Below are the steps for drawing a zebra. Let's get started!
Method 1 of 2: Cartoon Zebra

Step 1. Draw two circles, make one circle bigger than the other

Step 2. Connect the two circles by drawing a curved line to make the head

Step 3. Draw a larger circle followed by a smaller circle for the body

Step 4. Draw a curved line connecting the body to the head

Step 5. Draw pointed ovals for the ears and tail
Draw a curved line to connect the tail to the body.

Step 6. Draw a series of wide ovals on top of the elongated thin ovals for the legs

Step 7. Draw an irregular lumpy rectangle as a nail

Step 8. Add the face by making ovals for the eyes and nose
Draw curved lines for the eyebrows and mouth. Add two blocks under the mouth for the teeth.

Step 9. Draw striped outlines all over the zebra's body

Step 10. Draw the main body of the zebra based on the outline

Step 11. Shadow the zebra's stripes and hooves

Step 12. Erase unnecessary lines

Step 13. Color the Zebra
Method 2 of 2: Real Zebra

Step 1. Draw an oval connected to the circle as the head

Step 2. Draw two ovals on the top of the head as ears

Step 3. Draw a circle for the back body

Step 4. Draw a curved line connecting the previous circle to the head

Step 5. Draw curved lines for the mane and tail
Add a pointed oval shape to finish the tail.

Step 6. Draw a series of elongated ovals for the legs

Step 7. Draw irregular blocks under the feet as nails

Step 8. Draw stripes all over the zebra's body

Step 9. Draw the zebra's body based on the outline
Add shaded ovals for the eyes.