You may need to iron your clothes to make them look presentable. Ironing is a fairly easy process, although it can be a bit tricky if you've never done it before. To iron, you need to sort the clothes first. Different types of fabric require different ironing techniques. From there, you can start ironing. Shirts, pants, dresses and skirts are ironed in slightly different ways, so be sure to iron the clothes properly. Do it safely when using an iron. In rare cases, the iron can be dangerous and cause injuries such as burns.
Method 1 of 3: Ironing By Fabric Type

Step 1. Prepare all the necessary equipment
While waiting for the iron to heat up, you will need to collect all the clothes before you start ironing. You certainly don't want to slip on your hot iron while trying to pick something up, so have everything ready before turning on the iron.
- You will need an ironing board, which is a large, flat surface on which to iron clothes.
- You will need an old rag to protect delicate clothes.

Step 2. Sort clothes by type of fabric
Different types of fabric require different ironing methods. You have to sort clothes by type of fabric. For example, cotton clothes should be ironed differently than silk clothes. You need to start ironing the clothes that require the lowest heat setting and then turn up.
- Acetate, rayon, silk, and wool fabrics should be ironed on a low setting. For rayon and silk, turn the garment inside out before ironing. For woolen clothes, slide a damp cloth between the clothes and the iron.
- Medium heat should be used for polyester fabrics and high heat should be used for cotton fabrics. Both types of material should be slightly damp before ironing.

Step 3. Check if the iron is ready to use
There should be a light on the iron that comes on when the iron is ready to use. Don't start ironing until you see the light indicating the iron is hot. Ironing with a cold iron is not efficient.
If you are not sure when the iron is ready to use, check the instructions for use

Step 4. Use a damp cloth when ironing lace and wool garments
Fragile types of fabric should not be in direct contact with the iron. Lace and wool garments should not be ironed directly. Use a damp cloth when ironing this type of fabric.
- Make sure the cloth is damp and not wet.
- If you're unsure of the fabric type, check the label. This label will describe the type of clothing fabric.

Step 5. Make sure cotton and polyester clothes are damp before ironing
Cotton and polyester fabrics should not be ironed dry. Make sure clothes made of this type of fabric are slightly damp before ironing.
You can remove cotton and polyester clothes from the washer dryer before they dry completely. You can also wet it with a spray bottle filled with water to keep it moist

Step 6. Turn clothes of a certain type of fabric so that the inside is outside before ironing
Some types of fabric are very fragile. Ironing the surface can cause the fabric to be scorched or damaged. If you are ironing any of the following types of fabric, turn the garment so that the inside is outside before ironing.
- Corduroy
- Linen
- Rayon
- Satin
- Silk
Method 2 of 3: Ironing Different Types of Clothes

Step 1. Iron the shirt starting from the collar down
When ironing a shirt, you have to start at the collar. Start at the center of the bottom of the shirt collar and work your way up to the edges. Then return to the center and iron the other edge.
- Fold one side of the shirt shoulder over the edge of the ironing board. Iron from shoulder to back. Repeat on the other side.
- Work from the cuffs to the shoulders when ironing the sleeves.

Step 2. Iron the pants starting from the waist down
If the pants have pockets, turn them inside out and start ironing the pockets. If there are no pockets, you can continue the ironing process as usual. Fold the top of the pants on the ironing board and start ironing the waist. Be sure to iron the pockets slowly, so as not to appear lines on the pockets.
From here, spread the pants evenly on the ironing board, with one leg on top of the other. You need to fold the pants in half horizontally. Make sure the legs and hems are parallel. Fold the top leg so it is above the waist. Iron the back of the lower leg. Then flip the pants and repeat on the other side

Step 3. Iron the skirt and dress starting from the collar down
If the dress has a collar or sleeves, these can be ironed in the same way as you would iron the sleeves and collar of a shirt. For the skirt, fold it on the ironing board. Iron in an upward direction, starting from the bottom to the waist.
- If the skirt is decorated with pleats, iron the inside of the skirt so that the pleats are not damaged.
- Items such as buttons should be ironed around the perimeter, as skirts and dresses have buttons that are fragile and prone to damage.
Method 3 of 3: Safe Ironing

Step 1. Keep the iron away from children
The iron is very hot and can cause serious injury to children. Ironing is not a proper household chore for children. You should also keep the iron out of the reach of children when ironing.

Step 2. Allow the iron to cool for at least 10 minutes before storing
The iron can get very hot and have the potential to cause a fire. When finished ironing, turn off the iron. You should wait at least 10 minutes before storing the iron to cool it down.

Step 3. Consider buying an iron with a safety component
Since irons can be dangerous, consider buying an iron with a safety component. Safety components can help prevent accidents.
- A cordless iron can be a great option. If someone trips over the iron cord while you're ironing, you or someone else could get burned.
- An auto-off iron can also help. This way, if you accidentally leave the iron on, a fire will not occur.

Step 4. Treat burns immediately in the event of an accident
Burns heal quickly and are less painful if treated properly. As soon as you or someone else has a burn, soak the wound under cold running water for 20 minutes.
- Do not use ice, butter, or soy sauce to treat burns. This can damage the skin.
- If the burn is larger than a small coin, seek medical attention.

Step 5. Do not leave the hot iron face down
This can burn the surface of the ironing board and even cause a fire. Position the iron in an upright position when you want to stop ironing for a moment.
Clean the iron regularly so that the steam vents are not clogged and the metal plate is not sticking. A wet cotton ball can be used to clean the steam vent. A soft, damp, damp cloth can be used to remove dry starch (derived from spray starch that is sprayed on clothes to make them look clean and tidy) dry from the ironing plate from previous ironing
- Do not leave the iron on a piece of clothing for too long.
- Always keep an eye on the iron. Carelessness can result in serious injury or damage to other objects.