Wudu, or purification, is a practice and a practical goal for a Muslim to maintain good physical and spiritual cleanliness. Religiously, Wudu refers to the mental preparation of a Muslim for prayer (five daily prayers), which is one of the Pillars of Islam.

Step 1. Intend to perform ablution
Intention is the Islamic concept of taking action for the sake of Allah. To actually perform ablution, focus and clear your mind, focusing on what you are doing.
Intentions are not always spoken out loud, saying "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah) is enough to achieve concentration of mind. Say it out loud or silently, whichever makes you comfortable

Step 2. Wash both hands
Use your left hand to wash your right hand. Do this three times. Then use your right hand to wash your left hand three times. Be sure to wash all the fingers down to the wrist.

Step 3. Put water in the mouth
Use your right hand to take water into your mouth three times. Swish the water around your cheeks and the back of your throat. Do this thoroughly to ensure that no food residue remains in the mouth.

Step 4. Inhale the water into the nose
Use your right hand to take the water and inhale it into your nose three times. Use your left hand to cover one nostril and blow if desired. Snort a small amount of water quickly into your nose but don't choke on it. If you can't breathe water into your nose, you can wet your fingers and put some water under your nostrils.

Step 5. Wash your face
Wash your face three times by spreading your hands from your right ear to your left, and from the ends of your hair to your chin.

Step 6. Wash your forearms from wrist to elbow and make sure there are no dry areas
From wrist to elbow, wash right arm with left hand three times then wash left arm with your right hand three times.

Step 7. Clean the head
Wipe the forehead with the hand gently from the eyebrows to the limit of hair growth. Also wipe the hair, the back of the neck, and the temples. Do this one time.

Step 8. Wipe the ear inside and out
With the same water, clean all the ear gaps using your fingers. Use your thumb to clean behind the ear from bottom to top. Do this one time.

Step 9. Wash both feet
Clean up to the ankles and make sure the water soaks the toes. Use your pinky to remove anything in each finger gap. Start with the right foot and rub each foot three times.

Step 10. Lifting your hands, say a prayer after ablution
Generally the prayer after ablution is as follows: "Ash-hadu anlaa ilaaha illALLAHu wahdahuu laa shariikalahu, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhuu wa rasuuluhu."
In Indonesian, this is translated as "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, He is One, There is no union for Him and I bear witness that (Sayidina) Muhammad (sallallahu ala Muhammadu sallallahu alaihu Wasallam) is the messenger (chosen) of Allah and His (true) Messenger."

Step 11. Repeat ablution if canceled
Actions that invalidate wudu include urination, defecation, major bleeding, and passing gas. A good night's sleep can also invalidate wudu.
After sexual intercourse, ablution alone is not enough to be able to pray. There is another form of purification to be performed, known as Ghusl (bath)
- Clear your mind before ablution, so that you concentrate only on Allah.
- It is better to remove the water first before performing ablution. This way you can resist the urge to use the restroom longer after ablution.
- If you are unable to stand because of your age, you can pray by sitting on a chair with the prayer rug under your feet.
- You need water for ablution, but you can perform Tayammum if there is no water or if you are sick. This is a form of purification with clean dust, earth or sand.
- You should perform the above steps sequentially and without long pauses in between.
- It is recommended to brush your teeth before performing ablution.
- You can also wash the arm through the bandage.
- Wipe the neck once with the back of the wet hand before washing the feet.
- Wudu is one of the conditions for prayer. Don't pray without doing Wudu. Repeat ablution if your ablution is invalid.
- Keep washing your mouth while fasting. You can wash your mouth as long as you don't swallow water.