How to Lose Weight 2.2 kg Fast: 11 Steps

How to Lose Weight 2.2 kg Fast: 11 Steps
How to Lose Weight 2.2 kg Fast: 11 Steps

Table of contents:


You need to change your diet and lifestyle if you want to lose 2.2 kg. In addition to maintaining health, make sure you apply a safe way to lose weight little by little over a few weeks. Many studies show that gradual weight loss over a long period of time is a safe, beneficial, and long-lasting method. Therefore, it will take you 2-3 weeks to lose 2.2 kg of weight. Running the right diet, exercising regularly, and adopting a healthy lifestyle will help you lose weight according to the set target.


Part 1 of 2: Changing Your Diet

Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 1
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 1

Step 1. Reduce calorie intake

In order to lose weight, you must run a diet by reducing calorie consumption. A low-calorie diet helps you lose 2.2 kg of weight in a safe way.

  • Lose weight -1 kg per week if you follow a diet that reduces 500 calories per day. You can lose weight faster by reducing 750 calories per day.
  • Reducing your calorie intake can lead to weight loss, but consuming too few calories or less than 1,200 calories per day is not a safe or beneficial way. This step increases the risk of nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, reduced fat-free muscle mass, and slows weight loss later in life.
  • Use a book or app to record the number of calories you've consumed and then subtract 500-750. The result is an upper limit for daily calorie consumption so you can lose weight.
  • If the reduction is less than 1,200, use 1,200 calories as the upper limit. You can burn more calories by exercising.
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 2
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 2

Step 2. Eat a high protein and fiber breakfast every day

Protein and fiber are useful to speed up metabolism and make you less hungry.

  • Studies show that a high-protein diet (and eating high-protein foods) makes you feel fuller longer, lowers your appetite, and accelerates weight loss. Start the day by eating a high-protein breakfast so you can limit the portions of food and snacks as needed.
  • As with protein, fiber consumption also makes you less hungry. Plus, fiber is found in filling foods, so you don't overeat.
  • For example, a high-protein and high-fiber breakfast consists of: an omelette of 2 chicken eggs with low-fat cheese and sautéed vegetables or 1 cup of Greek yogurt and 28 grams of raspberries.
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 3
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 3

Step 3. Consume 1 serving of protein sources with each meal

In addition to breakfast, consume fat-free protein sources at lunch and dinner.

  • Protein is a source of nutrients that play an important role when losing weight. If consumed regularly throughout the day, protein is useful for reducing appetite, accelerating metabolism, and keeping the body energized.
  • Note that 1 serving of protein is equivalent to 21-28 grams of meat or the size of a card box. Consuming 1 serving of protein with each meal and snack can meet the minimum daily protein requirement.
  • In addition to being high in protein, fat-free protein foods (such as seafood, poultry, eggs, low-fat dairy products, fat-free meats, or legumes) are low-calorie foods that are beneficial for weight loss.
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 4
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 4

Step 4. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables

So that you eat more food and stay full, eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

  • Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, but contain a variety of essential nutrients. In addition to increasing the volume of food eaten, fruits and vegetables are low-calorie foods that make you feel full quickly.
  • Eat 1 serving of fruit or 2 servings of vegetables with each meal to meet the recommended daily requirement, which is 5-9 servings per day.
  • Limit meal portions. Consume 1 cup of vegetables, 2 cups of leafy greens, or cup (a small piece) of fruit.
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 5
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 5

Step 5. Eat whole grains

In addition to being high in fiber, the vitamins and minerals in whole grains are a very useful source of nutrients when you are on a diet to lose weight.

  • Although whole grains are very beneficial, consumption of whole grains needs to be limited in order to lose weight. Studies show that people who reduce their carbohydrate intake (especially those from high-carbohydrate foods, such as pasta, white rice, bread and baked goods) lose weight more quickly.
  • Eat 1-2 servings of whole grains daily so you can still enjoy nutritious whole grain foods while losing weight.
  • Limit consumption of whole-grain foods, such as eating 30 grams or cup of oatmeal or quinoa at each meal.
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 6
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 6

Step 6. Replace calorie drinks with water

Weight gain quickly if you consume calorie drinks. Studies show that sweetened drinks are a very high source of calories and lead to weight gain later in life.

  • Reduce calorie intake by not consuming lattes, smoothies, coffee with sugar, energy drinks, soda, and alcoholic beverages. Many health experts use the term "nutritional calorie drinks" because they are not nutritious.
  • Increase your consumption of water or other fluids (such as flavored water or decaffeinated tea without sugar) to replace calorie drinks.
  • Drink 8-13 glasses of 250 ml (2-2.5 liters) of calorie-free beverages daily to stay hydrated.
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 7
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 7

Step 7. Limit consumption of fast food, sugar, and refined carbohydrates

In addition to being low in nutrients, these foods can increase weight or hinder weight loss. A quick way to lose 2.2 kg of body weight is to limit the consumption of these foods.

  • Avoid or reduce consumption of processed foods that are given preservatives, such as frozen foods, canned soups, packaged meats, canned pasta, chips, crackers, and pastries.
  • In addition, avoid or reduce consumption of processed foods and beverages that are sweet and sugary, such as ice cream, candy, cookies, pastries, and sugary drinks. Instead, eat a piece of fruit if you like sugary foods or drinks.

Part 2 of 2: Changing Your Lifestyle

Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 8
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 8

Step 1. Take 30 minutes of cardio every day and do interval training 2 times a week

Every workout, start with a warm-up and end with a cool-down. Do moderate-intensity exercise interspersed with high-intensity exercise, such as sprints.

  • In addition to exercising at a constant intensity for 45 minutes, you can do interval training, which can help you lose weight and speed up your metabolism. With this exercise, the increased body fat burning and faster metabolism continue even after you've finished exercising.
  • If you want to set up your own interval training program, you can work out using a treadmill, stationary bike, steps to train, an elliptical machine, a rowing machine, or swimming. Do sprints for 1-2 minutes then rest for 2-4 minutes. Download the app as a reminder when it's time to switch from high-intensity to low-intensity exercise.
  • If you don't know how to do interval training yet, join a cardio class at the gym. Boot camp exercises, aerobics, and stationary bikes are very beneficial for people who want to lose weight.
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 9
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 9

Step 2. Practice lifting weights every 2 days

You should practice lifting weights for at least 30 minutes per training session to speed up your metabolism and build fat-free muscle mass. Before embarking on an intensive weight training program, seek information from a professional, such as an exercise specialist, fitness coach, kinesiologist, or physical therapist.

  • Do squats, lunges, push ups, pull ups, planks, or other exercises that use your body weight as a weight. In addition to working out at home, you can lift weights at the gym using a machine or join a class that uses hand weights and body weight.
  • Find out about different weight training program options by watching online videos or hire a fitness trainer for some weight loss training sessions.
  • Make sure you take a full day's rest after lifting weights to give your muscles time to rest and recover so they're ready to use when you train again.
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 10
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 10

Step 3. Set aside time to walk 30 minutes a day

Walking during your lunch break, after work, after dinner, or as soon as you wake up in the morning is beneficial to burn 100-200 calories, even more.

  • Buy a pedometer and make sure you walk at least 10,000 steps every day. Doctors recommend that you walk 10,000-12,000 steps daily to stay healthy. The more you walk, the more weight you lose.
  • If you can't walk 30 minutes at a time, break it up into 3 sessions of 10 minutes each.
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 11
Lose 5 Pounds Fast Step 11

Step 4. Try to get a longer night's sleep

Weight loss is hampered if you sleep less than 7-9 hours a night.

  • A longer night's sleep is useful for balancing hormones, increasing metabolism, and accelerating weight loss.
  • In addition, a good night's sleep helps you control your appetite. Lack of sleep at night can trigger hunger so you tend to make the wrong decisions.
  • Make sure you get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. As much as possible, get into the habit of going to bed earlier and getting up earlier.
