The pain caused by a groin injury can be mild or severe and occurs in all age groups. This pain originates from a tear or crack in one of the five muscles in the inner thigh, connected to the pelvic bone at the top end, and just above the knee area at the other end. Treatment requires patience and gradual recovery so that the patient can return to activities. Severe and long-lasting injuries require medical attention.
Part 1 of 3: First Aid

Step 1. Compress with ice
Apply ice to the injured area as quickly as possible to limit swelling, stop bleeding under the skin, and avoid bruising.
- Use ice every two to three hours. Leave for 15 minutes per session in the first 24-72 hours after the injury occurs.
- Do not apply ice directly to the skin. Use an ice pack, bagged shaved ice, or frozen vegetables such as beans wrapped in a cloth/towel.
- Continue to use ice for a few days after the injury. When you return to your activities, apply ice three to four times each day, or right after you have started light activities.

Step 2. Rest
The severity of the groin injury determines how long you need to stop physical activity.
- Mild to moderate injuries require at least two to four weeks of rest. More severe injuries require six to eight weeks of rest, or even longer, to fully recover.
- Rest at least five to seven days from all physical activity for your injury to begin to heal. Evaluate the pain after this period to determine the level of gradualness that can be tolerated before returning to normal activities.

Step 3. Press the injured groin muscle
Pressure helps reduce swelling and stabilizes the injured muscle.
- It is very useful to use a special brace designed for the groin area. This brace is made to fit snugly in the groin area without being so tight that it cuts off circulation. You can buy braces at most drug stores.
- Elastic bandages or groin straps can also be used, but be careful not to wrap the groin area too tightly.

Step 4. Pinch the injured area
A wedge will help prevent swelling and ensure adequate blood flow.
Use a rolled up towel, blanket, or pillow to prop up the injured leg as often as possible. Try raising the area so that it is above your hips

Step 5. Alternate using ice and heat
After a few days of the initial injury, if time permits, use heat as an alternative in between ices.
Heat can help relieve some of the pain and discomfort associated with the injury

Step 6. Take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs
Medications that help reduce this inflammation include ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin.
- Over-the-counter acetaminophen products can help reduce pain, but don't suppress inflammation.
- Follow the instructions on the product label or the directions your doctor gave you.

Step 7. Distinguish the symptoms of a groin injury from other causes
A groin injury can cause symptoms similar to other conditions, such as a hernia. Make sure what you are experiencing is actually a groin strain and not something else.
- Common symptoms of a groin injury include a feeling of tension or cramping, sudden onset of pain, and pain when the muscle is contracted or stretched.
- Severe injuries can involve extreme pain, even when you just walk.
- Sports hernias are indicated by pain in the lower abdomen and groin, pain when coughing or sneezing, and groin pain that gets worse with activity.
- Pressure from a fracture in the pubic bone or femur may cause pain in the groin, which radiates to the buttocks. You'll likely experience pain at night, tenderness and swelling, and your symptoms won't go away even after resting, applying ice, bandaging, and squeezing the injured area.
- Testicular pain, numbness, tingling sensation, swelling that gets worse, urinary tract symptoms, and fever require your doctor's attention so you can investigate other potential causes.

Step 8. Perform adduction movements to identify a groin injury
If your symptoms are mild and you are unsure about the type of injury, exercises may help you determine if your groin is really injured.
Adduction exercises that help identify groin injuries involve placing a light object, such as a fitness ball, between the legs. Try pressing it by gently squeezing with both feet. If this procedure causes pain, you most likely have a groin injury

Step 9. Seek medical attention if there is dull pain
A sharp, dull pain that gets worse with movement or exercise may indicate a hernia instead of a groin injury.
- Other signs of a hernia include a bulge in the lower abdomen or upper groin. A hernia occurs when a weak piece of muscle tissue along the abdominal wall makes part of the intestine protrude.
- Hernias require medical treatment.
Part 2 of 3: Seeking Medical Care

Step 1. Visit a doctor to determine the extent of the injury
There are five muscles that support the movement of the foot. This movement is called adduction, and the muscles are adductors.
- Adduction means moving inward and toward the center of the body. People who frequently injure their adductor muscles include athletes who run, kick, sprint, change positions quickly, or exert a large amount of force when moving quickly, such as kicking a soccer ball.
- These five adductor muscles are called the pectineus, adductor brevis, adductor longus, gracilis, and adductor magnus.

Step 2. Ask your doctor to describe the extent of your injury
Groin injuries are graded according to their severity.
- First-degree injuries are milder and are caused by overstretching one or more of the five muscles. The muscle fibers will be slightly torn in this injury.
- Second-degree injuries are the most common type and involve tearing of a portion of the muscle tissue.
- Third-degree injuries are the most severe, are extremely painful, and occur as a result of a tear, or fracture, of one or more of the five adductor muscles.

Step 3. Anticipate a long recovery period
The time it takes to recover depends on the extent of your injury. In most cases, you will need to spend six to eight weeks (or even longer) to make sure the muscle tissue is completely healed.
You should follow your doctor's advice on time to prevent repeated injury

Step 4. Return to the doctor if there is no improvement
If you feel your symptoms are getting worse or don't improve significantly after a while, your pain may be due to something else.
- Visit a doctor as directed to evaluate for prolonged discomfort and check for other causes.
- Watch for pain. If it improves only slightly or not at all, or the pain gets worse within a few days after the injury, seek medical attention.

Step 5. Seek medical attention if you notice a clot
Areas that are lumpy, lumpy, swollen, or near the testicles require medical attention.
Any pain that occurs in the lower abdomen and sides, or pain that radiates to the groin, also requires a doctor's attention
Part 3 of 3: Preventing Further Injury

Step 1. Consider your symptoms
Use the severity as a guide to returning to activities. Returning to exercise while still in pain can result in further injury.
- Avoid activities if you still feel pain. Do not walk briskly, jog, or run if the pain persists.
- Once pain free, resume activities very gradually to prevent further injury.

Step 2. Reduce activity if you feel pain
As you begin to continue, pay attention to your body's response.
- If you experience pain during activity, reduce the intensity or duration and return to the same level more gradually.
- Prolonged pain may indicate a greater potential for injury to the same area, or may be a warning sign that another injury is occurring. Reduce the intensity or duration of the activity until the pain subsides. See a doctor if the pain persists.

Step 3. Copy your exercise moves
Slowly perform the movements you need to achieve in order to return to active participation.
Move slowly and deliberately and avoid loading or impacting to determine if you are pain free before returning to active participation

Step 4. Use the services of a coach
A coach who is experienced in your sport can not only help you recover to 100%, but can also teach you proper warm-up and stretching activities to help avoid future injuries.

Step 5. Warm up and stretch
The main cause of groin injuries is a lack of warm-up and stretching exercises before physical activity.
- Stretching relaxes the adductor muscles and prepares them for activity, while a proper warm-up period before exercise gets the blood flowing to the muscles and prepares them to work under pressure.
- Perform simple stretches that target the groin area, before and after exercise or exercise. Sit on the floor with your back against the wall. Bring the soles of the feet together and pull them inward so that they are directed towards the groin. Move your knees slowly and slowly toward the floor. Hold this stretch for 20 seconds and repeat one more time.

Step 6. Continue to use ice and heat
For several weeks after returning to activity, continue to apply ice to the injured area after exercising. Combine this with the dressing method and a period of rest.
Continue to use heat after exercise to help reduce persistent pain
- Treat groin pain with regular massage. Massage can help relax muscles and prevent injury.
- Listen to the body. Pain after a groin injury can be a warning sign that you're overdoing it.
- Avoid known risks. Running on uneven surfaces, such as the beach, is a big trigger for groin injuries.
- Even people who are not athletes of any age can get this groin injury. Adults who develop arthritis in the hip area are also prone to it. Talk to your doctor if you have pain in the muscles along the inside of your upper thigh.
- Consider swimming in recovery if possible. Your body weight will be supported by the water, so you can move your legs slowly to start your muscle recovery activities.
- Get back into the routine gradually. Take time to rest between training sessions.