3 Ways to Feed Cats

3 Ways to Feed Cats
3 Ways to Feed Cats

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When choosing cat food, it is important to consider the cat's age, physical condition, activity level, and medical history. Remember, you can avoid cat health problems, including urinary tract disease and obesity, by following proper instructions when feeding your cat. So it's important to learn the pros and cons of different types of cat food and how to create a feeding routine. Be sure to purchase food that is certified from the United States Animal Food Control Association (AAFCO) and discuss feeding options with your veterinarian if you have any questions or doubts.


Method 1 of 3: Choosing Cat Food

Feed Cats Step 1
Feed Cats Step 1

Step 1. Identify your cat's basic nutritional needs

An average sized adult cat needs about 250 calories a day with a balanced balance of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. A cat's calorie needs depend on their size, weight, and activity level.

  • Cats are “obligate carnivores.” They need to consume animal fat and protein to get adequate nutrition. Make sure the cat food provided meets the cat's nutritional needs.
  • Don't neglect fluid intake. Water is very important in a cat's diet, and cats that eat dry food need to drink more because they are not getting extra fluids from their food. Clean the cat's water bowl and change the water regularly. Fountains or dripping water can also help increase your cat's water intake by keeping the cat entertained.
Feed Cats Step 2
Feed Cats Step 2

Step 2. Decide whether to use canned food or dry food

Canned food and dry food have benefits for cats. Usually, it's okay if the cat eats dry food, plus drinks plenty of clean water. If you care about your cat's needs, talk to your vet to help you decide what food is best for your cat.

  • If your cat has urinary tract problems, diabetes, or kidney disease, the extra fluids in canned cat food can help your cat stay hydrated. Canned cat food can contain up to 78 percent water.
  • Dry foods are usually better value because they contain less liquid.
  • The protein and carbohydrate content in dry and wet foods varies according to the recipe. Dry foods tend to be more "calorie-dense," having more calories per serving because they don't have the higher fluid content of wet foods.
Feed Cats Step 3
Feed Cats Step 3

Step 3. Consider giving your cat a combination of canned and dry food

Using a combination of wet and dry food can help your cat stay hydrated better than eating dry food alone. Cats, who can be picky eaters, may also like the variety of their diet.

If you decide to give your cat a combination of foods, be careful not to overdo it. Make sure the food you give your cat at mealtimes provides adequate calories and nutrients

Feed Cats Step 4
Feed Cats Step 4

Step 4. Buy high-quality food

Like human food, quality cat food has healthy proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Choose cat food that uses animal protein and fat. Cats need animal sources to obtain essential nutrients such as taurine and arachidonic acid which cannot be obtained from plant-based foods.

  • Look for a statement from AAFCO on cat food packaging. This organization helps ensure that the food meets the cat's nutritional needs.
  • Avoid foods that contain artificial colors and flavors or harmful chemicals.
Feed Cats Step 5
Feed Cats Step 5

Step 5. Recognize how to interpret food labels

Trying to understand what's really in the cat food you buy can be difficult. Looking for some pointers when buying cat food is important:

  • If the product name uses words like “tuna (tuna)” or “chicken (chicken)” before the words “cat food (cat food)”, then the product contains at least 95 percent of the ingredients. For example, “Chicken Cat Food” means it must contain at least 95 percent chicken.
  • The word “with (with)” in the product name means the product can contain at least 3 percent of the ingredient. “Cat Food with Chicken” may contain only 3 percent chicken, while “Chicken Cat Food” contains at least 95 percent chicken.
  • Cat food containing words like “dinner” or “entrée” contains less than 95 percent meat but more than 25 percent meat. Often, these products use grains or other protein sources, such as derivative products, to increase the quantity of food.
  • There is also a difference between “meat (meat),” “meat by-product”, and “meal.” “Meat” refers to the meat (muscle and fat) of animals and is usually considered the highest quality source of protein. ““Flesh derivatives” are clean non-meat parts such as organs, bones, brain, and blood. These foods are not bad for cats (remember, many humans eat animal organs too!), but they may contain lower-quality protein than meat. “Chopped” is finely chopped tissue or bone and is often considered the lowest quality source of protein.
Feed Cats Step 6
Feed Cats Step 6

Step 6. Consider giving your cat homemade food

An increasing number of cat owners are making their own cat food. Homemade cat food can provide fresh, healthy ingredients that don't contain the additives and preservatives found in most commercial cat foods. But making your own cat food is usually a very time-consuming and expensive option, and requires careful preparation to avoid bacterial contamination.

  • If you decide to feed your cat homemade cat food, be careful looking for recipes from trusted sources. See if the recipe provides nutritional information including the calorie content and the proper ratio of calcium to phosphorus.
  • Consider having a meat grinder and/or food processor to make the job of preparing cat food easier.
  • Remember, cats need to eat meat-based foods, but they also need more than just meat to maintain a healthy diet. Carbohydrates, such as rice or corn, are fine as long as they are in small amounts. Make sure the food ingredients are made also contain fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Method 2 of 3: Considering Your Cat's Special Food Needs

Feed Cats Step 7
Feed Cats Step 7

Step 1. Find out if your cat is obese

One in five pet cats suffer from obesity. Being overweight can lead to health problems such as diabetes, joint disease, and blood circulation problems in cats. You can tell if your cat needs to lose weight by touching its belly. If you can't feel your ribs near the top and sides of your belly, your cat may be overweight.

Your vet can also help you figure out a healthy weight range for your cat

Feed Cats Step 8
Feed Cats Step 8

Step 2. Perform a “body score” test on the cat

Each cat's caloric needs may vary according to the package of cat food. The best way to tell if a cat is overweight or underweight is to use a "body score" test. This test examines the shape of the cat's body and determines how much fat is covering the bones.

  • Most cat body scoring schemes use a rating scale of 0-5 or 0-10. 0 represents emaciation (low weight and hungry cats) and 5 or 10 represents obesity. A pet's ideal body weight is in the middle of the score range: 3 on a 0-5 scale and 5 on a 0-10 scale.
  • You should be able to feel the ribs when you feel your cat's belly and chest with your fingers, but your fingers should not be caught between the ribs. If the cat's ribs protrude too much, then this is a sign that the cat is underweight. If you can't feel the cat's ribs, or the soft fat covering them, then this is a sign that the cat is overweight.
  • If you look at the cat from the side and up, you should be able to see the cat's waist. If the cat looks more oval and the waist is less visible, the cat is overweight. If the cat's waist appears "tight" (like a greyhound), then the cat is underweight.
  • The cat's belly should not be seen hanging; if it hangs, this is a sign that the cat has too much belly fat.
Feed Cats Step 9
Feed Cats Step 9

Step 3. Adjust the feeding according to the cat's needs

If the cat is overweight (or underweight), adjust the feeding amount to 10 percent. Then, test the cat with a cat body score test again in two weeks. Make adjustments based on changes in the cat's body shape.

Don't make extreme adjustments to your cat's diet. Cats have unusual metabolisms and extreme lack of calories can lead to liver failure

Feed Cats Step 10
Feed Cats Step 10

Step 4. Give your cat a prescription weight control food

Prescription foods are widely available from veterinarians and can help provide your cat with proper nutrition and promote weight loss. There are several types of prescription food, so check with your vet to find out what is best for your cat.

  • Low-calorie, high-fiber foods contain extra fiber to help your cat feel full. Your cat will slowly lose weight over a few weeks. Examples are Purina OM (Obesity Management) and Hills RD.
  • High protein foods are high protein, low carb foods to suit the cat's natural digestion. Giving your cat a high-protein animal food can promote weight loss. Hills MD is an example.
  • Metabolic food is made to stimulate a cat's metabolism. The only food of this type available to cats is the Hills Metabolic Diet (Feline).
Feed Cats Step 11
Feed Cats Step 11

Step 5. Consider “Stage of Life” foods

A cat's feeding needs vary depending on the stage of their life and it is important to feed a cat as needed at each stage. In general, there are three life stages to consider when choosing cat food: kitten, adult, and senior.

  • Kittens refer to cats aged from the time of weaning to 12 months. Kittens need more protein and calories because they are still developing. Kitten food also has a different balance of minerals to support the nutritional needs of a developing cat.
  • Adult cat refers to a cat aged 1-7 years. Adult cat food has a good balance of nutrients to help maintain an ideal body weight.
  • Senior refers to cats aged 8 years and over. Senior cats often have health problems or lack mobility. Cats like this need nutrients such as glucosamine and fatty acids. These foods are usually low in protein, which can cause kidney damage in older cats.
  • There are also “lifestyle” foods, such as for neutered cats or indoor cats. These foods are usually lower in calories than regular cat food, but that's the only difference in principle.
Feed Cats Step 12
Feed Cats Step 12

Step 6. Talk to your vet about prescription food for medical conditions

If your cat has a medical condition, such as diabetes, urinary tract disease, joint disease, or kidney disease, talk to your vet about what cat food is best for your cat. Several prescription foods are available for these conditions, although experts don't always agree on their effectiveness.

  • Diabetic cat food usually removes moisture-producing substances and certain types of carbohydrates to help control and regulate your cat's blood sugar. Diabetic cats also require treatment with insulin. Talk to your vet about your cat's needs.
  • Cats with sensitive stomachs or inflammatory bowel disease may benefit from a restricted or prescription diet, such as Hills i/d, Purina EN, or the Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Gastrointestinal.
  • Cats with urinary tract problems often benefit from foods that control minerals that can build up in the cat's body. Purina UR, Hills CD, Hills XD, and Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Urinary SO are examples of this type of food.

Method 3 of 3: Creating a Feeding Routine

Feed Cats Step 13
Feed Cats Step 13

Step 1. Establish consistent feeding times

When deciding what type of food to feed your cat, establish regular and consistent feeding times. A regular feeding routine will help your cat feel happy and comfortable.

Disrupting a cat's feeding schedule can cause stress and lead to digestive and other health problems

Feed Cats Step 14
Feed Cats Step 14

Step 2. Practice portion control

Feed the same amount. This can help you monitor your cat's appetite and quickly recognize any changes.

  • There is no general standard for how much food to give due to variations in size, age, activity level and weight. However, for reference, an average 3.6 kg cat needs about 250 calories per day to maintain proper nutrition. 250 calories equals about 160 grams of dry food or less than 170 grams of wet food.
  • Use the feeding guide on food packaging or the manufacturer's website to get started. Then adjust the amount based on the cat's weight and response.
Feed Cats Step 15
Feed Cats Step 15

Step 3. Create a free feeding schedule for a specific cat

While a regular feeding schedule is best for most cats, a free feeding schedule is appropriate for some cats. A free feeding schedule allows the cat to eat when hungry and eat small but frequent meals, which is a natural behavior. It can also be helpful if the usual schedule does not allow multiple feedings a day. Lactating cats are usually given a free feeding schedule because their nutritional needs are greater than non-lactating cats.

The potential drawbacks of a free feeding schedule are that you cannot monitor changes in appetite more closely and certain cats will overeat when given free access to food. Always keep an eye on the cat's weight and adjust if necessary

Feed Cats Step 16
Feed Cats Step 16

Step 4. Prepare separate food and water bowls for each cat

Cats can be protective, especially if there is confusion about which bowls belong to them.

  • Small stainless steel bowls are quite strong and easy to clean, so they can be a good choice.
  • Be sure to wash the cat's bowl after eating and provide clean, fresh water at all times.
Feed Cats Step 17
Feed Cats Step 17

Step 5. Consider the cat's age

As cats grow and get older, their nutritional needs also develop. In addition to using life-stage feeding, you will need to feed your cat differently depending on their age.

  • Kittens should receive all the nutrients from their mother's milk for the first four to six weeks of life. When the kitten is ready to be weaned, use a special diet for kittens. Feed 5-6 times a day - kittens need more frequent and smaller portions of food throughout the day.
  • Adult cats can be fed twice a day. Use measured portions and adjust the amount as the cat gets older and becomes less active.
  • Older cats only need to eat once a day. Always follow your vet's advice about your cat's special nutritional needs.
Feed Cats Step 18
Feed Cats Step 18

Step 6. Don't give your cat too many treats

It's okay to give your cat commercial treats, or canned salmon or tuna, but in ideal amounts. The amount of treats is no more than 5 percent of the cat's overall intake.

  • Giving your cat too many treats can lead to obesity and can lead to digestive problems.
  •  Over-snacking can also mean that the cat chooses to eat less regular food, which can lead to nutritional imbalances.
  • Giving tuna to cats is fine, as an occasional treat, but tuna does not contain the nutrients that cats need, so make sure that tuna is not a substitute for food.
Feed Cats Step 19
Feed Cats Step 19

Step 7. Avoid harmful foods

There are several foods that are harmful to cat's health. Some foods to avoid are:

  • Milk and dairy products: Cats are lactose intolerant, and milk (other than cat milk) can trigger diarrhea and digestive problems. Tremorgenic mycotoxins can form in expired dairy products and are very harmful to cats.
  • Grapes and raisins: Although the reasons are not fully understood, grapes and raisins are bad for cats and dogs. Both of these foods can cause kidney failure in cats or cause vomiting.
  • Raw bread dough: Raw dough with live yeast in it can be harmful to cats and can cause stomach problems.
  • Chocolate: Although cats are usually not interested in eating chocolate, it should still be kept out of reach.
  • Onions/garlic/shallots/scallions: These spices and vegetables like onions can cause anemia and other serious red blood cell problems.


  • The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate the use of words like "premium" on pet food packaging. “Premium” cat food may contain better ingredients or nutrients than cheaper foods. Always check the nutrition information on the package label to see what you are giving your cat.
  • Always be aware that environmental factors such as number of animals, temperature, and climate can affect a cat's eating habits. If your cat's appetite changes, it's not always a sign of a big problem. Monitor the cat's appetite, activity level, weight, coat shine, and eye clarity to help identify if there is a bigger problem. However, if your cat hasn't eaten for more than 24 hours, schedule an appointment with the vet right away.
