Troubled by being overweight? An effective way to lose weight and keep it off is to stick to a consistent, long-term low-calorie diet. In addition, you should exercise every day to burn excess calories and maintain a healthy heart. If you're looking to lose a few pounds in a short amount of time, this article explains various techniques and tips for achieving short-term goals.
Method 1 of 4: Adopting a Healthy Diet

Step 1. Calculate the maximum daily calorie intake for weight loss
First, find out your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the minimum number of calories needed to keep your body functioning. The next step, calculate the number of calories used during activities using an online calculator. Finally, subtract 1,000 for every kilogram of body weight you want to lose for 1 week.
- To calculate your BMR, use the formula: (10 x weight in kilograms) + (6.25 x height in centimeters) - (5 x age) - 161.
- To estimate calorie burn during exercise, use the online calculator:
- To calculate the maximum number of calories you are allowed to eat, use an online calculator, for example:
- Calorie counter applications, such as My Fitness Pal, can be used to perform this calculation.
Make sure you consume at least 1,200 calories/day, unless you are on therapy under the supervision of a doctor. Consumption of calories less than 1,200/day is bad for health.

Step 2. Record the food you eat in a diary
Write down all the foods, snacks, and drinks you consume throughout the day, including estimated calories and quantities. By taking notes, you can monitor how much food and drink you eat and achieve your weight loss goals.
- To write down the menu, use a notebook or digital notebook. For convenience, download a mobile app, such as My Fitness Pal, which helps you monitor your diet and provides easily accessible nutrition data.
- In addition to the main food and drink, also record everything that is consumed in between meals, such as milk coffee, snacks, desserts, and others.

Step 3. Get in the habit of eating on a schedule and eating snacks between meals
Skipping meals is not a way to lose weight, it can even hinder it. Food keeps you energized. If you do not eat for too long, you will be sleepy so that physical activity is reduced. In addition, lack of energy makes you want to eat high-calorie sweet snacks as a quick way to restore energy. Instead of holding back hunger, you better eat healthy foods on a schedule.
Eating on a schedule keeps blood sugar levels stable so you can control your hunger

Step 4. Arrange your diet to consist of fat-free protein and more vegetables instead of tubers
At each meal, fill 1/2 of a plate with non-carrot vegetables, 1/4 of a plate with fat-free protein, and 1/4 of a plate with whole grains or tubers. In addition, consume healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocado, and fatty fish. As a snack, choose fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables.
To make it easier to arrange a meal menu, consult with a dietitian about the maximum calorie intake you need, a healthy diet, and things that need to be improved. Then, arrange the diet as needed

Step 5. Get in the habit of eating small portions to reduce calorie intake
Don't omit your favorite food from the menu because you want to lose weight, but eating well doesn't mean you can eat whatever you want. The best solution is to prepare food using a special cup or spoon to measure the portion of the meal. Also, use small plates or bowls to make the food look more bulky.
Prepare snacks in containers so that meal portions are more closely monitored. For example, put 80 grams of almonds in a plastic bag or food box to make it ready to eat
Foods that taste unappetizing can already fill you up with only small portions and don't run out quickly, such as chocolate without sugar or steamed tofu without seasonings.

Step 6. Find out which snacks trigger your appetite and try to control them
Everyone has appetite triggers and there's nothing wrong with liking certain snacks. Avoid this habit by finding out the reasons that trigger the desire to eat, for example when doing certain activities, at certain times during your daily life, or when you feel certain emotions. Then, work on it and don't keep the treats at home or at work so they don't trigger your appetite.
For example, you want to eat sweet popcorn while watching a movie at the cinema or candy during the day while working. Overcome this temptation by eating foods according to the diet program to replace these snacks. For example, take a pack of plain popcorn to the movies as a healthy snack. Another example, eat a small piece of unsweetened chocolate during the day, instead of eating candy containing sugar
You don't have to stop eating your favorite foods. Do the best way so that consumption of these foods does not make you excess calories.

Step 7. Eat filling foods
Some foodstuffs make you full faster and less hungry because they contain protein, fat, or fiber. In addition, control your appetite by eating foods that can stabilize blood sugar levels. So that you do not get hungry quickly, consume the following foods.
- Vegetables not tubers
- Fish
- Meat
- Nuts and seeds
- Legumes and legumes
- Grapefruit
- Oatmeal
- Apple
- Egg
- Ginger
- Green vegetables

Step 8. Replace your favorite high-calorie foods with healthy foods
You can still enjoy a variety of favorite foods without excess intake of fat, sugar, and calories. Lose weight faster if you adopt a healthy diet, instead of consuming high-calorie processed foods and drinks.
- Eat a vegetarian diet several days a week. In addition to reducing your daily calorie intake, replacing meat with nutritious foods, such as legumes, tofu, or lentils, can help increase your nutrient intake.
- Choose your favorite fruit for dessert instead of cookies or sweet cakes.
- Replace potato chips and candy with nutritious snacks that are low in calories and fat. Eat cheese sticks with a handful of grapes, a few crackers spread with peanut butter, or dip chopped red pepper into a few tablespoons of hummus.
- Use it with vinegar and lemon juice instead of your usual lettuce juice.
- Cook food with olive oil instead of butter. Even though the calories are the same, olive oil contains healthy fats.

Step 9. Don't walk down the shelves at the supermarket with high-calorie foods
Get used to going directly to the area selling fresh food ingredients. If there's something on the shelf you're looking for, don't walk the aisle full of high-calorie snacks, like candy or soda. You won't be tempted to buy if you don't see it.
You don't need to avoid your favorite treats, but you will eat them if you keep them at home. Instead of piling on non-nutritious treats, prepare them as gifts for yourself every now and then

Step 10. Don't drink sugary drinks to reduce your calorie intake
Drinks with sugar are a very high source of calories. Therefore, make sure you don't consume sugary drinks, such as sugary sodas, fruit juices, and sugary teas and coffees. Instead, make it a habit to drink water, plain tea, coffee and soda without sugar.
Drinking plain water or tea to replace soda, coffee, alcohol, fruit juice, or milk means not consuming hundreds of calories per day
Method 2 of 4: Adopting a Special Diet

Step 1. Adopt a Mediterranean diet if you like to eat fish and vegetables
Weight loss can be maintained by eating a Mediterranean diet. This food uses traditional ingredients and is prepared in the cooking style of the people who live near the Mediterranean sea. Research shows that this diet is beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease and losing weight so that the body becomes slim and slim. If you want to adopt a Mediterranean diet, don't eat bread, dairy products, and processed foods. Apply a diet by consuming:
- Fish
- Olive oil
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Legumes and legumes
- Herbs and spices
- Nuts
- Red wine
All diet programs that reduce calorie intake are beneficial for weight loss. Many people think that running a certain diet program can accelerate weight loss because of the type of food consumed. This is not true. However, there are nutritious foods that make you less hungry and choose a diet program whose menu consists of these foods.

Step 2. Adopt the Paleo diet to avoid processed foods.
When humans were cave dwellers, they had not baked cakes or fried potatoes. Following the Paleo diet (short for paleolithic) means eating the food our ancestors consumed on the grounds that the human digestive system was not designed to digest food cooked the way it is today. Therefore, consume meat, vegetables, fruits, and other foodstuffs according to the paleolithic era diet and avoid foods that are not consumed at that time.
- Avoid synthetic sweeteners or refined grains.
- In order to lose weight faster, the Paleo diet can be done alternately with fasting.

Step 3. Apply the Whole30 diet program by eating nutritious foods
This program aims to eliminate all processed foods from the menu for 30 days to cleanse the digestive tract of processed foods and substances that burden digestion. After 30 days, this diet can reduce waist circumference and increase energy.
- Avoid whole grains, dairy products, sugar, legumes, alcohol, and all processed foods.
- Eat meat, vegetables, and fruits. Get in the habit of drinking plenty of water.

Step 4. Eat raw food if you like to eat vegetables and fruits.
This diet is very suitable for people who do not like to eat meat and are reluctant to cook because the menu uses uncooked ingredients. You can lose weight by eating more uncooked vegetables and fruits, such as coconut milk, nuts, seeds, and other unprocessed foods.
Use the internet to find recipes for delicious, uncooked meals
Dietitians warn that people who follow a diet by eating raw foods in the long term can be nutritionally deficient.
Method 3 of 4: Exercise Every Day

Step 1. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day
Regular exercise is beneficial for burning more calories, maintaining a healthy heart, and increasing metabolism. Do daily cardiovascular exercises and body strengthening exercises 2-3 times a week. Choose a sport that interests you so that you can do it consistently.
- You can exercise by walking, running, aerobics, elliptical machines, stationary cycling, or swimming.
- Set aside at least 150 minutes per week to exercise every day to stay healthy.
Before exercising, measure your waist, hips and chest. If you gain weight, but the size decreases, this means that you gain muscle and lose fat.
Body fluid retention is a normal condition for people who are just starting to exercise. This happens because the body needs fluids to restore muscle tissue damaged during exercise. The number on the scale may go up, but it will go down again if you exercise regularly.

Step 2. Consider your physical abilities when choosing the exercise you want to do
People who have never exercised should not push themselves or train for a long duration. Also, you don't need to do high-intensity exercise to achieve the desired results. Choose a sport that suits your abilities and increase the intensity little by little.
- Consult a doctor before starting a physical exercise program.
- Remember that volleyball, tennis, and badminton burn a lot of calories, leaving you feeling very tired. So make sure you exercise while having fun.

Step 3. Get in the habit of cardiovascular training
While a combination of cardiovascular exercise and muscle strengthening is beneficial for maintaining good health, exercise that loses weight fast is cardiovascular exercise. Strength training and muscle strengthening have an indirect effect on weight loss, but they increase metabolism so that the body uses energy more efficiently.
Cardiovascular exercise is exercise that speeds up the rhythm of the heart rate
For maximum results, combine moderate-intensity aerobic exercise with high-intensity.

Step 4. Keep the exercise fun
A variety of exercise plays an important role in maintaining health and maintaining motivation. The risk of injury increases if you do the same exercise every day. In addition, boredom can reduce motivation to exercise regularly. When working out at the gym, work out a varied schedule, such as using a machine to train weights, joining an aerobics class, and doing muscle strengthening exercises.

Step 5. Perform muscle strengthening exercises 2-3 times a week
Strength training and weight lifting keep you slim by building muscle and increasing your metabolism, even when you're done exercising. Do this exercise 2-3 times a week every 2-3 days.
You can do cardiovascular exercises when you're not strengthening, but don't push yourself. Do light to moderate intensity exercise
Muscle cells carry out metabolism more actively than fat cells. This means muscle cells burn more calories than fat cells even when you are resting or sleeping.

Step 6. Choose an exercise that makes you work your whole body
That way, you're working each muscle group while burning calories like you're doing a double workout during a workout. For example, when jogging or stationary biking, do arm strengthening exercises by straightening your arms up while holding dumbbells.

Step 7. Do more physical activity while going about your daily life
Get in the habit of parking your car some distance away so you can walk more often or use the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Increase physical activity by going up and down stairs while in the office, walking the dog 3 times a day, or doing vigorous movement while cleaning the house. The more you move, the higher the calorie burn.
Do activities according to hobbies that make you move a lot, such as tending plants, making wooden furniture, washing cars, or dancing. These activities burn a lot of calories if you haven't had time to exercise

Step 8. Get in the habit of getting a good night's sleep
A good night's sleep keeps you energized so you don't want to overeat and you're less likely to get injured while exercising. Lack of sleep is correlated with the inability to reduce body fat. So, adequate night's sleep is needed to lose weight.
Do a routine before going to bed at night to make it easier for you to fall asleep, for example by relaxing 1-2 hours before going to bed and not staring at electronic device screens while relaxing. In addition, regulate the air temperature in the room, turn off the lights, and wear comfortable pajamas
Method 4 of 4: Using Therapy

Step 1. Take advantage of the sauna room to reduce body fluids through sweat
In just 15 minutes, the sauna makes you sweat profusely. Therefore, limit the time in the sauna room 15-20 minutes a day so that you do not become dehydrated. Sauna can not lose weight permanently, but make the body look slimmer if you want to attend an important event.
After using the sauna room, you should drink enough water to hydrate your body
Patients with hypertension or heart disease and young children should not use the sauna room.

Step 2. Use a bandage that is useful for slimming for a while
This step helps you slim down by reducing the size of your waist, thighs and arms by a few centimeters. Even if the results are temporary, you will look slimmer when you attend an important event. There are several types of bandages that can be used for slimming:
- mineral bandage. This bandage is given a mineral solution that is useful for cleansing the body of toxins, reducing weight, reducing cellulite, and tightening and softening the skin in an instant.
- Lipase Bandage. These bandages are given enzymes to remove body fat. First, an enzyme bandage is used to soften the fatty tissue near the surface of the skin. Second, mineral bandages are used to tighten and soften the skin.
- European bandage. These bandages are usually available at spas and are useful for temporary weight loss, removing spots on the skin, tightening and smoothing the skin by reducing cellulite or stretch marks.
- warm bandage. These bandages are also available in spas and are useful in cleansing the body of toxins so that the skin becomes firm and smooth.

Step 3. Follow a weight loss program
Sometimes, exercising regularly and following a diet to lose weight do not give the expected results. Old habits and daily routines make you return to eating food and doing activities as usual. For this reason, many people sign up for fitness retreats, which are weight loss programs outside the home so that they are free from their daily routines. This program is carried out with very diverse methods and can be followed by teenagers, adults, and the elderly.
Before joining a weight loss program, make sure the method used is appropriate for your age and physical condition

Step 4. Consider liposuction options
One of the fastest ways to lose weight is to undergo liposuction surgery. This operation is usually only for people who want to remove fat tissue in 1-2 body parts, but the body weight is relatively ideal. However, surgery is always risky and must be performed by a licensed doctor.
- Reduce calorie intake by eating slowly because it takes the brain about 20 minutes to get the message that you are full. Pausing before a bite will allow you to limit your portion sizes, but make sure you monitor how full your stomach is and stop eating when your hunger is over.
- Focus on the reasons that make you want to lose weight to keep yourself motivated.
- Health experts say that weight should be reduced little by little 0.5-1 kg per week by adopting a healthy diet and moderate-intensity exercise.
- Losing weight in a short time because you want to attend a certain event can be a source of short-term motivation. However, setting some long-term goals is also beneficial and will keep you going after the initial target has been achieved.
- Enlist the support of friends and family members to keep you motivated to lose weight. Even if it is only to one person, a sense of responsibility increases the chances of success and accelerates the achievement of long-term targets.
- Remember that one mistake does not mean failure. If you're doing things that don't help you reach your goals, focus on the goals you want to achieve, and get back into the habits that help you lose weight.
- Whatever the articles in the magazines promise, slimming certain body parts is a myth! When body fat burning occurs, fat tissue is reduced throughout the body even if you only do crunches.
- If your diet or exercise routine makes you feel dizzy, nauseous, weak, have pain, dizziness, headaches, or other complaints, stop the program and follow your normal diet or exercise routine. Consult a doctor if the pain or discomfort is getting worse or the symptoms are getting worse.
- Do not hold back hunger because lack of food is bad for health. If you're losing weight by skipping meals or drastically reducing your daily calorie intake, seek advice from a health care professional about eating disorders.
- Losing weight too quickly is self-defeating and bad for health.
- Do not start a weight loss program or exercise routine until you consult a health professional. The condition of the body will be problematic if you lose weight drastically because this can worsen health problems.
- Consult a doctor or dietitian before taking supplements because multivitamins and supplements may not be suitable for everyone.
- Avoid dieting simply following fad, taking pills, and taking shortcuts to lose weight by limiting calorie intake or not eating certain foods. Trendy diet programs and fast ways to lose weight are usually ineffective, even dangerous.