cow Step 12
Milk a Cow Step 12

Step 8. Switch to the other 2 nipples

If you've previously milked 2 nipples on your right hand side, take a stool and move to the left side to access the left two nipples. If you use the diagonal method, you don't need to switch sides.

Watch your feet when moving near cows. Normally a cow weighs half a ton. If a cow steps on your foot, it's like being hit by a half-ton object, and it might break

Method 3 of 3: Machine Blushing

Milk a Cow Step 13
Milk a Cow Step 13

Step 1. Turn on the milking machine

The machine will need to run for a few minutes to build up pressure before milking the cows. Use this time to secure the cow and wash and dry the udder.

Milk a Cow Step 14
Milk a Cow Step 14

Step 2. Squeeze each nipple by hand several times to lower the milk

This process is called “stripping”, which will encourage the milk to flow from the nipple, and remove any dirt or bacteria that has accumulated on the cow's nipples.

Be aware that milk produced from the stripping process should not be placed in a bucket so as not to contaminate the milk. Just let it spill on the ground

Milk a Cow Step 15
Milk a Cow Step 15

Step 3. Release the engine pressure and attach each suction device to each cow's nipple

The sucking of the milk will begin as soon as you release the pressure in the milking machine. When the milk begins to flow from the nipple to the sucker, adjust the device so that it hangs straight on the udder.

  • Some cows can lift their hind legs and kick buckets or drop suckers. Keep the handle in position so you can grip the bucket in case the cow kicks it.
  • This is why you need to constantly monitor and not walk away from the cow while it is being milked.
Milk a Cow Step 16
Milk a Cow Step 16

Step 4. Wait for the milker for 5–7 minutes

Wait until the machine draws all the milk from the udder, which will become haggard. Each cow is different, but most can be fully milked within 5 minutes.

Due to differences in udder or structural defects in the nipple, some cows will need more than 7 minutes before their milk is exhausted. Monitor your sucker, and make sure the milk is still flowing. When the milk has stopped flowing, remove the device from the cow's nipple

Milk a Cow Step 17
Milk a Cow Step 17

Step 5. Turn off the sucker, then remove it from the cow's nipple

This sequence is very important: if you let go of the milker while it is still sucking, the cow could be in pain and the sensitive nipple tissue could be damaged.

  • Many modern milking machines do not require a person to manually remove the suction cup. After the cow's udder has finished milking until it is empty, the suction cups will one by one fall off on their own.
  • Be careful not to trip over the milking tube or cable when moving around the milking area.
Milk a Cow Step 18
Milk a Cow Step 18

Step 6. Clean the cow's nipples

Cow's nipples are highly susceptible to bacteria and infection immediately after milking, which is why they must be cleaned and protected. The most efficient way to protect cow's nipples is to apply a post-milking disinfectant. This thick fluid coats the four nipples and prevents bacteria from entering.

Cows usually like to eat after being milked so give them fresh grass or hay


  • Wipe and clean the milking machine after each use to keep it in good condition.
  • The flow of milk that comes out should be plain white and soft. If the milk "separates" because if there is an obstruction in the milk ducts, there is a possibility that the cow has an inflammation called mastitis, which needs to be treated immediately. If the cow seems to have mastitis, shoot the first few streams of milk through a fine sieve and look for lumps. If so, seek professional help immediately. These lumps look like large thick mucus.
  • If you're blushing with your hands and aren't experienced at doing it every day, your hands will get tired. One cow can produce 40 liters of milk in one milking session. You can rest, but the cows can become impatient and restless (which should be avoided).


  • You can also whip a cow's tail in the face (sometimes in the eye). This is harmless, but can be annoying. If you get hit, make sure you wash your face and eyes. Most likely there is dirt and bacteria in the cow's tail.
  • Cows can kick and kick quite hard. Your teeth can fall out if hit and cause a concussion. Make sure you milk a good, gentle, well-trained cow, or under the supervision of a supervisor.
  • Cows can kick sideways as well as directly behind them.
  • Just because a cow is being milked doesn't mean it's well-behaved. Don't be surprised if a cow defecates while it's being milked. Some will also urinate. Watch the cow's back. If it bends, grab a bucket and keep it away from the cows.
