How to Save Dolphins (with Pictures)

How to Save Dolphins (with Pictures)
How to Save Dolphins (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The dolphins are now in danger. Rising sea temperatures, increasing human-caused pollution in dolphin habitats, and rampant hunting for dolphins in some parts of the world continue to threaten the existence of dolphins. However, there is hope that this situation can change. Dolphins are sociable, emotional, highly intelligent mammals and, therefore, deserve our protection. There are many things you can start to do to keep the ocean clean, spread information about the dangers that lurk with dolphins, and get involved in dolphin rescue activities. See step one for more information.


Part 1 of 3: Keeping the Ocean Clean

Save Dolphins Step 1
Save Dolphins Step 1

Step 1. Let the dolphins live freely in their habitat

One of the easiest ways to help keep a dolphin safe is to let it live freely and not disturb it. When you see them in the ocean or freshwater rivers, do not try to feed them, hold them, or do anything that could interfere with their lives.

Save Dolphins Step 2
Save Dolphins Step 2

Step 2. Avoid cruises that pass through water areas where dolphin populations and coral reefs are protected

Every year, it is estimated that hundreds of square meters of coral reefs - which are habitats and habitats for dolphins and other marine life - are destroyed by large ships crossing them.

Even if you're a huge dolphin fan and want to see it up close, you need to know that marine parks (such as Seaworld) and aquatic programs that allow participants to swim with dolphins restrict the dolphins' freedom. Both of these can also significantly impact the dolphin's shorter lifespan. In addition, dolphins can contract diseases through inappropriate physical contact, and they become susceptible to fungal infections and other problems. Therefore, it would be better and safer if the dolphins were allowed to stay in their habitat and live peacefully and happily

Save Dolphins Step 3
Save Dolphins Step 3

Step 3. Be careful when buying seafood products

One of the dangerous threats to the dolphin population is commercial fishing, as well as the nets used by fishermen. If you like marine products or products, it is important to be more careful and thorough before buying them. The number of fish in the sea is limited, with many commercial fishing operations will only damage the marine ecosystem, despite the existence of several parties who fish responsibly and still pay attention to sustainability issues. There are ways you can do to find out where the salmon, tuna, and shrimp you buy are from. You can read the list of fishing watchdogs published annually by Seafood Watch. The list provides up-to-date information on fishing practices and statistics and can help you make wiser purchases of seafood.

The tuna fishing industry is the party most often blamed for dolphin deaths. When you shop, you often see tuna products sold with the dolphin-safe label. The label indicates that the tuna fishing activity carried out by the producer of the product is an environmentally friendly activity (no harm to dolphins). Buying tuna products with these labels is an easy way to make a change, but you need to know that the threat to dolphins is not just the tuna industry. Therefore, make sure you know and learn as much information about tuna fishing as possible

Save Dolphins Step 4
Save Dolphins Step 4

Step 4. Boycott Styrofoam and non-biodegradable products

You need to know that the waste produced by humans is the biggest factor that drives the decline in sea quality, with 80% of the pollutants that pollute the sea originating from land. The impact of these wastes is enormous. Even something as simple as flying a helium balloon into the sky can increase the amount of trash that, in turn, can suppress the dolphin population. Immediately take steps to reduce the amount of waste that cannot be decomposed naturally.

  • Steps to reduce waste are not difficult. For example, avoid using plastic coffee cups when you visit a coffee shop by bringing your own coffee flask or tumbler. Avoid buying packaged foods or products that use too much plastic packaging. Buy food products in bulk so you don't have to re-buy them frequently and get new plastic bags from the shopping center. You can also buy second-hand items, especially items made with plastic. Also, reuse the plastic bags you have so you don't have to use new ones when shopping.
  • In the northern part of the Pacific Ocean there is a phenomenon known as the trash vortex. Trash vortex is a pile of garbage that floats in the ocean and consists of plastic waste, Styrofoam garbage, and other garbage that is carried by ocean currents to a place where the garbage gathers and gets trapped in a rotating current. The pile of garbage is the size of Texas and is filled with carcasses of sea creatures, birds, and other creatures trapped in the existing garbage. If you want to save dolphins, then the bad impact of human-caused waste on the oceans must be reduced immediately.
Save Dolphins Step 5
Save Dolphins Step 5

Step 5. Reduce carbon emissions

The lifeline of marine biota is not only disturbed by pollution from physical waste. One of the significant aspects that encourage marine pollution is air pollution. Pollutants in the air will come back down and mix with ground water through the rain process. Then, water polluted by pollutants will flow into the sea and eventually pollute the sea. For information, one third of pollution that occurs in coastal areas is caused by air pollution.

  • The use of fuel oil (derived from fossils of living things and plants) is directly related to the quality of the sea. This means that any steps you can take to reduce carbon emissions from the means of transportation used can directly impact the safety of dolphins. Start taking steps to reduce carbon emissions by reducing the frequency of driving, replacing vehicles with vehicles that use more fuel efficiently, or looking for other alternative modes of transportation, such as walking, cycling, or shared riding (hike or give a ride).
  • It is estimated that about 65,000 chemicals are allowed to be used in household and industrial cleaning products, as well as automotive products. However, only about 300 chemicals have been tested for safety. At this time, it is still not known with certainty what kind of 'safe' impact these products have on the environment.
  • Oil spills from tankers are often in the spotlight regarding environmental pollution. However, you need to know that each year liquid waste runoff carries twice as many pollutants polluting coastal areas as oil tanker spills. Liquid waste runoff consists of dirt from the ground (such as sewage from sewers), as well as pollutants from the air (known as indirect sources of pollution or non-point source pollution) mixed with rainwater so that the rainwater that falls is polluted water.. It is very difficult to control and track indirect sources of pollution because pollutants in the air can come from anywhere. However, it can be estimated that almost all pollutants in the air come from general pollution (such as motor vehicle fumes) and industrial waste (such as factory fumes).
Save Dolphins Step 6
Save Dolphins Step 6

Step 6. Fight global climate change

Changes in ocean temperature, even by just a few degrees, can change the overall balance of marine habitats. This has an impact on changing the way dolphins and other sea creatures survive. As the dolphin population declines, it will become much more difficult for them to compete with other marine species for less and less food. If the sea temperature is unstable, it will be difficult for dolphins to survive.

  • Reduce energy use and focus on reducing physical waste, and make sure you are aware of the ingredients in household cleaning products, soaps, and similar products you buy. These things can help you reduce the negative impact of using chemicals that can be harmful to you and your environment. Also, avoid using products that contain parabens, phosphates, and styrofoam.
  • In addition to rising sea temperatures, depletion of oxygen levels in the ocean is also a major problem related to global climate change. Fertilizers, toxins (poisons) for plants, as well as liquid waste that enters coastal areas contain nitrogen and phosphorus which can reduce oxygen levels in water. Both substances can be analogous to something that can draw oxygen in the room where the dolphin lives and breathes, causing the dolphin to be unable to breathe because it runs out of oxygen. One gram of nitrogen or phosphorus alone can reduce 10 and 100 grams of oxygen levels in seawater.

Part 2 of 3: Engage in Dolphin Rescue Action

Save Dolphins Step 7
Save Dolphins Step 7

Step 1. Boycott marine-themed amusement parks featuring dolphin attractions

While it's fun to watch dolphins in action up close, it's important to note that in order to provide such attractions, amusement parks must separate the cubs from their mothers, keep them confined in large aquariums, feed them with drugs, and forcing them to breed at a very young age. Several lawsuits have arisen against ocean-themed amusement parks (such as SeaWorld) regarding unsafe working environments, both for humans and for the dolphins they present, making the operation of such amusement parks dangerous and unethical. Therefore, do not support the operation of the amusement park.

Save Dolphins Step 8
Save Dolphins Step 8

Step 2. Give your voice to the dolphin rescue action

The biggest contribution you can make to a dolphin rescue effort is your voice. If you care about dolphin safety, raise your voice to let people know about dolphin rescue efforts and learn all you can about the dangers lurking in the dolphin population in your area.

  • Sign up for a dolphin monitoring organization so you can subscribe to the latest business news and dolphin protection laws that you can contribute and invite others to join. One organization you can join is BlueVoice. BlueVoice is a marine conservation organization working to save dolphins and whales. Specifically they track and fight against dolphin hunting that occurs in Japan and Peru. Sign up to join BlueVoice here
  • When using social media, take your time to spread the word about the dangers that lurk with dolphins so that others are aware of what is really happening to them at sea. The more people become aware of the dangers that lurk in dolphins and know how to prevent them, the more changes that can be made.
Save Dolphins Step 9
Save Dolphins Step 9

Step 3. Encourage the chair of your House of Representatives or Regional Representative Council to tighten the Marine Mammal Protection Act

Around the 1970s in the United States, the government passed bills to protect dolphins and other marine mammals, but more stringent regulations (especially regarding tuna fishing) were not implemented until the mid-1980s. This regulation had a huge impact at the time, but the change was short-lived. Since then, the problem of fish protection has been left unattended for decades. It is time to re-investigate this matter. Contact your House of Representatives or Regional Representative Council now.

Since almost all communication takes place online (via the internet), the House of Representatives or the Regional Representatives Council usually provides a website that you can visit to find out how you can contact them. Write a letter outlining the detailed action plan and required changes, or do not cast your vote in the next election period. The proposed change efforts must take into account the problem of commercial pollutants and industrial effluents, and how these two sources of pollution contribute to marine mammal mortality

Save Dolphins Step 10
Save Dolphins Step 10

Step 4. Donate your money to a foundation or organization working on marine animal conservation

There are many foundations that have worked in this field, which are fighting against marine pollution and other activities that destroy the ocean. Often the activities carried out by these foundations are hampered by lack of funds. Therefore, the financial assistance that you can provide will be very valuable to them. This donation is a great way for those of you who may be too busy to be directly involved in dolphin rescue activities, but still want to contribute to these activities.

There are many organizations engaged in the rescue of dolphins. Some of them are the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) Greenpeace, BlueVoice, and several other organizations. These organizations will greatly appreciate the financial assistance provided so that their dolphin rescue activities can continue

Save Dolphins Step 11
Save Dolphins Step 11

Step 5. Organize a boycott where you live for products that can have a negative impact on the environment

Avoiding the use of products that have a negative impact on the environment and purchasing products carefully are the right steps to help save dolphins. Even if you are new to it, remember that anyone can make a difference. However, your contribution to the dolphin rescue effort will be even greater if you can get more people to join the boycott of these products and together make more significant changes.

  • Try to start the change from your family first. Invite your family members to contribute to purchasing the right product (that doesn't have a negative impact on the environment), then start holding a meeting at the community center or church where you live to share information about dolphin rescue efforts with others and invite them to participate. to support this effort.
  • Share your message and make others realize that they too can make a difference by raising your voice through your local newspaper, sharing links on the social media you use, and even creating posters calling for support and protection of dolphins..
Save Dolphins Step 12
Save Dolphins Step 12

Step 6. Start forming an activist group

If the number of people who care about the plight of dolphins begins to grow, try forming an activist group. The activist group that you form will later organize activities such as protests, boycotts, and meetings where information related to dolphin rescue efforts is disseminated. In this way, more and more people will be aware of this environmental problem. The more people involved, the more likely the government is to listen to their voices and take steps to save the dolphins. You need to realize that the media is the strongest source of defense against threats that endanger the lives of dolphins.

Register your activist group or organization with the Directorate General of Taxes. If your organization has significant operating costs and you want to start getting donations from site visitors or others, immediately gain non-profit status for your organization

Part 3 of 3: Taking Action

Save Dolphins Step 13
Save Dolphins Step 13

Step 1. Study marine biology

If you want to take the next step to save dolphins, from being just a dolphin lover to becoming a professional dolphin protector, marine biology is a career field that you will most likely have to venture into. While studying in this field, you will not only be close to the animals you care about and want to protect, but you will also learn how human activities can affect dolphin habitats and ways that can be done to improve and improve the quality of dolphin habitats. Dolphin.

  • At school, study biology hard and as much as possible study or take other natural science classes. You won't immediately learn to scuba dive and swim with dolphins, but at least you'll build basic knowledge that you can apply in real life.
  • When entering the world of lectures, you may not find a marine biology major at your university, unless you enroll in a university that has a marine science faculty. However, your bachelor's degree in biology can help you choose a specific biological science (in this case, marine biology) as you continue your studies to a higher level. Make sure you take your education step by step.
Save Dolphins Step 14
Save Dolphins Step 14

Step 2. Join a radical justice enforcement organization for marine life

For some, donating and passively waiting for change is not enough to help save dolphins. If you are upset about the slow pace of justice for dolphins, consider getting directly involved with an activist group that works to fight and stop any activities that could endanger the lives of dolphins and other marine creatures. There are several organizations you can join:

  • The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
  • The Animal Liberation Front or ALF (Animal Liberation Front)
  • The Taiji Action Group
  • People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
  • Greenpeace
Save Dolphins Step 15
Save Dolphins Step 15

Step 3. Take concrete steps to fight companies that are perpetrators of pollution

Activist groups, such as Greenpeace, often organize easy-to-follow moves and signature-gathering actions to demand the lifting of the status quo that polluters maintain. Such activist groups usually highlight how companies are neglecting their environmental responsibilities in order to make a profit and find out what they can do to stop this. Without clear laws, such as restrictions on carbon gas emissions and environmental regulations, these companies will have more freedom to move. Think of ways to change the situation.

Many questionable decisions are made at the legislative level, where companies lobby the legislature to enact environmental laws that, indirectly, benefit the companies. This can be very confusing for the layman. Therefore, it will be much easier if you make your contribution to more professional organizations, rather than going out on your own

Save Dolphins Step 16
Save Dolphins Step 16

Step 4. Attend rallies to discuss saving the environment and organize your own protest plan

Ask the organizations you follow to publish the practices of polluters. Also, try to get as much coverage as possible in the media and spread the word about how the pollution created by companies can affect the dolphin population. The Greenpeace organization regularly organizes rallies and protests against polluters. Even if you are not a member of the Greenpeace organization, you can still help by making a donation.

Stay strong and never give up. You may not immediately change the situation just by taking to the streets, but with this action you can grab the public's attention, get on television, and make people aware of what's going on. This is the time to make a change. The number of protesters or groups can have a significant impact, but even a small protest can have a big impact if you have a big goal and get a lot of resistance to fight for it

Save Dolphins Step 17
Save Dolphins Step 17

Step 5. Block the fishing industry outright

Depending on the group you're in, you may jump right into the field, cut fishing nets in international waters or go on anti-whaling ship expeditions to fight illegal whalers like pirates, or you'll spend most of your time by collecting signatures and searching for various written documents. You alone determine how far you are involved, but what is clear is that real action can guarantee results. Stay involved in these actions and keep fighting.

As impressive as it sounds, radical activity can be dangerous for you and can sometimes be illegal. If you don't mind being detained by the police for participating in an action or activity to achieve your goals, make sure it is part of a planned effort. Do not let you be detained by the police for committing acts against the law that are not part of saving the environment because this will actually get you into trouble


Put up signs such as banners or posters in places where people can see them. In addition, it's a good idea to make the banner or poster that you make does not look too flashy and bright so that people will stop for a moment to read the message you convey through the banner or poster. They may also see the organization site you created
