Depression is a common mental disorder that affects 121 million people worldwide. Depression is among the leading causes of paralysis worldwide, but the good news for people suffering from depression is that 80% to 90% will recover. While there's no guarantee that you'll be able to completely prevent depression, there are ways to reduce your chances of experiencing depression or relapse.
Part 1 of 3: Watching Your Body

Step 1. Exercise regularly
Believe it or not, exercise is basically a natural antidepressant. In fact, a recent study shows that exercise, CBT, and certain medications show similar effects. To get the best out of exercise, do weight training and cardio, which have been shown to be more beneficial than other sports (and also for your waistline).
50% of people who have had one major depressive episode will have a relapse, and the odds increase if you've had more than one episode. But exercise, eating right, and paying attention to your health can limit the chances of relapse

Step 2. Get enough sleep
Apart from helping the body perform its best functions, sleep is also a mood regulator, easing the mind. People, especially young people, are prone to depression and other mental illnesses if they continue to get inadequate amounts of sleep. To keep your mind and body in tip-top shape, make it a goal to get a full 7 hours of sleep a night, if not more.
- Researchers suggest 8 hours of sleep every night for optimal performance, but that's not always possible in today's busy world. Only you know how many hours of sleep you really need to function at the best level, find out your sleep needs and do your best to achieve that goal every night.
- It turns out that the millions of stimuli that the brain has to sort through every second are exhausting. Throughout the day, the brain accumulates so much information that it eventually slows down. Recent research shows that getting enough sleep can get rid of the things that block the brain from working properly.

Step 3. Eat a healthy diet
A diet low in fat, rich in vitamins, nutrients, omega-3 (found in fish), and folic acid can help regulate and balance mood. After all, you are what you eat. When you eat healthy, you feel healthy – inside out.
Some cultures consume very low levels of sugar. It's no coincidence that their rates of depression are much lower than those of people in high-sugar cultures. Remove processed sugary foods and drinks from your diet and you'll likely feel much better

Step 4. Avoid alcohol and illegal drugs
Alcohol is a trigger for depression that can change moods without realizing it. What's more, those who are at risk for depression are also at greater risk of abusing alcohol and developing alcoholism. For short and long term safety, you should avoid it
One glass of red wine a day has been shown to be beneficial in several studies. Just one glass. No more

Step 5. Monitor your overall health
Depression is associated with a greater risk for heart disease and diabetes. People with depression and mental illness tend to have higher rates of “physical” illness than people without mental instability. The opposite is true – the more physical ailments you have, the more likely you are to become depressed. So take care of your health so that it is always in top condition!
Visit the doctor regularly for regular physical exams. This coupled with proper eating and exercise will ensure that the body regulates the mind for success
Part 2 of 3: Watching Your Mind

Step 1. Focus on having a positive attitude
Most situations in life are self-fulfilling prophecies. If you feel like you're going to fail, chances are you will. To avoid sliding down, try to think positively. This will make everyday life much easier.
If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, stop. Tell yourself "I'll think about that tomorrow." And then you know what happened? Tomorrow, you forget what you were thinking

Step 2. Don't beat yourself up
Taking all the burden on your own shoulders by viewing everything that went wrong as your fault is a sure ticket to feeling down. Instead, you have to realize that the world is huge, there are millions of factors at play, and you are just one of them. Learn to accept what you can't change and focus on changing what you can.
Depression has nothing to do with brain congestion. You have absolutely no control over it. The only thing you can control is who you are and how you feel. You are not to blame for anything else

Step 3. Volunteer
Getting out of your own mind and into the zone of helping others will keep you busy, positive thoughts, and help you feel better about yourself and the world around you. Volunteering fosters a positive attitude "and" helps make the world a better place. It is beneficial for you as well as everyone.
Not sure where to start? Talk to your local hospital, church, school, or daycare. You can also work in soup kitchens, homeless shelters, animal shelters, and orphanages

Step 4. Work on your interests to find release "and" cultivate self-esteem
Filling time with things you enjoy and are good at doing is actually the only way to pass the time. Not only will it help you find release and relieve stress, but you'll feel better about yourself for mastering a skill.
Can't think of a single thing? Good! It's the perfect excuse to take up a hobby you've always wanted to do but "never had the time". So whether it's piano, painting, archery, or metal welding, go for it. The only obstacle is yourself

Step 5. Manage stress with activities like yoga, acupuncture, meditation – or even video games
In today's world, it's easy to get stressed. Having a habit of stress relief is important for everyone, not just those at risk for depression. To lower your stress levels, consider yoga, pilates, meditation, acupuncture, hypnosis, talk therapy, or even just going out with friends on a regular basis.
- Not interested in yoga and acupuncture? Does not matter. Activities such as reading, knitting, cooking, and video games are also possible. As long as you find it relaxing and stress-free!
- Try to spend at least 15 minutes "to yourself" every day, even if that means just sitting in an office chair with your mind wandering. Relaxation is not slacking off – the goal is to make sure you're always in top shape.

Step 6. Think about what you are grateful for each day
"Thinking positive" is much easier said than done. If you don't do it regularly, it's a bit difficult to get started. To make the process easier, think of 3 things you are grateful for each day. Set a goal to wake up in the morning and do it automatically. This will keep your mind positive and motivated throughout the day.
Also write down the things you are grateful for. That way you can go back to your journal and review all the amazing things you have. When you wake up one day and have a hard time thinking about something, turn to the book to get started

Step 7. Join a support group
If you've struggled with depression before, you know how bleak it feels every minute that passes. Joining a support group will not only keep the gloomy minutes away, it will help you find people who know what you're going through and, even better, you'll be able to help them.
To find a support group in your area, talk to your doctor, psychologist, church, or even friends. Depression is such a common problem that probably everyone knows one person who is dealing with it – if not those dealing with depression themselves

Step 8. Maintain closeness with people who love you
Without friends and family, we would all probably go a little crazy, whether prone to depression or not. Having a social network that we can rely on is a very important part of feeling safe and happy. Stay close to them for when you need them and when they need you.
When you feel like you don't want to see anyone, try to socialize at all costs. These are the times when socialization becomes very important. When we're feeling down, it's impossible to see that other people can pull us out of the veil of depression and help us feel better
Part 3 of 3: Having a Balanced Routine

Step 1. Always make time for fun
Life is now more and more like an endless race. Students have to study harder to succeed, workers have to work harder to climb the ladder of success, and the stakes are getting higher and higher. It's easy to get caught up in work and school, thinking about "should" or "should," but that's very far from the truth. We all need time to have fun or life will bring us down to grief before we know it.
Make it a goal to take a night or two of fun. Get together with friends and family. This will strengthen your relationships with those around you, and make you feel happy and secure

Step 2. Don't take on too much weight
It seems like everyone these days is trying to do multiple things at once, and to their own detriment. Instead of dividing yourself until you're thin and dizzy and pulling your hair, limit what you take on as a burden. Say no when you have to. Devoting time to just a few things will prove to be more effective, make you more productive, and breathe easier.
You may say no every now and then, even if a friend asks for help. You can't be in three places at the same time and deal with three people's problems. If you find yourself too divided, accept your body's cues and relax. That's what your body really needs

Step 3. Get into talk therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy (or talk therapy) is proven to help everyone – we all have issues and concerns to talk about and we need a wise ear that can listen. Talking to a therapist is no longer a shame – it means that you are proactive about your mental health. It doesn't mean you have a problem, it just means that you are self-aware, aware of your own mental state, and want to be the best person you can be.
- Talk therapy means talking – you talk about what you want to talk about and a therapist will guide you through the available solutions. For most people, the focus is on positive thinking and retraining the brain to form new thought patterns.
- If you're not interested in therapy (perhaps because of finances, schedule, etc.), make sure you have a friend or two to lean on during bad times. Having a shoulder to lean on when needed is invaluable. Also make sure that you will always be there for them!

Step 4. Know what makes you vulnerable
Everyone will go through frequent mood swings. If you know when you're going to be in a bad mood or feel vulnerable, you can prevent it. For some, it is hormonal. For others, it means a day of old celebration, a birthday, or a death. Accept that you will feel vulnerable during this time and surround yourself with other people, make plans, and take your mind off it until the time passes.
Being aware of the situation is the best thing you can do for yourself. Knowing what you're feeling when you're feeling it will make each emotion easier to handle and deal with the way you want it to. It will be easier to talk to other people, it will be easier to come to terms with it, and then it will be easier to let go

Step 5. If you are concerned about a relapse, do not stop your medication
If you have been prescribed medication for a previous depressive episode, do not stop it when you feel better. In fact, it is recommended that you continue taking the medication for the next 6 months to keep your body on the same routine.
Talk to your doctor. Many people are anxious to stop taking medication and everyone reacts differently. Talk to your doctor for his opinion, and follow his advice

Step 6. Undergo treatment when the first signs of relapse appear
If you start to experience anger and sadness for more than a week, consult your doctor or therapist immediately. This condition will be easiest to treat if treated early.
Remember: it doesn't matter how often you fall. The most important thing is to get back up. Don't measure success on emotional stability; all you need to do is be strong and move on
- Be supportive of those around you who may be dealing with some form of depression. By sharing these tips, you are not only helping others, but you can form a stronger bond with that person.
- Make a list of all your positive characteristics.
- Form a meditation or relaxation group at your workplace. Research shows that the greatest stress comes from work problems. Forming groups allows you to help staff refocus so everyone is more positive and less stressful in the work environment.
- Optimistic.
- Don't be discouraged if you have difficulty dealing with stress, it will only make you more stressed. If you're having trouble, talk to your doctor or a counselor who may be able to provide additional help.
- Don't overwhelm yourself by trying all of these steps at the same time. If you are unfamiliar with some activities, do it gradually. The chances of success are greater if you move at a pace that is comfortable for you.